Musician is Reflections on Legends

Musician is Reflections on Legends
Musician is Reflections on Legends

Explanatory Dictionary, Wikipedia and logic unanimously say that a musician is someone who makes music or plays an instrument. But when it comes to guys playing rock, stereotyped words and clichés can be ignored, to put it mildly. So, let's talk about people who really did and do music. Let's remember who the real Legends of Rock are.

musician is
musician is


Musician is a calling. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine, for example, Elvis Presley as a church preacher. But this is exactly what could happen: the king grew up in a very religious family, and who knows what his fate would have been like if his parents had not given him a guitar for his birthday. Perhaps his talent would actually be hidden under the priest's robes.

Vocation does not always find a person by chance. Many famous rock musicians showed a penchant for creativity in early childhood. So, Freddie Mercury sang in the choir and performed on the stage of the school theater, and Kurt Cobain wrote the first song at the age of four. Sid Viciousbut he went the way to glory from the very bottom, but he could just give up and stop fighting and dreaming.

Be that as it may, these and many other outstanding personalities have found their calling. And because of this, they left us a unique musical legacy.

How do Legends live?

Musician is a lifestyle. But how, everyone perfectly imagines the “hard” existence of a rock musician: every day sex, drugs and rock and roll. And to all this we add more crowds of fans and just fans who follow the musicians, no matter where in the world they give a concert. But leading this life is not so easy, because the tour is constant travel and flights, life in hotels, and also full dedication on stage.

rock musicians
rock musicians

Rock is not only a lifestyle, it is also an ideology. This is a special philosophy of freedom and faith in yourself, in your dissimilarity to others. Rockers really differ from other musicians in their appearance, behavior, and attitude to life. And at the same time, even those groups that work in the same genre are completely different from each other.

Ideas and accomplishments

A musician is a fighter for an idea. Let's remember history. Rock musicians of the 60s and 70s of the last century opposed the Vietnam War. Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan advocated for peace in their songs, and John Lennon and his beloved Yoko did not hesitate to give interviews in which they openly addressed politicians with requests to stop the bloodshed.

rock musicians
rock musicians

The rockers also fought for the preservation of the environment. Let's remember the singleMarvin Gaye's Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology), a song that can rightly be considered an anthem of grief for the lost beauties of nature. Or the song Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne, which reflects his thoughts on war, politics and the environmental problems of the planet.

It's not so easy to get through to the powers that be. Of course, hostilities cannot stop just because one person, albeit a very talented one, asked for it. Nevertheless, this man did everything he could to draw society's attention to the global problem of human cruelty.

About creativity, life and freedom

A musician is a free artist. He is free to sing about what excites his heart, and do it as soon as he sees fit. Rock music is not art on order, it comes from the heart. And new musicians who gather in groups, rehearse in garages and play their songs in front of small halls, and their colleagues who have already gained fame and recognition, gathering entire huge stadiums - they all bring creativity to the world.

new musicians
new musicians

The conditions of the outside world don't really matter to them. They can write songs in an atmosphere of calm and harmony, like the brothers Malcolm and Angus Young, and in fact without a roof over their heads, like Sid Vicious. But in both cases, the best musicians receive universal recognition.

A musician can compose romantic ballads about unrequited love, or he can sing about a political situation. But in any situation, he remains true to the genre and his heart.

And finally, the most important thing

Musicians –creative personalities. They bring their own vision of the world to the masses, share their views and openly open their souls. And after getting acquainted with the work of these people, you understand that reality is not so bad. There is an impeccable beauty in this world, and in order to perceive it, one must not only look, but also listen.

best musicians
best musicians

They are known, remembered and loved, their songs are sung, their records are heard to holes. Streets are even named after them. Some of them are worshiped as idols, because they left behind a legacy of incredible significance. So let's keep it.
