2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Since J. K. Rowling published her first book, the magical world of Harry Potter and its inhabitants have been scrutinized not only by fans, but also by critics. Fans of the epic were also interested in the fate of the main characters, and minor characters who did not really affect the plot. Among these persons is the insidious director of Durmstrang - Igor Karkarov. Unfortunately, in the epic biography of this character, very little screen time is given. It is worth correcting this mistake and getting to know the hero better.
Harry Potter cycle: Igor Karkaroff (photo and biography)
Readers first encounter the character in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when he arrives at Hogwarts with his students for the Triwizard Tournament.
Throughout the novel, Harry and his comrades gradually find out the truth about who Igor Karkaroff was earlier.

About the early years of the character, almost nothing is known: neither when and where he was born, nor why he joined VoldemortMort. It is only known that he comes from Northern Europe and is a purebred wizard.
During the coming to power of the Dark Lord, Karkaroff joined the ranks of his associates, becoming a Death Eater. However, as practice has shown, this was done not for ideological reasons, but because of the desire to save one's own skin.
Being in the ranks of Voldemort's elite, Igor Karkaroff participated in the torture and murder of wizards objectionable to his master.
Karkaroff's luck ran out when he was hunted down and captured by the famous Auror Alastor Moody. Once in Azkaban, this sorcerer, in exchange for freedom, betrayed all the associates of the Dark Lord, which he knew about. Although some of the dark wizards named by him had long been arrested, thanks to Karkaroff, one of the most dexterous spies in the Ministry of Magic, Augustus Rookwood, was exposed.
Shortly after his release, Igor Karkarov is given the position of headmaster at the Durmstang Wizardry School. Rowling's books do not provide clear explanations of how the former prisoner was able to get such an important post. However, from the reviews about this educational institution, this becomes clear by itself. The Durmstrang School has always been infamous for its teachers' love of dark magic. In addition, in the northern lands where she was located, there was a very harsh climate, and the school had very little funding, so most Durmstrangians studied in terrible conditions. Among other things, Durmstrang had very strict rules for students, and intimidation was the main method of education. With this characteristic of the educational institutionit becomes clear that not every wizard wanted to teach here, especially since the profession of a teacher was not very popular in a magical environment. It should also be taken into account that Karkaroff was afraid of the revenge of other Death Eaters for his betrayal, and Durmstrang was in a secret place, which was not known to many - therefore it became an ideal refuge for the hiding magician.
Becoming a director, Igor Karkaroff only added to Durmstrang's dismal reputation. Under him, the cruelty of teachers reached its climax.
The Triwizard Tournament and the Return of the Dark Lord
During the Tournament, the director of Durmstrang tried his best to win Viktor Krum. To do this, he cheated with estimates, overestimating the points of his champion and underestimating them for the rest of the participants. In addition, he was trying to figure out the details of the tasks bypassing the rules.

Karkaroff's stay at Hogwarts was overshadowed by the presence of Moody there, who had once imprisoned him in Azkaban. In addition, the professor was unpleasant to communicate with Severus Snape. At the same time, sensing that the Death Eater's mark on his hand began to burn, Igor turned to Severus for advice, trying to understand what was happening, but he contemptuously brushed him off.
After the Dark Lord was able to regain his physical form and again began to gather an army of comrades-in-arms, Karkaroff realized that he was doomed. Therefore, he disappeared in an unknown direction and successfully hid for a year. However, in the summer of 1996, the Death Eaters were able to find him and kill him.
This character is one of the most disgusting in the book.

He is completely devoid of any sense of honor. His main principle is to survive. In obedience to him, the director of Durmstrang is ready to lie, betray, kill and create, anything.
Being a far-sighted and very resourceful person, only in moments of weakness is Karkaroff able to show his true essence - a flattering scoundrel, used to curry favor with the strong and trample the weak into the mud.
Another striking feature of this hero was a penchant for sadism. He loved to torture others. As a Death Eater, he helped to torture the enemies of the Dark Lord, and as a director, he oppressed his students. By the way, under him, Durmstrang stopped accepting Muggle-born wizards.
Igor Karkarov - actor Predrag Belac
Serbian actor Predrag Bjelac played this unpleasant character on screen.

Starting his career back in the mid-eighties, this artist was able to break into American cinema only in the first decade of the 2000s.
His first major achievement was participation in the television series "Children of Dune", after which he played an Italian tourist in the film "Eurotrip".
In 2005, Predrag Belac appeared on screen as a character named Igor Karkarov. The actor (his biography before this role was of little interest to anyone) instantly became famous all over the world. This was followed by roles in The Omen and The Chronicles of Narnia. After that, Belac's career wenton the wane. Today he is filming, but not so often and in not very famous projects.
Fun Facts
- The book does not exactly state the nationality of the Director of Durmstrang, but many consider him Russian because of the name Igor and the suffix "ov" characteristic of surnames of Slavic origin.
- By the way, another theory of the origin of the name of this hero is also possible. Since the creator of Harry Potter is very respectful of Tolkien's work, many believe that she named Karkaroff after the werewolf from The Silmarillion.
- In the film, Igor Karkarov is a brown-eyed brunette who often uses dark colors in clothes. But in the book, he has blue eyes and dresses in light colors, preferring white and silver.
- The film shows only one court session, in which the director of Durmstrang betrayed Barty Crouch Jr. In the original work, this character was present at 3 trials, at one of which he testified against Belatrix Lestrange and her brothers.
Despite the fact that Igor Karkarov causes only contempt among readers, it is worth noting that JK Rowling in his person managed to demonstrate his ability to create various characters. So, Karkaroff is unlike anyone else from the world of Harry Potter, being unique and proving once again that in the Rowling books every character and character is carefully thought out.
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