How to draw a scarlet flower: step by step drawing lesson

How to draw a scarlet flower: step by step drawing lesson
How to draw a scarlet flower: step by step drawing lesson

From childhood, everyone is brought up on stories and fairy tales, because from them you can draw such qualities as kindness, love, respect, compassion and much more. It is these character traits that are collected in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" by Sergei Aksakov.

Everyone in childhood worried about the kind and honest youngest daughter and condemned the selfish, greedy older daughters. Read this story to your child and try to illustrate it. And the instruction on how to draw a scarlet flower will help you do it without any problems.

First stage

Starting work on a drawing, you need to find a composition, that is, you should decide on the size of the bud and identify the location of the future picture on a sheet of paper. Before applying the image, light, almost imperceptible lines mark the position of the stem and bud. In this case, the petals should be located proportionally. The image is placed in the center so that it does not "stick" to one of the edges.

How to draw a scarlet flower
How to draw a scarlet flower

Second stage

Thinking about how to draw a scarlet flower in stages, first of all, you should decide on the features of the future drawing. At the second stage, the main principle is the image of the subject from the general to the particular. First you need to draw large shapes, and then the details. When doing work, you need to keep the whole flower in mind, and not just a separate part of it, which is being worked on.

How to draw a scarlet flower step by step
How to draw a scarlet flower step by step

Third stage

At the final stage, the main attention is paid to the detailed drawing of all the details. It is important to determine the ratio of tones between illuminated and dark areas. First you need to apply a shadow with light strokes, and then apply halftones, starting from the saturation of the shades.

To convey all the tones correctly, you need to digress from individual details and look at the picture in general. This technique is called integral vision. This is how you can see which parts of the flower are illuminated more brightly. The part of the bud that is in shadow should not be as contrasted, as the details will look a little blurry.

How to draw a scarlet flower from a fairy tale
How to draw a scarlet flower from a fairy tale

How to draw a scarlet flower. Shutting down

Before you draw a scarlet flower from a fairy tale completely, you need to pay attention to the fact that the light, all shadows and partial shadows are placed in the shape of the picture. They should emphasize the volume of the structure, it can be distinguished using the direction and saturation of the strokes. Even at the very beginningit is necessary to take into account the ratio of all shades. Shadows should be stroked with full pencil power.

All these points are important if you really think about how to draw a scarlet flower correctly. In place of the highlights, untouched white paper is left, the penumbras are located on the border between the highlight and the shadow. To make the picture more expressive, you can use the right background. It is he who will help create a special flavor of the picture.

During the work it is not necessary to sketch the entire background with strokes. The image can be submitted without surrounding objects or any environment. In this case, you just need to color the drawing that will surround the white paper.

It's great when a child goes to a drawing circle. There he can be taught how to draw a scarlet flower, animals, fruits and other objects. But if the kid does not attend such lessons, then adults should think about how to help their child. You should pay your attention to step-by-step drawing lessons, thanks to them you can depict anything you like, the main thing is to follow step by step. It is these activities that will help the kid learn drawing lessons and create masterpieces in the future.
