Actress Fahriye Evgen: biography, filmography, photo

Actress Fahriye Evgen: biography, filmography, photo
Actress Fahriye Evgen: biography, filmography, photo

Fahriye Evgen is a young actress who owes her star status to the TV series "Korolok - a singing bird", in which she got the role of Feride. Journalists dubbed the beauty "Turkish Monica Bellucci" because of her resemblance to the famous Italian. Fahriye is currently included in the list of the 10 most beautiful film stars in Turkey. What is known about her?

Fahriye Evgen: biography of a star

Future Feride was born in June 1986 in the family of a Turk and a Circassian. The German city of Solingen became her native place, where her family emigrated long before the girl's birth. Fahriye Evgen is the youngest child of her parents and has three older sisters. The first years of the life of the future actress were overshadowed by anti-Turkish unrest that hit her hometown as well. The girl was forced to hide with her family for a long time, she learned what hunger is.

fahriye evgen
fahriye evgen

However, Fahriye Evcen prefers to share joyful memories of his childhood. The girl learned to read early,"swallowed" all the books that were in the family library. Growing up, the future movie star became interested in subjects such as psychology and philosophy. She also liked to study foreign languages, in addition to German, Fahriye is fluent in Turkish and English.

First successes

"Turkish Monica Bellucci" was not going to become an actress at all, although it was precisely this fate that those around her promised her, noting Fahriye's outstanding external data. She got her first role by accident when, at the age of 19, she was vacationing with her mother in Istanbul. The director's assistant invited her to star in several episodes of the television project Never Forget. Out of curiosity, Fahriye Evcen agreed, not expecting that she would enjoy being on the set so much.

love is like you fahriye evgen
love is like you fahriye evgen

“The Goal of My Life”, “Longing”, “Heaven” - pictures in which the future Feride was also noted, but they did not help her attract the attention of viewers and journalists. The first real success for Evgen was the role of Nejla, which she received in 2006 in the show Falling Leaves. The family saga, which tells about the life of a huge Turkish family that moved to the capital from a small town, was filmed for 4 years.

Best roles

Of course, Fahriye Evcen is not only filmed in serials, films with her participation are also worthy of the attention of the audience. For example, the melodrama Señora Enrica, which tells about the misadventures of a guy from Turkey who became a student at an Italian university, won positive reviews from critics. A young man rents a room from Señora Enrique,who is prejudiced against all males due to a painful break with her husband. Evgen played Enrique in her youth.

fahriye evgen movies
fahriye evgen movies

The television project "False Spring", presented to the audience in 2011, in which the "Turkish Monica Bellucci" also got a role, also gained popularity. Her heroine was the girl Zeynep, who manages to combine doing business with taking care of her husband and children. However, the wife, mother and business woman have a terrible secret that she decides to share one day.

"You are my home" is a film project in which the Turkish movie star embodied the image of a girl named Leyla. Her heroine breaks up with her husband, in connection with which she is forced to live in the same house with her father, with whom she could never find a common language. It is also worth watching the series "Farewell" with the participation of Fahriye, which tells about the life of the Minister of Finance, who takes his post at a difficult time.

Korolok - songbird

"Korolek - a singing bird" is the most famous TV project of all in which Fahriye Evgen managed to star. The filmography of the "Turkish Monica Bellucci" acquired this TV project in 2014. The series was closed earlier than the creators originally planned, but the performance of the performer of the role of Feride caused positive feedback from critics and viewers.

In "Korolka" the actress for the first time appears before the audience in the image of a frivolous girl-child, suffering from love for her cousin. However, gradually Fahriye shows the maturation of her heroine, it is very interesting to watch this.

New series

In 2015In 2008, viewers got the opportunity to meet their favorite actress again thanks to the drama Love Is Like You. Fakhriye Evcen met again on the set with Burak Ozcivit, with whom she starred in "The King". The protagonist of the picture is a young attractive guy Ali, who lives in a small seaside town. The life of a young angler changes after meeting a charming stranger who has recently arrived in the city. Of course, Fahriye got the role of a stranger.

fakhriye evgen filmography
fakhriye evgen filmography

It is interesting that Evgen and Ozcivit, who have already played a couple in love twice, meet in real life. The fact that they are connected by a romantic relationship, the lovers officially admitted after the release of the drama "Love is like you." However, they began to gossip about their romance even during the filming of "The King", despite the fact that Burak was dating another girl at that time.

These are the most interesting facts about the life of Turkish movie star Fahriye Evcen. Photos of the young actress can be seen in the article.
