Let's see what romance is

Let's see what romance is
Let's see what romance is

There are many genres, forms and varieties of vocal and instrumental pieces in music. Only a professional in this field is obliged to know the features of each musical element, however, it is desirable for everyone to understand what the most common of them are. Therefore, in this article we will consider what romance is, how long ago it was born and in what area of \u200b\u200bcreativity it can be found.

what is romance
what is romance

Origin of the term

The word "romance" itself has Spanish roots and means a song performed by a voice accompanied by one or more instruments. In this country in the past centuries, this genre was more like serenades that men in love sang under the windows of their beloved. In the Middle Ages, when the romance had just settled in the world of art as an independent genre, it had a pronounced national character. The text was drawn out, its meaning concerned exclusively love topics. It was also characteristic that plays of such contentwere performed only to the national Spanish instrument - the guitar.

Russian romances
Russian romances

What is romance in terms of music

It is believed that this vocal-instrumental genre is the most harmonious among all its analogues. This is due to the fact that in a romance every word, every syllable sung is underlined by the corresponding note. That is why a professional musician can immediately distinguish whether a simple melody sounds or whether it is a romance. Words are usually placed above the musical text, and as a result they can be sung or played on some instrument, and then both processes can be combined.

What is romance in the broad sense of the word

These works received their wide popularity in the second half of the 18th century, and by the 19th century whole schools of romances had already formed. It happened so because, firstly, just the end of the 18th century is the Golden period in Russian literature, and no less significant period of time in the history of the development of European art. In those years, such authors as Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe, Fet and many others wrote their masterpieces. Their poems were so melodic that they became the text for musical works.

romance words
romance words

Secondly, the romance gradually ceased to be considered an exclusively Spanish love song and acquired a wider, secular meaning. Russian romances appeared, written by such composers as Sviridov, Mussorgsky, Varlamov and so on. Along with them, German, French, Italian vocal and instrumental pieces arose, whichperformed at social events and receptions.

Modern romances

It's rare these days to hear such a tune at any event, and even performed by a talented singer (or singer). However, every child who studies at a music school knows perfectly well what romance is. Children who are gifted by nature with a beautiful voice and can perform in front of the public always perform such works. As a rule, they have to choose from the classics, so students sing compositions written by Prokofiev, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, based on poems by no less famous geniuses of the pen.
