Actor Michael Dudikoff: roles, films, biography, photos

Actor Michael Dudikoff: roles, films, biography, photos
Actor Michael Dudikoff: roles, films, biography, photos

The peak of fame for American actor Michael Dudikoff came in 1980 and 1990. Moreover, in Russia they loved him, knew him, followed his work and were interested in his fate no less, and perhaps even more, than in his homeland. And this fact has a completely logical explanation: the actor has Russian roots. If for Americans Michael Dudikoff was one of many Hollywood stars, and far from the first magnitude, then for most Russians who are interested in cinema, he was simply number 1!

Now the actor rarely acts in films and appears in public. It's not as popular anymore as it used to be. Which is also not surprising: after all, Dudikoff is far from being young, and even those genres in which he shone are perceived with coolness by the modern audience. However, this article is intended to pay tribute to the remarkable actor, whom many in Russia still refer to as "our man in Hollywood".

General information

Michael Dudikoff is a film actor. US citizen. The track record of a native of the Californian town of Redond Beach has 58 roles in cinema. For the first time he got into the frame in 1978, when he played the role of Jason in the multi-part project "Happy Days". In 2018, he played a superboss in the feature film Fury of the Fist.

frame with michael dudikoff
frame with michael dudikoff

Movies and genres

The actor starred in such popular projects as "North and South 2", "Bachelor Party", "Cobra", "Tron". Chuck played in the feature film for television "The Best Girl in the World", which addresses the problems of people with anorexia.

Films with Michael Dudikoff belong to the following movie genres:

  • Action: "On Fire", "Free Strike", "Running Target". "Navy Seals vs Zombies", "Air America", "Revenge Force", "Suppressor", "Extraordinary Courage", "Code of Power", "Manhunters", "Cyberjack".
  • Military: "Live Shield", "Platoon Leader".
  • Story: "North and South 2".
  • Crime: "Musketeers Forever", "Black Ball".
  • Music: "Radioactive Dreams".
  • Family: Happy Days.
  • Thriller: Quicksand, Bloody Birthday, Black Bolt, Running Target, Ordered to Destroy,"Self Defense", "The Woman Who Sinned".
  • Western: "Shooter".
  • Drama: "American Ninja 2: Fight", "I Must Do Movies", "Dallas", "Making Love".
  • Comedy: Anchorman, The Hangover, Give Me a Break.
  • Adventure: "River of Death", "Caught in Space".
  • Horror: Night Traveler.
from the filming of the film with michael dudikoff
from the filming of the film with michael dudikoff


Despite the fact that Michael Dudikoff, whose filmography is presented above, does not have much in his career of big projects, he happened to work with such famous actors as Mel Gibson, Jeff Bridges, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Hanks, Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Stephen Dorff, Danny Trejo and more

The American actor starred with directors Aaron Norris, Albert Pyun, Harold Becker, Robert Lee, Louis Monroe, Jerry Paris, Arthur Hiller, Sam Furstenberg and others.


Michael Dudikoff was born on October 8, 1954 in Redondo Beach, California. His grandparents came to the US from Russia. The father of the future actor was a military man, his mother was a musician. In the family, in addition to Michael, four more children grew up. He attended Dudikoff at Western High School. Later, he entered Harbor College to study child psychology.

actor michael dudikoff
actor michael dudikoff

Sport has always been present in the life of Michael Dudikoff - photos confirm this. From a young ageFor years he was engaged in bodybuilding, more than once he won various competitions. On one of them, he was seen by managers of a company that produces men's clothing. They invited the young man to advertise their products. Michael agreed and after that he worked in the modeling business for a rather long period of time. Michael Dudikoff, whose work had to constantly fly between Europe and America, then represented such well-known brands as Calvin Klein and GQ. Prior to that, he worked as a waiter and teacher.

In 1978, young actor and fashion model Michael Dudikoff, who by that time had already starred in commercials for Coca-Cola and Stidex, appeared in the television project "Dallas" and in the situation comedy "Happy Days". Shortly thereafter, the president of Paramount Studio, admiring the talent of the actor, signed a long-term contract with him.

The actor has been married since 2004. Michael Dudikoff's wife's name is Bella. The family has three children.

Big roles and new works

In 1983, actor Michael Dudikoff played Huckleberry Finn in the Sawyer and Finn project directed by Peter Hunt. A year later, he portrayed one of the friends of the hero Tom Hansk in the comedy The Hangover.

scene from the film with michael dudikoff
scene from the film with michael dudikoff

In 1985, the actor agreed to the proposal to star in the film "American Ninja". The producers of the film company The Cannon Group, who were involved in the production of this project, invited him to the main role after he turned it down. Hollywood star Chuck Norris. The film "American Ninja" with a budget of $ 1 million earned ten times the amount at the box office. This project brought huge profits to the creators, and fame to Michael Dudikoff.

In 2015, the actor played a supporting role in the project "Navy Seals vs Zombies". In 2018, the film "Rage" was released, in which he is recognizable as the main antagonist.
