Tim Sobakin: biography and creativity

Tim Sobakin: biography and creativity
Tim Sobakin: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Tim Sobakin is. The biography of the famous writer will be discussed further. The future writer was born in 1958, on January 2, in Zhovti Vody (Ukraine). He is the author of poems and prose for children. Real name - Andrey Ivanov.

Tim Sobakin: biography

Tim Sobakin
Tim Sobakin

Let's briefly talk about the life path of a talented person. The future writer graduated from the Engineering Physics Institute in Moscow in 1981 and worked as a programmer. In 1985 he changed his profession and became a journalist. In 1987 he received another education - he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Since 1988 he has been exclusively engaged in literary activity. She writes stories and poems for children. Published in various magazines: "October", "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Funny Pictures". From 1990 to 1995, he served as the editor-in-chief of a children's magazine called "Tram". After that, he worked in publications: "Sinbad", "Filya", "Pile is small" and "Kolobok". Author of a number of books that were published by large publishing houses: Bustard, Children's Literature and others.


tim sobkin biography
tim sobkin biography

Tim Sobakin in 1990 publishes the work "Everything is the opposite". In 1991, "From Correspondence with the Cow" was published. In 1995, the publishing house "Children's Literature" published "The Dog That Was a Cat". In 1998, "Without a shoe" was released. The Drofa publishing house publishes the work "The Game of Birds" in 2000. Then the "Songs of the Behemoth" appear. In 2011, the work “Music. Lioness. River.”

From correspondence with the Cow

tim sobkin biography and creativity
tim sobkin biography and creativity

This work was created by Tim Sobakin as a humorous correspondence between a city dweller and Nyura the cow. He shares his thoughts with her, tells that he works as a tram driver. She writes about village life. He tells how he gives milk to his native country and grazes. In this friendly, relaxed conversation, the play of the writer's mind and sense of humor were revealed with brightness. Zinaida Surova designed the book in a manner close and well understood by a child. As a result, a wonderful example of complete mutual understanding of the artist and the poet emerged. The book has become a real gift for children and adults.

Music. Lioness. River

Tim Sobakin presented in this book, intended for the whole family, poems of various genres and rhythms. There is both free breeze and a classical sonnet. All poems are distinguished by excellent word play, paradoxical meaning and good irony. The reader will find here stories about heaven and love, about the cares of people and animals, about eternity and the universe. Almost a third of the poems have not been previouslypublished.

More stories

tim sobkin biography briefly
tim sobkin biography briefly

Conducting "Everything is the opposite" will appeal to preschool children. It can be called a forest fairy tale. The book is complemented by beautiful color illustrations by N. Knyazkova, which are reminiscent of Z. Miller's style. The story begins in a quiet forest. Two hedgehogs are looking for mushrooms in the grass. The first is called Fufums, and the second is Khlops. One of them is thoughtful. He is interested in what mushrooms are made of, why it is dark at night, where the wind blows from. But Khlops does not like to think. He is a carefree hedgehog. He walks merrily, sings a song about a green cone, watches how a cloud in the sky turns into a fox from a hare. He got carried away, stumbled, flew somersault. But the earth did not fall, because it began to rise to heaven. In order not to fly away completely, he wants to grab onto something. Holding on tightly to a branch. Fufooms the hedgehog soon appears under a tree. He sees an overturned basket and starts looking for Khlops. Hears a voice from above. He raises his head and sees a completely unfamiliar little animal. She stands on a branch with her hind legs up. An animal without needles, but it has a tail and long ears. Fufooms is trying to figure out who it is.

The fairy tale "The dog that was a cat" combines a philosophical view of the world with a virtuoso play on words and subtle irony. The book is complemented by magnificent illustrations by Alexander Grashin. The book "Bird Game" contains fairy tales of a father and his little daughter. They take turns sharing their stories. "Songs of the hippopotamus" is a playful fun book. Its heroes are hippos, telling stories from their lives. In addition, theysolve crossword puzzles and sing. "No Shoe" is an ironic and curious poem also written by Tim Sobakin. This work tells about a short stature, a passerby who walks down the street. However, he only has one shoe. A sock is put on the second leg. Oncoming people suspect that in front of them is a passer-by who thought too deeply about scientific questions and therefore forgot to put on his shoe. The passer-by soon loses his temper as his sock gets wet. The reader learns that before him is Semyon Semenych, who is a local noble teacher. At home, a heated battle broke out that day. It's all about a quarrel between two shoes that quarreled without dividing a shoe brush between them. They decide to live apart. The owner failed to reconcile them. He only had to wear one shoe.

Now you know who Tim Sobakin is. The biography and work of the writer were reviewed by us in great detail.
