Samantha Ronson: biography and creativity

Samantha Ronson: biography and creativity
Samantha Ronson: biography and creativity

London-born Samantha Ronson, a well-known professional American singer and DJ, has been popular for years. Samantha began her career in the musical field surprisingly not with pop music, which is her main genre (it is developing in it at the moment), but with rap.


samantha ronson
samantha ronson

At the age of 16, our heroine joined the rap team Law Lifes. Samantha Ronson, with her boyish style, was just the right fit for such a get-together, but she soon chose a different path. She became interested in dance music. Samantha Ronson plunges headlong into pop culture, recording new tracks and the 4-song album Red. Some of her most interesting and popular works are If It's Gonna Rain, Pull My Hair Out, Fool and also released in 2013 the composition Summer of Sam with Vile, for which a video was shot. In 2000, Judith tries herself in a new field - television. She takes part in the live broadcast of the New Year on the popular MTV channel. Then he tries a few more times to gain a foothold on TV, but in vain. HerI have to go back to my mainstream - music.

Samantha Ronson: personal life

samantha ronson photo
samantha ronson photo

The peak of Samantha's popularity falls on 2008. All the yellow press begins to publish article after article, talking about the girl's personal life. She meets the equally famous, successful actress, singer and fashion designer Lindsay Lohan. After some time, LiLo and Samantha Ronson realize that they are attracted to each other. Without hesitation, they talk about their love and serious intentions to the whole world. Lovers boldly spoke about their sexual orientation. The paparazzi closely followed the development of their love relationship. Joint photos of Samantha Ronson and Lee Lohan began to appear in the media, in which the girls looked happy and carefree. In 2008, they announce their engagement and in September of the same year they get engaged. Celebrity fans who already fell in love with this couple and believed that an idyll reigned in their house did not even realize that problems had descended on this family as well. During their romance, which was truly stormy, the girls parted, trying to forget themselves with intrigues, and converged again many times, throwing parties. After their romance expired, Lindsey stated that she had been madly in love with her ex for all three years, even if their romance was "poisonous."


samantha ronson personal life
samantha ronson personal life

After the end of their relationship, the DJ moved to New York and plunged into her old job. She spent nights at the console and began to record songs. At the same time, the girl becomes the owner of the New Yorkclub The Plumm. But the "city of contrasts" does not impress the singer, and she wants to leave for Los Angeles. She decides to stay there for a long time. Her schedule is replenished with orders for performances and themed evenings. At the same time, she begins to travel around the cities of America, constantly posting photos of her vacation on the Internet, and gets herself a dog. At the moment, our heroine lives in Los Angeles, working on her projects. Now you know who Samantha Ronson is. A photo of the singer is attached to this material. They prove that we have a very extraordinary personality.
