Actress Natalya Bogunova: biography, personal life, films

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Actress Natalya Bogunova: biography, personal life, films
Actress Natalya Bogunova: biography, personal life, films

Video: Actress Natalya Bogunova: biography, personal life, films

Video: Actress Natalya Bogunova: biography, personal life, films
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The talented Soviet actress Natalya Bogunova was born on April 8, 1948 in Leningrad and died on August 9, 2013 in Crete. Popularity brought her role in the film "Big Break", where she played an exemplary teacher of Russian language and literature and the wife of a real robber.

natalia bogunova
natalia bogunova

How was the life of this talented actress? What other films did Natalya star in? All these questions can be answered in the article.

Natalya Bogunova: biography

From the age of nine, Natalia was fond of ballet and even attended a ballet school, where she studied with a strict teacher and performed all his tasks. After that, the girl's dream came true - she entered the choreographic school. But she was not destined to dance all her life. At the school, Igor Talankin pays attention to her, who invites her to act in films. At first, Natalya did not agree for a long time, but the director managed to persuade her. The first role of Natalia Bogunova was in the film "Introduction". The girl at that time was only 14 years old. Together with her colleagues on the stage, the young actress plunges into the actinglife and she loves it. Bogunova Natalia is an actress, as they say, from God. Apparently, this was written to her by fate, since everything happened so unexpectedly.

Bogunova Natalia actress
Bogunova Natalia actress

During the filming, the girl forgot about her first talent a little, but hard training allowed her to return to her former shape. The girl still hoped that she would become a dancer, not an actress. But life took a different turn. Now Natalia Bogunova is an actress, and a very talented and successful one at that.

Soon, due to hard work in the theater, the girl had to leave school. Later, she graduated from VGIK and became an actress of the Mossovet Theater, where she worked for 17 years. She liked everything here: colleagues, teachers, and the atmosphere itself, which prompted action.

In 1987, the actress stopped working in the theater, and since the 90s, she generally abandoned the stage and stopped acting in films.

Natalya Bogunova: personal life

Not much is known about this side of the artist's life. Was Natalya Bogunova married? The personal life of the actress was not the best. In her second year, the girl marries director Alexander Stefanovich, who was also a student at VGIK. The age difference was only three years. They had a gorgeous wedding: Natalya - in a white dress donated by a friend, Alexander - in a suit. Natasha's mother adorned the dress with pearls, and the bride looked attractive. Everyone dreamed of how many grandiose scenes the newlyweds would shoot together. But not fate … Life turned out a little differently, and Natalya did not play a single role with Alexander. After seven yearsmarriage, their union broke up.

natalia bogunova personal life
natalia bogunova personal life

Later, Alexander Stefanovich admitted that he and Natalya lived not for seven, but only for three years. The director explains the short union by the fact that the lovers lived in different cities, but does not deny that they had warm feelings for each other.

Natalia had no children, since it is almost impossible to combine life on stage and family. When the girl had to leave for a couple of days, she was threatened with dismissal at the theater, since no one could replace her on stage.

N. Bogunova and her glory

Natalia has always admired ballerina girls. She wanted to connect her life with it. She even had to play the role of a ballerina in a movie - that is, all her efforts were not in vain. But, alas, her dreams never came true. Since childhood, Natalia was familiar with what it is to work on yourself. She was an independent and diligent child.

Natalya Bogunova was able to become an outstanding actress. Her portrait hangs in Leningrad with the caption "The best people of the city." Photos of the actress can also be seen on Nevsky Prospekt. The girl was able to glorify her city and her parents.

The only true friend of Bogunova was her mother, after whose death Natalya withdrew into herself, because she lost the closest person. She never needed money and regularly went on vacation abroad.

N. Bogunova: Filmography

Natalya's huge popularity was brought by the film "The Big Change", where she played a Russian beauty and a favorite of the public. Before becoming a teacher, girlI read the script and chose the role of Svetlana myself, because I wanted everyone to love her. It seemed that after this film, Natalia had a great future in her career, but, alas … This turned out to be the only successful role of the actress.

natalia bogunova biography
natalia bogunova biography

The films of Natalia Bogunova:

  • "Goodbye boys."
  • Grand Pa.
  • "Boy and girl".
  • Wave Runner.
  • "Smart things".
  • "What a smile you have."
  • "Evening Tale".
  • "Big change".
  • "I do not guarantee personal safety."
  • "Running on the Sunny Side" - the last role played in 1992.

Goodbye boys

One of Bogunova's favorite films was Goodbye Boys. Natalya remembers how hard it was for her to work with people who were four years older than her. But later she got used to the guys. Although Natalya looked and thought older than her years, her stage colleagues were not interested in her, since she could already be called an actress, while everyone else needed to be taught some tricks.

The film was filmed for six months at sea. During this time, Natalia recovered greatly and later was unable to lose weight. But that didn't detract from her attractiveness. However, for this reason, Natalia had to give up ballet.

Calm in career

The media repeatedly leaked information that Natalya Bogunova became uninteresting to the public, and therefore the directors forgot about her. But actually it is not. There were also rumors that the actress was in poverty, but this turned out to be just fiction. The girl voluntarily lived with her mother and led a modest life. She was not friends with her neighbors - they constantly condemned and slandered her.

Cause of death of Natalia Bogunova
Cause of death of Natalia Bogunova

It is also known that the actress was suspended due to mental illness, which led her to the hospital. However, this fact has not been confirmed. Repeatedly, the actress was invited to TV shows, but she took part in only one of them. Natalya explained her refusal by the fact that she looks bad. Although, in fact, Bogunova took care of herself - perhaps she simply did not want to show herself to the public.

Last years of life

In the last years of her life, Natalya tried to return to the profession in order to somehow provide for herself. She began teaching acting lessons to children, reciting poetry.

Recently, the actress made many plans, she wanted to give concerts, but, unfortunately, her dreams did not come true. Natalia constantly monitored her he alth, visited swimming pools, prayed and went to temples.

Death of an actress

The death of Natalia Bogunova came unexpectedly, during her vacation on the island of Crete. The hotel workers noticed that the woman was not feeling well, decided to help and called an ambulance. From the hotel, the actress was taken to the hospital, where she died.

What is the cause of death of Natalia Bogunova? According to official figures, death was due to myocardial infarction. According to doctors, a sharp change in climate could provoke such a condition. The death of the artist was a real tragedy for hercolleagues and fans.

films of natalia bogunova
films of natalia bogunova

Natalya's body was brought to Moscow. Only my sister and colleagues attended the funeral. The funeral of the actress was on August 21, 2013. They were financed by the Union of Cinematographers. Natalya Bogunova was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

This extraordinary woman had to live such a difficult life. She will forever remain in the memory of her fans.
