Sergey Baruzdin: biography of a children's writer

Sergey Baruzdin: biography of a children's writer
Sergey Baruzdin: biography of a children's writer

Once upon a time there was a dad, Very kind, Only came late

And wore work home.

He made his mother angry with this.

These lines belong to the Soviet writer and poet Sergei Baruzdin. Simple and artless, but at the same time warm as summer rain, they remain in our memory for a long time.

Creativity of Sergey Baruzdin

The writer lived and worked at a time when literature was under the close supervision of censorship. All published works were supposed to glorify Soviet power. Few of the writers managed to create a work that was not politicized, but Sergey Baruzdin did it.

sergey baruzdin
sergey baruzdin

All his work illuminates the warm light of humanity and love for people. He did not read morality and sermons, he showed with his work and his life how to live, so that it would be good not only for himself, but for all the people around. He was called a true friend of children.

Throughout his life, the writer has written more than 200 books for children and adults. The total circulation of his works is about 100 million copies. Books were published in about 70 languages of the world. His work has been highly acclaimedNadezhda Krupskaya and Lev Kassil, Konstantin Simonov and Maria Prilezhaeva.

Sergey Baruzdin: biography

He was born in Moscow in 1926. Dad wrote poetry and taught his son to love poetry too. Everything turned out very well: his works were published in the school wall newspaper, and then in the Pioneer magazine and the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya drew attention to the young talent and sent him to the literary studio of the House of Pioneers.

New acquaintances with interesting people, doing what you love - life was easy and wonderful, but everything changed, and the familiar world collapsed in a few hours when the Great Patriotic War began. A few months later, his father died. Grief and death quickly burst into the world of fantasy and dreams of the young poet.

sergey baruzdin biography
sergey baruzdin biography

Sergey was only 14 years old, and he rushed to the front, but for obvious reasons they did not take him there. A year after the start of the war, attributing to himself a couple of years, he already fought in artillery reconnaissance, participated in the defense of Moscow, took Berlin and liberated Prague. He was awarded orders and medals. More expensive than all other awards was the medal "For the Defense of Moscow".

After the war, he entered the Gorky Literary Institute. After graduating, he was the editor of the Pioneer and Friendship of Peoples magazines. He worked on the board of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Sergei Baruzdin died on March 4, 1991.

Magazine "Friendship of Peoples"

At the age of 39, Baruzdin became the editor of not the most popular publication in the Soviet Union. The magazines that were read were "New World","October", "Banner". "Friendship of Peoples" was called "the mass grave of fraternal literature", and this publication was absolutely not in demand.

But thanks to Sergei Baruzdin, K. Simonov, Yu. Trifonov, V. Bykov, A. Rybakov and other not only well-known, but also unknown authors began to be published in it. Many national writers and poets became popular only after publications in the Friendship of Peoples. Baruzdin always had problems with censorship, but he knew how to defend writers and defend his position.

sergey baruzdin books
sergey baruzdin books

After the release of the journal, all the authors who were published in this issue, he wrote letters of gratitude for their work. Moreover, the size of the publication did not matter: from a novel to a small note.

Baruzdin was able to make "Friendship of Peoples" one of the most loved and read in the Soviet Union. The truth, however bitter it may be, has become one of the features that distinguish the magazine. Its pages perfectly combined Russian and translated literature.

Sergei Baruzdin: books

The war had a great influence on the formation of the writer's personality. He went to the front as a boy, but came as a soldier who had seen a lot. At first he wrote about the war. These were stories, but the writer did not describe horrors, but funny stories that happened at the front with him and his comrades.

In 1951, the author wrote a book that is one of his calling cards. This is a trilogy about a girl Svetlana. At the beginning of the book, she is three years old, the girl is just getting acquainted with the huge world that surrounds her. In shortstories describe incidents from her life. Simply and clearly, Baruzdin teaches the reader important things: responsibility for a perfect deed, respect for elders, helping the elderly and much more.

Almost fifteen years after the war, he wrote an autobiographical novel, Revisiting the Past. The book covers a large time period: peacetime, the years of confrontation and the post-war period. Baruzdin wrote about how hard it was for yesterday's schoolchildren and schoolgirls in the war, and how early home boys and girls became warriors who defended their homeland. Truthfulness and sincerity are the hallmarks of this book. At first it was written for an adult reader, and later it was remade for children by Sergey Baruzdin.

sergey baruzdin writer
sergey baruzdin writer

Poems and prose, as well as journalism, were written by this author. He has many books for children, in which he introduces them to the history of our homeland: “A soldier was walking along the street” and “The country where we live.” Also, books about the Great Patriotic War were published: “Tonya from Semenovka” and “Her name is Elka”. There were also works about animals: "Ravi and Shashi" and "How Snowball got to India." In addition, a collection of literary essays called "People and Books" should be noted.

The work of E. Asadov, A. Barto, L. Voronkova, L. Kassil, M. Isakovsky and many other Soviet writers and poets becomes closer and more understandable after reading essays about their lives written by Sergei Baruzdin.


  • Never distort the existing reality.
  • Good must triumph.
  • Do not use complex sentences in works - everything should be written in simple language, understandable even to the smallest reader.
  • Duty, justice, internationalism.
  • To awaken the best and most humane feelings in your readers.


Many admirers of Baruzdin's work say that his works are very kind and easy to read. Moreover, they are interesting not only for children, but also for adults. For some, it reminds of a carefree childhood, for others it is interesting to learn about how their distant peers lived.

Poems and stories, stories and novels not only for children but also for adults were written by Sergei Baruzdin. The books of this amazing writer are interesting today. Poems are of great interest to children. The most famous of them are: “Tick and Tock”, “Who is studying today”, “My grandfather”, “Step by step”, “Log” and many others.

sergey baruzdin poems
sergey baruzdin poems

It should be noted that the works of this amazing writer are interesting even today. It is not so easy to tell a child about the main things in life, without teaching and moralizing, not every writer is given. This is a real gift, and it was fully possessed by Sergei Baruzdin, a writer for whom the most important thing was responsibility to the younger generation.
