Igor Saveliev: biography and creativity

Igor Saveliev: biography and creativity
Igor Saveliev: biography and creativity

Modern Russian literature is represented by many talented authors. Some of them publish their works in printed form - both in collections and in separate books, and someone is limited to Internet resources, as well as specially created personal blogs and websites. Each of the authors finds their readers and receives feedback and criticism.

The most famous modern writers, whose works should be familiar to every lover of literature, are Sergey Shargunov, Alexander Snegirev, Alisa Ganieva, Vasily Sigarev and others. Igor Savelyev can also be attributed to them. The authorship of this prose writer belongs to 5 stories, as well as many articles.

igor saveliev
igor saveliev


Igor Saveliev was born on July 1, 1983 in the city of Ufa, which is located in Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan.

After school, the future writer entered the local Bashkir State University at the Faculty of Philology, graduating in 2005. Then Savelyev decided to enter the graduate school of the Department of Russian Literature and Folklore, and in 2008 received a degree.

Aftergraduating from BashSU, Igor Savelyev worked as a journalist in various newspapers. His first works and critical articles began to be published in journals starting in 1999. In 2014, Saveliev was admitted to the Writers' Union of Bashkortostan, and later to the Moscow Writers' Union.


Igor Savelyev's debut book titled "Tip of the Iceberg" was published in 2005 by the Generation publishing house. It was a collection that, in addition to Saveliev's story "The Pale City", included works by two more authors: Sasha Grishchenko and Stanislav Benetsky.

The heroes of the "Pale City" are young informal people who hitchhike. The author says that despite the fact that “the words here are American”, this work is about the Russian road and Russian longing.

igor saveliev books
igor saveliev books

Another story by Savelyev that deserves the attention of readers is Tereshkova flies to Mars. Like Tereshkova, who always dreamed of flying to Mars, the hero of this work also dreams of something that seems more and more unrealizable every year: to be with her beloved girl and do what she loves. The hero is actually naively protesting against the cynical "adult world". Can he win?

Prizes and awards

Savelyev's first published work was successful: with "Pale City" he was shortlisted for the Debut Prize and the Belkin Prize, and, in addition, the longlist for the Yasnaya Polyana Prize.

In 2008, the writer became the finalist of the "Debut" for the play "Port Wine, Cobain and Tied Hands" and the winner of the awardmagazine "Ural" for his critical articles. In 2013, Igor Savelyev was awarded the Babich State Republican Prize.
