"Greek fig tree": the forbidden fruit is known to be sweet

"Greek fig tree": the forbidden fruit is known to be sweet
"Greek fig tree": the forbidden fruit is known to be sweet

For me, who knows about the features of the Soviet era only from the stories of parents, from old films and history lessons, it is very difficult to understand why the movie "Greek Fig Tree" was so popular.

Greek fig tree
Greek fig tree

So I happened to taste this forbidden fruit quite recently. It is somehow inconvenient not to know such a legendary film. After watching this masterpiece, I can say for sure that after more than 35 years, such films have simply gone out of fashion or the viewer is already oversaturated with more spicy spectacles.

The plot of the film "Greek Fig Tree" is rather unpretentious. A young German student, Patricia, comes to visit her parents in Greece for the holidays. When the holidays are over and the girl is about to return to Germany, she meets a couple in love with one ticket at the airport. The main character, without thinking twice, decides to give her ticket to the young man, while she hitchhikes herself.

No sooner said than done, and so begins her adventure. While hitchhiking, she meets different people, along the way voicing and recording her thoughts and impressions on a voice recorder. AtIn this case, the main character, passionately desiring to experience new experiences, including sexual ones, does not deny herself the pleasure of participating in spicy experiments. Having gone through fire, water and copper pipes, she unexpectedly falls in love for the first time truly with the attractive American correspondent Tom, who is also the owner of the yacht. It turned out to attract the attention of a young man after Patricia shocked him with bare breasts. Further, events develop according to all the laws of the genre: disagreements, disputes, quarrels, and then, without fail, a happy ending under the rays of the hot sun.

So what's the secret? And there is no secret!

Greek fig tree 2
Greek fig tree 2

The German erotic comedy/melodrama The Greek Fig Tree, also known as The Fruit Is Ripe, shocked the public back in 1976. At that time, she really was exotic, provocative, piquant. The picture was shot very beautifully, accompanied by beautiful Greek music, including Sirtaki, stuffed with nudity. For the restrained citizens of the USSR, she was a sip of someone else's forbidden life, a real temptation. But that's why law enforcement agencies arrested people for showing it, presenting such a charge as "distributing pornography", I can't understand. Pornography in the film and does not smell. Also puzzling is the question of why the "Greek Fig Tree-2" did not appear? Or Ziggy Goetz forgot how to shoot pictures of this kind? Or was there not enough funding? It’s a pity, such inspiring films help most ordinary people to build and live, andsubtly improving the demographic situation.

Greetings from the past, or Nostalgia for the era of the USSR

greek fig tree movie
greek fig tree movie

Many will not agree with me, but I dare say that if the film "Greek Fig Tree" was released at the present time, it would hardly cause any hype. The tape looks pale compared to modern blockbusters, not only in terms of the quality of shooting and special effects, but also in terms of plot intrigue. But all those who lived behind the Iron Curtain will never forget this picture and the seductive smile of the relaxed and sexy leading lady Betty Verges.
