How to draw dishes - from simple to complex

How to draw dishes - from simple to complex
How to draw dishes - from simple to complex

In the modern world, it is not difficult to learn how to draw, sculpt, do crafts, develop various artistic skills. Moreover, with the help of detailed master classes, you can turn from the most ordinary beginner into an amateur and self-taught professional without leaving your home. Usually people try to start with elementary objects and things in order to understand the essence of drawing.

How to draw dishes correctly?

Cookware at first glance seems to be a rather complicated element. After all, in order to depict it in volume, you need to understand where you need to add a shadow. It makes the drawing realistic. Of course, any image that you want to draw must be broken down into simple geometric shapes and lines, which will make it possible to obtain the desired result with their further modification.

how to draw dishes
how to draw dishes

Step by step drawing lesson on the example of a cup

How to draw dishes with a pencil step by step?

  1. The first step will be the outline of the vertical, which is the middle axis of the future cup. After you need to draw 2 horizontal lines, where the lower one is shorter than the upper one - these are the middle axestop and bottom of the cup. There is one important point - the vertical axis must pass clearly in the middle of the horizontal ones.
  2. The next step is to draw ellipses on the horizontal axes. Very carefully, you should connect the bottom and top with the same arcs, which will later be the walls of the finished cup.
  3. Third stage - removal of unnecessary auxiliary lines and axis. Then you need to draw a handle.
  4. Next, we begin to create volume - we outline the thickness of the cup. With an eraser, we remove a segment of the handle invisible to the eye, give it volume and thickness. Now we are working with the shadows on the handle and cup. The near edges should be made more saturated, but the far part should be less contrasting. This allows you to make the cup oriented in space, it is visually perceived correctly, realistically.
  5. It remains to outline a horizontal line in order to create the feeling that the cup is stable on the surface, as well as outline the shadows inside it.
how to draw dishes with a pencil step by step
how to draw dishes with a pencil step by step

What is important to know when drawing dishes?

When the question arises: "How to draw dishes?" - Learn the basics of drawing. Whatever the design of the object, the near part should be more detailed and contrasting than the far part. It is important to make shadows both on the outside of the object and on the inside.

how to draw dishes
how to draw dishes

And at the initial stage, it is important to break any object into geometric shapes and lines for proper placement on paper and proportional size of the object.
