Locking is a dance, it's life

Locking is a dance, it's life
Locking is a dance, it's life

Recently, we are increasingly hearing about such a dance as locking. Let's go back to history and figure out what this dance style is.

Dance history

Locking, or, as it is also called, campbellocking, is currently a popular form of dance art. Its creator was the boy Don Campbell, who was born in the early 50s in America. Don in his youth, with the help of his friend, tried to learn different dance styles. But he could not achieve great success in this.

locking it
locking it

However, one day at a student party, Don wanted to show what he had learned. He went to the center of the circle and began to demonstrate all the movements that he could remember. Forgetting this or that gesture, he stopped and remembered what to do next. As a result, his performance won the hearts of the audience, one of whom was the then popular dancer Sam Williams. He called what he saw "Campbell Lock". And "lok", as you know, is translated from English as "castle". After the overwhelming success, Campbell decided to continue to develop the “locks” dance that everyone liked so much -stops. The founder of his own style, Campbell decided to turn all his shortcomings in choreography into virtues. Therefore, it is believed that locking is a dance based on comical, to some extent even ridiculous movements. And, of course, its highlight, as from the very beginning, was the "castles" - stops.

Here she comes, glory

Soon, word of the unusual dance spread throughout the area. Campbell was invited to various competitions, where he often won.

dance locking
dance locking

So the locking dance became known far beyond his hometown. Soon, in order to further popularize this form of dance art, it was proposed to create a group called The Campbellock Dancers, later simply The Lockers.

Locking is a lifestyle

Since the founding of this dance team, a kind of locking style has appeared, which included a certain manner of dressing, walking and even talking! It was a new lifestyle that was eagerly absorbed by the youth of that time.

locking style
locking style

Campbellocking fans wore chunky platform shoes, colorful satin shirts and striped socks. Also, the locking style meant the predominance of large colorful ties, knee-length shorts, white gloves, and, of course, huge hats.

Revival of locking

In the mid-70s, the popularity of the Campbellocking dance style gradually faded. Only in the late 90s - early 2000s this dance was revived again, having now wonhearts of Europeans and Asians. France was the first to get sick, then Sweden, a little later Korea. Gradually, the locking dance reached the CIS, replacing the outdated directions.

Campbellocking technique

Let's take a closer look at the technical part of the extraordinary dance style. So, first of all, it should be said that locking is a dance based on sharp movements. Not the last place in it is occupied by specific tricks with throwing hands, as well as various loops with hands. All lockers are united by the performance of non-standard jumps, as well as a variety of "chips" with swaying arms or legs. We can safely say that locking is a dance, one of the main components of which is the fixation of body parts, reminiscent of breaking, waves throughout the body, glide. Most of campbellocking is basic movement.

locking music
locking music

So the dancer who ignores them is immediately defeated. The assessment of the locker's skill is made up of the quality of the performance of these basic "chips". In simple words, locking is a constructor consisting of such parts as movements. The task of the dancer is to assemble the components of the dance into a single chain. How interesting it will be for him to do this, so much so that he is a master of his craft. Representatives of this style easily improvise on stage, combining various basic "chips". This is the beauty of the locking dance we are considering. The music during the performance most often plays positive, funky. After all, locking, as you know, refers to thosedances that are closely associated with it. And funky music just includes the crisp beats and rich arrangements that are so necessary for dance movements.

Learning locking

Surely this cheerful, energetic, amazing dance has sunk into your soul. But if you are not a connoisseur of choreography, what to do? Let's see if a beginner can master this full of life and inspiration dance locking. Learning in this area, frankly, is not fast, which must be taken into account immediately when learning the basics of locking, and be patient. The main thing that any beginner dancer should understand is that locking is a kind of impulse of the body. There are no right or wrong moves in it. It's a mood dance! Experienced lockers advise beginners to first get into funk, listen, for example, to its most popular representative, James Brown. If you like this kind of music, then this is a sure sign of success. Next, you can advise to watch the show Soul Train. Well, were you inspired by what you saw and heard? Then feel free to start learning the basic locker moves.

locking training
locking training

These include the aforementioned "castle", as well as "point", "Scooby Doo", Pace and many others. Remember that in locking, as in any direction, the main thing is the mood of the dancer. It is important to convey to the public what is going on inside you, to share with the audience a piece of your soul, your positive and energy. Try, try, try! Perhaps soon the whole world will know about you as a talented locker dancer! Don't give up, perseverance and hard work will help overcomedifficulties on the way to mastering a cheerful dance.
