Funny jokes about chickens and roosters

Funny jokes about chickens and roosters
Funny jokes about chickens and roosters

Many people love jokes about animals. Probably because very funny situations can happen with such heroes! As a separate topic about "bird" problems, Russian folklore loves jokes about chickens. It is these cackling creatures that often appear in humorous sketches, personifying stupidity or susceptibility to fate.

Real price

Privoz in the very central Odessa.

The seller sells chickens, two people approach him.

The first one asks:

- Dear, how much is your birdie?


- Ten.

First customer to his friend:

- Look, he says eight. Give me six?

Second to first:

- No, it's expensive. Say four, and don't forget about two rubles change.

First, contacting the seller:

- Hold the ruble and give your dead bird!

chicken jokes
chicken jokes

Sometimes male representatives of the bird family are included in jokes about birds. Jokes about roosters and hens are very real!

Young, you're in flight

The farmer bought a young rooster and immediately to the chickens in the barn. The cockerel is worried, imagines how he will “communicate” with the chickens. But the old roosterwho has almost been written off, shouts to the young:

- Hey, new fish, all these chickens are mine!

The young man calls out to him:

- You are already old, now I will be in charge here!

The old rooster, a little crazy from such impudence, says:

- Let's not fight, but we will solve the issue with such a dispute: we will run a race, exactly twelve laps. Whoever wins is the owner of the chicken coop. But you, as the eldest, give me a little head start - a meter and a half.

Agreed, started the race. The old one runs, the young one follows him, but he cannot overtake him. The farmer at this moment looks out the window, takes a gun and, to the cry of his wife, kills a young rooster. In response to his wife's puzzled look, he replies:

- How much can you! Gay Cock Once Again!

jokes about roosters and hens
jokes about roosters and hens

Chicken question

On the market.

- How many cockerels do you have?

- This one is not for sale!

- And then why did you take it to the market with you?

- The chickens refused to go without him!

Well, jokes about chickens and other birds are sometimes below the waist, creating a situation on the verge of a foul. But that doesn't make the jokes less popular!

The Russian people cannot be stopped, they are ready to endlessly create humorous stories, including those involving people. You can appreciate, for example, such an anecdote about a man and a chicken.


A man is driving in a car, whistling, the wind is blowing in his face from speed. He turns his head, looks - a chicken is running nearby, overtaking. The man added gas, the chicken also accelerated and sharply turns onpoultry farm. The driver became interested, he asked the farm worker:

-What breed is this?

He answers that the latest selective development, super-meat.

- And what, how is it, meat is it?

- Yes, they would know if someone caught up!

joke about a man and a chicken
joke about a man and a chicken

Animal jokes are not always so uncultured. There are jokes about chickens and for connoisseurs of high speech.

Madame Monsieur

- Ah, madam, I'm sorry, my hen accidentally trampled your tomatoes!

- Ah, sir, don't worry, my dog just killed it by accident recently.

- Great, madam! Just recently pulled your dog out from under the wheels of his car!

You can re-read an infinite number of jokes about chickens and other birds, they will not get tired of inventing them. Maybe because chickens are not as pitiful as other birds? The question remains open, like a mouth in a smile!
