Chamber music: what is a chamber orchestra?

Chamber music: what is a chamber orchestra?
Chamber music: what is a chamber orchestra?

Every connoisseur of classical music sooner or later asks the question: what is a chamber orchestra. How does it actually differ from the symphony? The article will consider the main criteria for such musical groups and their contribution to the development of classical music.

History of Creation

Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra

Chamber orchestras became popular at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, at the height of classical music. This is due to the fact that concerts in large halls and arenas were a very rare event, moreover, such a number of musicians as in symphony orchestras could not be gathered at all - only great composers could afford it. You can learn about what a chamber orchestra is only by comparing it with a real big symphony.

The main differences between a chamber orchestra and a symphony one

  1. Number of participants and pairs of instruments. Large symphony orchestras are famous for having a huge number of participants. Basically there are about 50 of them, and sometimes it reaches 100 or more. In addition, in symphonicIn orchestras, instruments are duplicated and sound in unison. For ordinary music lovers, this only affects the volume of the overall piece when playing on stage. In fact, two violinists playing the same song will play it slightly differently. Even two virtuosos playing the same instrument have different playing styles. The human factor affects the finished melody. The one who does nothing does not make mistakes - this rule also applies in music. Pairs of identical instruments just add color and brightness to the sound. What is a chamber orchestra? This is a small number of participants and single instruments that sound one after another. The parts are divided strictly by instruments, and the overall composition belongs to a new genre - chamber music.
  2. Presence of only stringed instruments. Yes, the composition of the instruments of a chamber orchestra is limited to strings (winds are added less often), while a variety of types are involved in symphony orchestras: strings, winds, percussion and others. Therefore, chamber music is limited by strict limits - the sound of only stringed instruments is monotonous, but has its own, inimitable style.
  3. Performance in small spaces. This limitation is based again on the reduced composition of the ensemble. Chamber orchestras were successful only in the courts of eminent dukes or nobles. More ensemble - more hall and majestic stage.

To summarize: what is a chamber orchestra? This is a small group performing compositions in the genre of the same name in small rooms.

Gradual declinepopularity

music performance
music performance

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the 19th century, most of the famous chamber orchestras lost their popularity. The reason for this was the creation of large symphony orchestras. Larger orchestras sounded brighter and looked more impressive. Of course, the listener was drawn to a more majestic performance and an interesting variety in the choice of instruments.

the beauty of music
the beauty of music

The definition of what a chamber orchestra and chamber music is, they began to forget, introducing new colors into the composition. More recent instrument clusters were invented, and the popularity of symphonic performance increased. At the same time, the demand for chamber music was falling.

Chamber orchestra today

Today, even after the abolition of many chamber groups, almost every state has its own chamber orchestra. In Russia, such a group is called "Moscow Virtuosi", it often manifests itself at state celebrations and when traveling abroad.

Chamber music has left a huge mark on the work of many contemporary composers and performers.

Apocalyptic is beautiful
Apocalyptic is beautiful

Finnish rock band Apocalyptica is an excellent example. These musicians play essentially chamber music, following all the traditions of a chamber orchestra: a team of 4 people, three of whom play only strings. Gained immense popularity due to the replay of well-known compositions of the brightest metal bands, which include Metallica, Rammstein, Slipknot andothers.


Today you learned something new from the old. The era of chamber orchestras is long gone, but their impact remains colossal. We hope that if now you are asked the question, what is it - a chamber orchestra, you will find the most detailed and correct answer.
