Nastya Kochetkova: beautiful and talented

Nastya Kochetkova: beautiful and talented
Nastya Kochetkova: beautiful and talented

Nastya Kochetkova is at the very beginning of her journey - both creative and life. But why is there so much talk about such a young woman around? Statements are contradictory, sometimes even very categorical. One gets the impression that only “right” actions are expected from her, and any mistakes are regarded as something indecent, requiring instant condemnation of people. It is amazing how a girl comes out of such situations with dignity.

From the childhood and youth of Anastasia Kochetkova

nastya kochetkova
nastya kochetkova

Nastya Kochetkova was born in the capital in 1988, on June 2. In addition to her, the family also has an older sister and brother.

She received her first testimonial as soon as she was born. The doctor who delivered the baby said that the girl was very active, and her voice was amazingly sonorous. He seemed to be looking into the water.

Nastya Kochetkova remained such an active child both in preschool childhood and in moreadult years. Not a single holiday was complete without the participation of a girl. She could come up with something, sing, play, advise, help.

Student years passed just as stormy - every day was full of events. Anastasia Kochetkova graduated from the Moscow School of Economics, and then the faculty of VGIK, the workshop of Vladimir Petrovich Fokin.

Nastya had many hobbies of different nature, but the most serious of them, of course, was music. And this is no accident.

Anastasia and music in her life

When did it all start? Nastya Kochetkova began to show musical abilities from early childhood. Parents at first did not attach much importance to this. After all, there were no professional musicians in the family. No one could imagine what the future holds for the girl.

Anastasia Kochetkova
Anastasia Kochetkova

But over time, it became clear that Anastasia has an inexplicable craving for music. According to her mother, her daughter sang everything she had ever heard, improvised a lot, tried to create something of her own.

With no special musical education, Anastasia's parents loved art and tried to introduce their children to it. That is why Nastya, sister and brother studied at a music school. There were many different instruments in the house that the children played. My father had a unique collection of discs with a variety of music, but most of this collection was occupied by rock. The whole family lived in music, and she, in turn, existed in them.

Therefore, it probably cannot be called an accident that while still being a fifteen-year-old teenager, Anastasia becomesa participant of the well-known in our country project "Star Factory-4". Many eyes followed her actions intently. As part of the project, the Banda group was formed, of which Anastasia also became a member. But the creative team was destined for a short life. Although its young members, of course, received some musical experience.


In one of the interviews, Nastya Kochetkova admits to journalists that from childhood she strove to look and be more mature than her peers. She dreamed of getting married as soon as possible, having a baby early.

Rezo Gigineishvili and Nastya Kochetkova
Rezo Gigineishvili and Nastya Kochetkova

Aspiring director Rezo Gigineishvili and Nastya Kochetkova met at the very moment when dreams of family life overwhelmed the girl's heart. In 2005 they got married. Nastya at that time was only 17 years old.

Birth of a daughter

daughter of Anastasia Kochetkova
daughter of Anastasia Kochetkova

So the time has come when Anastasia knew the joy of motherhood. Soon the young couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. The happiness of the parents knew no bounds. All the cherished dreams of a young woman came true one after another.

Today, the daughter of Anastasia Kochetkova, as the singer herself admits, is her whole life. She says that no one can ever be loved more than she loves her adorable baby.

A truly friendly, trusting relationship is established between a young mother and a growing daughter. Maria loves to dream. In this she is similar to her mother. She trusts all her dreams only to her, who knows how to understand andsupport at the right time.

Anastasia is raising her daughter alone. Marusya's father does not live in the family.

Family life

The happy life of a young couple did not last long. Two years after the marriage, there were serious disagreements in the relationship. And in 2009, the marriage broke up completely.

Anastasia was going through a hard divorce. She withdrew, withdrew into herself. I thought a lot and came to the conclusion that you need to be reborn and start life anew. Because she is still so young.

From childhood, she was brought up so that family responsibilities should always come first in relation to personal desires and whims. Therefore, she did not doubt for a second that raising her daughter was her main purpose in life.

When several years had passed since her divorce from her husband, Anastasia admitted that she had no grudge against him, no love that burned so brightly. But there is an endless feeling of gratitude for the daughter. After all, children are the main we alth of each of us.

songs by nastya kochetkova
songs by nastya kochetkova

Creativity of Anastasia

Creative nature throughout her life encourages Anastasia to know herself, to achieve certain life goals.

Of course, fans of talent still remember the songs of Nastya Kochetkova. Her voice is recognizable. The creative union with Timati, Dominik Joker and other performers can be called a significant stage in the professional activity of the young singer. Fans of Anastasia's work hope that the end of her musical career has not yet been set.

Kochetkova also tried herself in the filming of the film. In 2006, the movie "Heat" was released with her participation. The film was directed by Rezo Gigineishvili.

In 2012, the girl tried her hand at the Tough Games project. This fact indicates that Anastasia is full of desire to live, fight, win.

Couldn't ignore such a beautiful girl and the modeling business. Here Anastasia Kochetkova also tried herself.

Most recently, a young star discovered another addiction. She loves to take pictures very much. It began during a difficult period in the girl's life, when family life was collapsing. She went with a camera to the city, to nature and took a lot of pictures. Anastasia herself says that it somehow restored her strength.

The passion for photography continues to this day. The main model for Anastasia is her daughter Maria.


Knowing about the existence of an army of fans, Anastasia is active in social networks.

She talks a lot about herself. Her personal photographs complement these stories. Fans especially like the captions made by Anastasia for the pictures. They are very accurate, original, express interesting thoughts, speak of the wisdom of a young woman.

From the "photo reports" it is clear that Anastasia travels a lot with her daughter and parents, goes to parties, is not afraid to experiment with her appearance, goes in for sports, loves to cook. In a word, a person is active, energetic, enterprising.

What does Anastasia Kochetkova dream about?

Biography of Nastya Kochetkova is not sorich in events, because she is still very young. But, despite her age, the girl evaluates the path she has traveled, draws conclusions and moves on.

biography of nastya kochetkova
biography of nastya kochetkova

Especially valuable is that she shares her life experience with people. For them it is very important. She understands that her experience can be a salvation for another person.

Anastasia herself dreams of meeting someone who will become her soulmate. She is sure that this person is somewhere very close, it only takes time to meet him. After all, the purpose of a woman is not only to be beautiful and talented, but also to be loved.
