Erin Karpluk is a Canadian actress

Erin Karpluk is a Canadian actress
Erin Karpluk is a Canadian actress

Erin Karpluk can be seen in many popular movies and series. The main role in her career is the role in the television series Being Erica, which ran for three years on one of the main Canadian channels. This not only gave a boost to Erin's career, but also made her famous in many countries around the world.


Erin Karpluk was born in 1978 in Jasper, Canada. Her mother was a high school principal and her father worked for the railroad. Despite the fact that the family had lived in Canada for a long time, the girl's parents continued to remember their Ukrainian roots and told Erin about it. Later, in numerous interviews, the girl proudly talked about it.

Erin Karpluk personal life
Erin Karpluk personal life

In the small town where Karpluk grew up, few people thought about the career of an actress, but Erin decided everything for herself that way. She realized that she did not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents, but wanted to try something else. While still at school, she realized that she wanted to enter the theater department. There were few prospects in her hometown, so after school she had toto go to the city of Victoria, where there was a good university, where Erin easily entered. She liked studying and it was easy. In 2000, she graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts degree and moved to Vancouver, one of the largest cities in Canada, where there were more opportunities than her hometown of Jasper and the city of Victoria.


Erin Karpluk's career began only after graduation. It was difficult for a young provincial to find a suitable role for herself and attract the attention of producers, but, thanks to her perseverance and talent, Erin received several episodic roles in television series and films. For almost four years, she appeared on the screen only for a few minutes, but luck smiled at her. In 2004, Erin was invited to the films The Wizard of Earthsea and The Return of Jack the Ripper 2. This was a huge boost for her career, and US directors turned their attention to the young Canadian actress.

Erin Karpluk
Erin Karpluk

But the real success of Erin Karpluk came from the series Being Erica. Then the actress was already working in the United States, but decided to return to her homeland, because the new project promised to be successful. During the three years of the show, Erin was awarded two awards - in 2009 she received the Gemini Award, and in 2010 the Leo Award. Erin Karpluk took photos for the covers of various magazines, attended many different shows, because she became one of the most popular Canadian actresses. But the ratings of the series were falling sharply, so the channel's management decided to close the project after the third season.

After that, Erin again left for the United States, where she starred in the TV series "Life is Unpredictable", which was broadcast on a well-known American channel. But, unfortunately, the project did not become popular and was closed after the first season.

Erin Karpluk actress
Erin Karpluk actress

Erin Karpluk: personal life

For a long time, close attention of the press, both Canadian and American, was riveted to the girl's personal life. But she always managed to keep her away from the paparazzi, and was never caught with her boyfriend, choosing to live as far away from the sights of cameras.
