The best movies about hippies

The best movies about hippies
The best movies about hippies

Despite the fact that the real boom of the hippie movement was in the last century, it is not forgotten. New generations have appeared who share the views of the first representatives. Therefore, all new films about hippies are released, giving the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of freedom and love.

Hair, 1979

They say that the most realistic pictures were taken just in those years when the hippies were at the peak of their popularity. As a rule, these films were created by those who, one way or another, belonged to this movement. When listing films about hippies, the list necessarily includes the iconic picture "Hair".

movies about hippies
movies about hippies

The film takes place in the 60s. A young man, Claude Bukowski, who adheres to conservative views on the world, goes to New York. He wants to unwind and usefully spend a few days allotted to him. But Claude's plans are disrupted when he meets local hippies who beg for money from passers-by. These unique people completely change Claude's life and allow him to feel in a couple of days everything that some stretch out for years. He manages to fall in love and feelthe pain of unrequited feelings, dance for hours on end and meet many interesting people. And Bukowski is in a hurry to live, because soon he will be sent to fight in Vietnam, from where he may never return.

"Sixties", 1999

Films about hippies are not only a story about that culture, but also a reflection of the events that took place during its heyday. When viewing such pictures, you can get to know the history and mood of people much better than when reading any textbook. One of the most striking pictures showing that era was the drama "The Sixties".

The 60s were eventful. At this time, wars unfolded, hatred for other peoples was whipped up. And in contrast to all this was the love that the hippies preached. Vietnam War vs. Woodstock Festival. Racial discrimination against the speeches of pacifist students. The country was changing before our eyes. And the new generation was strikingly different from their parents. The story of that decade is told through two families living such different lives. However, their destinies are destined to cross more than once.

Almost Famous, 2000

A film about hippies cannot do without music. The Children of the Sun adored her. It is no coincidence that at that time the heyday of rock and roll happened, many festivals were born. About music and tell the film "Almost Famous".

hippie movies list
hippie movies list

In the center of the plot is a teenager William. He manages to combine his studies with part-time work in magazines. He sincerely loves rock music and dreams of being closer to his idols. And one day his secretwishes come true: the young man is trusted to go on tour with the band Stillwater and describe these days in his article. After persuading his family, William sets off. He meets popular musicians and bands that accompany them everywhere. William experiences friendship, love and disappointment. But will a life full of fame and admirers turn out the way he imagined?

"Rock Wave", 2009

The sixties were a decade of freedom. And it was felt in everything. People were drawn to her, sometimes risking everything. Movies about hippies of the 60s tell about this. And one of the most famous paintings from that era was Rock Wave.

movies about hippie sun
movies about hippie sun

Listen to your favorite music in Britain in the 60s was not easy. It was played only a few hours a week. And there were people who were ready not only to be indignant, but also to fight against it. They set up their own pirate radio station.

Remarkably, this iconic painting was based on a true story.

House of the Sun, 2009

Films about hippies were filmed not only in the USA and Great Britain, but also in Russia. Although this culture did not reach American proportions in the USSR, it existed. She is described in the film "House of the Sun".

Sasha is the “right” student. Her life is completely planned, and there is no place for stupid things in it. But one day her plans were completely destroyed. It happened when she met the Sun, a mysterious hippie guy who is different from all Sasha's acquaintances. The sun introduced the girl to his friends and showed her hispeace.

Despite the fact that the story is centered on a sunny, ageless boy, the story is about growing up. And it happened against the backdrop of such special years. This is almost the only Russian film about hippies. The sun and Sasha became a reflection of the past, allowing them to look into it.

"Hippie Hippie Shake", 2010

The movement, symbolized by freedom and love, has affected many countries. Of course, the conservative Great Britain did not stand aside either. About the 60s in this country tells the film "Hippie Hippie Shake". Despite an interesting story and a high-quality picture, the drama is practically unknown to the public. However, it is worth watching, if only because the creators have watched many documentaries about hippies, picked up biographies and listened to the stories of young rebels when creating the plot.

movie about hippies children of the sun
movie about hippies children of the sun

Richard and Louise love each other. He is the editor of an Australian magazine. One day a young man decides to publish the London version of his brainchild. But then he is forced to pay for his idea, accusing him of obscenity. Freedom-loving hippies have to overcome many difficulties in order to deal with the problems that have piled up. And all this is happening against the backdrop of the 60s, which were no less loud and colorful in Britain than in the USA.

Frank, 2013

Films about hippies do not always tell about the second half of the last century. This movement is alive and now, as evidenced by the new pictures appearing on the screens. One of the representatives of the "new generation" was the film "Frank".

The main character of the picture is a young man who cannot find his place in life. John tried many things, most of all his soul was disposed towards music. However, neither he nor his conservative parents believed that John would ever be able to earn more by performing than by working in the office.

hippie documentaries
hippie documentaries

Life changes dramatically when a shocking rock band arrives in town. Her lead singer, whose name is Frank, never takes off his papier-mâché head. The other three musicians are not particularly friendly. And the band's manager has been struggling with deep depression for a long time. They are all united by the love of music, which is why the main character is sick.

Unusual people attract John. By chance, he finds himself on the same stage with them, and then goes on tour. And this journey will change everyone involved.

"Captain Fantastic", 2016

The world of hippies has always painfully collided with the world in which the conservatives lived. And this phenomenon has not disappeared over the years. And now there is a place for rejection.

The main character of the picture alone brings up six children. They live far from civilization, in the forest. Children do not attend school, but in terms of their development they are far ahead of their peers. These guys are independent, they know how to survive in the wild. They are true children of nature.

60s hippie movies
60s hippie movies

However, their world collapses in an instant when the news comes that their mother has committed suicide after a long depression. Taking the children, the head of the family goes to the city to say goodbye toex-wife. And then the simple world of this family is faced with a reality for which they are not at all ready. Like her to them.

The best hippie movies are rarely known to the general public. As a rule, this is a festival movie. However, these bright, full of life and music pictures are worthy of viewing. They infect with their atmosphere, making you fall in love with these strange and unlike hippies.
