Aphorisms and quotes about rain

Aphorisms and quotes about rain
Aphorisms and quotes about rain

Have you wondered what rain is? From the point of view of the natural sciences and the laws of logic, this is nothing more than an ordinary natural phenomenon. But writers, musicians, artists, in other words, people of the creative profession, as well as romantic natures, assigned a different meaning to the rain. They were looking for signs in the sound of raindrops beating against the parapet, in the murmur of flowing water, in the reflection in puddles.

rain quotes
rain quotes

In literary works, rain often accompanies the narrative in exciting moments for the characters. Symbolizes sadness and tears. Rain quotes are very interesting and beautiful.

If you want a rainbow, you have to put up with the rain

There are a lot of smart ideas in Ernie Zelinsky's work. Analyzing this statement, one can come to an interesting conclusion: just as in nature there is no rainbow without rain, so in life the path to happiness often accompanies a bouquet of negative phenomena. To achieve a goal, especially if it implies something bright and positive, you will have to overcome more than one step, and not every step will be easy and painless. Quotes about rain are really filled with meaning. Let, at first glance,it doesn't fit in my head.

Rain and love quotes

Modern users of social networks in a special respect are statements related to romantic relationships. One unknown author said: "The rain also comes with tears, but even it passes." The meaning of the quote is quite simple and surprisingly accurate.

quotes about rain and love
quotes about rain and love

Relationships between people, whatever their nature, cannot consist of positive moments. Sooner or later, conflicts arise, one of the consequences of which is a bad mood. But it can't drag on either. Sadness will recede, just as even the strongest rain ends. The black stripe will invariably change to white as the day dispels the darkness of the night.

I think rain is always some kind of sign…

Elchin Safarli's statement perfectly reflects not only his favorite writing technique, but also the belief that exists among Orthodox Christians. Quotes about rain in literary works are usually taken from chapters where the plot is painted in gloomy colors, and the natural phenomenon reflects the mood of the characters. In addition, Christians are convinced that rain acts as a sign if it falls on the day of the funeral. It is believed that heaven also sheds tears for the deceased, thereby washing away sins from him and granting forgiveness.

Spring Rain Quotes

In a separate category, statements related to rain at this time of the year should be highlighted. Spring has always been associated with upliftment and good mood. And not in vain, because nature really comes to life andis updated, and this has a positive effect on the mood of people.

"Spring rain smells like hope." Elchin Safarli's statement here fits the situation quite accurately. In the spring, a person, being under the influence of a romantic mood and elation, tends to ignore anxiety. He sees the good in everything. The warm sun, flowers and the expectation of summer affect the perception of the environment. It is in the spring that you want to forget about worries and believe in a good outcome even in the most hopeless state of affairs.

spring rain quotes
spring rain quotes

At first glance, quotes about rain cannot carry a special meaning, after all, a person is used to perceiving it as a common natural phenomenon. But if you get carried away with literature, you will notice that writers have a different attitude to the weather. The thought put into the text is often interesting and fair. Creative people are able to reveal familiar things from a different, unknown side and do it so sincerely and convincingly that a person learns to find hidden meaning in the ordinary.
