How to get pink from paint?

How to get pink from paint?
How to get pink from paint?

Color science is a whole science. And mixing colors with each other is quite an exciting process. Just imagine that from a small set of primary colors and additional white, you can get absolutely any shade and enrich the color palette of your picture.

Difficulties in working with color

Every artist is faced with the fact that he sometimes needs a certain shade, which can be made up of two or three colors. A professional does not have any problems with this. He clearly imagines what and with what to mix in order to achieve the desired result. However, it can only use a few local colors.

Beginners always have difficulty with this. And not everyone knows that green is obtained from yellow and blue, and brown from red and green. What about pink? How to get it in its pure form or its specific shade, because the palette of pink is very extensive. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve a pure color.

color mixing
color mixing

Features to consider when mixing

Successful color mixing will depend on the type of paint you are working with. All of themdiffer in chemical composition, respectively, can react with each other. This is especially true for oil paints. If you do not take into account the characteristics of some pigments, then the resulting color, when combined with two or three poorly combined with each other, may darken, crack or acquire an inappropriate shade. In order to help artists figure this out, special tables have been created that indicate all unwanted mixtures of oil paints. There are also auxiliary tables with shades that clearly show what you get by mixing certain colors.

Color mixing table
Color mixing table

Shades of pink

If you are faced with the task of getting a pink color as close as possible to what you imagine it to be, then first you need to decide which color is considered pink? Or rather, one of the great variety of its shades, which vary not only in lightness, but also in warm-coldness. It is interesting to know that each person sees and perceives this color in his own way. This may depend not only on gender, but also on the climate in which a person lives.

How to get pink from art paints?

Its receipt will directly depend on the type of paint used. Let's look at some of the most common options.

How to get pink
How to get pink

If you paint with watercolors and use the standard set of 24 colors, you can find carmine there. By diluting it with water, you get pink. Adjust its saturation with the amountadded water. If you are using a limited palette, then any red you have will do. Mix it with water in the same way.

Gouache is also made on a water basis, but unlike watercolor, white is actively used in it. Red gouache with white will give you pink. To make it paler, add more white, more bright - more red. Pay attention to the fact that gouache becomes lighter as it dries. Therefore, the color of the diluted paint should be brighter than you require.

Oil paints are a bit more complicated. It is important to consider, when figuring out in order to get pink, which colors will be suitable in composition, and which, after mixing, may fade over time. The ideal option would be if titanium white is added to durable red kraplak. The scheme of actions is the same as with gouache. The more white, the lighter the color.

Before applying to a painting, test the resulting color on a separate piece of paper or cardboard to make sure it suits you.

Warm and cool colors

Which colors to mix to get pink will be influenced not only by the overall color scheme of your painting, but also by the lighting in it. After all, pink in the shade and in the light are two completely different shades.

pink color palette
pink color palette

There is another important nuance that beginners sometimes overlook and wonder why they can't get the color they want when they've done it right. The fact is that the resulting shade of pink directly depends onwhat tone of red is used as the base. Accordingly, by mixing a cold red with white, you will not get a warm pink. And you can get a warm tone by adding yellow, orange or brown to red in the right proportions.

If you need a cool pink, then mix red and white with a little blue or blue. If you add a drop of black paint at the same time, the color will turn out to be muted. By experimenting, you can achieve very interesting shades.

How to get pink when mixing building paints?

When it comes to building and interior paints, there are several options besides buying a ready-made color that may not always meet your expectations.

One option is to buy a can of white base color and a universal pink color scheme that should be compatible with paints from any manufacturer. To mix them, you will need a separate container. Pour white paint into it (it can be either a water-based emulsion or building acrylic) and start adding color to it little by little.

Pink acrylic
Pink acrylic

In the process, you need to carefully stir the composition. Continue to drip color into it and mix until you feel that you have the desired tone. But do not rush to immediately paint the entire surface with it. First, paint a small area with it, and wait until it dries to evaluate the result.

The second way to get pink is to mix red and white paint. Shades of red among constructionthere are also a lot of colors. If you need to paint a large area and you have to mix the mixture several times, then write down the proportions as accurately as possible so that the color is uniform over the entire surface.

In this case, the glossy paint will be bright and saturated, while the matte paint will be more muted.

Get pink, as you already understood, in many ways. It all depends on the tasks assigned to you. And when you get a successful shade, be sure to write down what colors you used and in what proportions, so that you can repeat it if necessary.
