Luis Buñuel: filmography and biography

Luis Buñuel: filmography and biography
Luis Buñuel: filmography and biography

Luis Buñuel is a talented director and screenwriter whose name is forever imprinted in the history of cinema. This man, who lived for 83 years, managed to make about forty films, many of which are still of interest to the audience. "Nazarene", "Girl", "Forgotten", "Beauty of the Day", "This vague object of desire" - it is difficult to choose the most outstanding of his paintings. What is known about the man who called himself an adherent of surrealism?

Luis Buñuel: star biography

The future director was born in Calanda (Spain). It happened in February 1900. Luis Buñuel was born into a family of we althy landowners, but he never had the desire to follow in the footsteps of his parents. Remembering his childhood, the master often talked about the special atmosphere that prevailed in his native village. Many traditions observed by the inhabitants of Kalanda have been preserved since the Middle Ages, religiosity coexisted with superstition and belief in miracles. All this has left its mark ondirector's work.

luis bunuel
luis bunuel

Maestro was 17 years old when he moved with his father to Madrid, became a student at the University of Madrid. During his studies, Luis Buñuel made many famous friends, among whom were writers, artists, and philosophers. The young man became especially close to Federico Lorca and Salvador Dali.

First successes

Classes at the university did not help the master to forget about his childhood dream - to connect his fate with the world of cinema. It is not surprising that in 1920 it was Luis Buñuel who became the founder of one of the first European cinema clubs, in which he became a member along with his famous friends.

luis bunuel movies
luis bunuel movies

In 1925, the director became a student at the Paris Academy of Cinema, then he managed to get the position of assistant to the then famous director Jean Epstein. He made his debut as a screenwriter for the first time in 1928, when he participated in the creation of the script for the film The Fall of the House of Usher, the plot of which was borrowed from the acclaimed novel by Edgar Allan Poe.

Directorial debut

Andalusian Forest is the first short film directed by Luis Buñuel, whose films continue to captivate viewers to this day. The short film was created in 1929, the source of inspiration for the director was dreams - his own and a close friend of Salvador Dali. Dreams further prompted the maestro to vivid images that he embodied on the screen.

milky way luis bunuel
milky way luis bunuel

Buñuel feared, not without reason, that his first work would shock the audience. When creating it, bizarre surreal images were used, for example, an eye slashed with a razor. In this 17-minute short, Louis also acted as an actor, starring in the prologue as a man armed with a razor. Later, the director laughingly recalled how he came to the premiere with stones, with which he intended to fend off an indignant audience. However, the audience accepted the picture with enthusiasm, so the fight did not take place.

Movies and scandals

Director Luis Buñuel is a man whose films have often acquired a reputation for scandal. This is exactly what happened with the painting "The Golden Age", which was released in 1930. For almost 50 years, this tape remained banned from showing, as it ridiculed public morality and attacked religious beliefs.

ghost of freedom luis bunuel
ghost of freedom luis bunuel

The 1932 docudrama Land Without Bread was not allowed to air until five years after its creation. In this picture, the director spoke about the unbearable conditions in which the peasants are forced to work. A similar fate awaited the tapes "Sentry, alarm!", "Who loves me?".

Forced relocations

Like many other residents of Spain, the director suffered from the fascist regime. Attacks from the authorities forced Buñuel to move to the United States in 1932. It was with the move that the forced break in his career was connected; for about 15 years, Louis did absolutely nothing. The master worked as an editor in Hollywood, worked part-time at the Museum of Modernart, dreaming of someday returning to your favorite pastime.

luis bunuel filmography
luis bunuel filmography

The turning point in the life of a genius was the move to Mexico, which took place in 1947. Two years later, he received Mexican citizenship and began making surreal films again. It was then that Luis Buñuel created his first famous painting. The filmography of the master acquired the drama "Forgotten", dedicated to youth crime. The focus of the audience was the difficult life of two teenagers coming from poor Mexican families. This film has been nominated for several prestigious awards, including the BAFTA.

Best movies

"Verineia" - a film by Luis Bunuel, presented to the audience in 1961 and became one of the most outstanding works of the director. The painting was the fruit of a joint production between Mexico and Italy. The story tells about the secret passion of a man in love with his own niece. The girl intends to go to the monastery, but passion prevents her uncle from agreeing with her decision. His feeling is so strong that he can't help but impress his niece.

director luis bunuel
director luis bunuel

Thanks to what films did Luis Buñuel become a classic director? "Verineya" is far from his only outstanding work. Deserves the attention of fans of the maestro and the drama "Nazarene", which was released two years earlier. The film tells the story of a priest who suddenly renounces his priesthood and embarks on a journey. The situation gets worsewhen a clergyman is forced to rescue a prostitute who is accused of killing a colleague.

In 1972, the director shoots the film "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie", which makes a strong impression on the audience. The surreal sketch is dedicated to the worthlessness of the life of the modern middle class. This film brings the master not only the applause of the public, but also the Oscar award. The drama Tristan, released two years earlier, also received an Oscar nomination. Catherine Deneuve played a key role in this film, which is a story of retribution.

What else to see

Listing the most outstanding creations of the director, it is impossible not to mention the "Milky Way". Luis Buñuel created this Italian-French co-production comedy-drama in 1969. The film tells about the life of two vagabonds who, during their journey, are forced to become participants in strange and even fantastic adventures.

luis bunuel veredinea
luis bunuel veredinea

In 1974, the director reminds the audience of himself by releasing the surreal film The Phantom of Freedom. Luis Buñuel turned this comedy into a series of episodes that seem independent, but gradually add up to a single picture. Like the previous creations of the master, this film is able to shock unprepared viewers. In this film project, the director ridicules the hypocrisy of modern society, attacks the army and the church.

Last movie

One cannot ignore the last picture, which was taken by the surrealist genius. His last work wascomedy drama "This vague object of desire", presented to the public in 1977. The film tells about how a young beauty charms an elderly man. The girl likes to play with her victim, to feel her power. It is interesting that two actresses play the role of a fatal seductress, with the help of this technique the director wanted to show the audience the different sides of one personality.

Critics called the last picture of the director bright and cocky, it made an impression on the fans of the master. After that, the master did not make a single film, which is associated with his he alth problems.

Private life

Luis Buñuel tied the knot in 1934, the Frenchwoman Jeanne Roucard became his chosen one. It is known that they met eight years before they got married. Jeanne gave birth to two sons to the director, who were named Juan Luis and Rafael. The sons followed in the footsteps of the famous father, taking up directing activities, but they could not achieve the same fame.

The memoirs released by Zhanna after the death of the director allow fans to get acquainted with the unknown facets of the personality of a genius. It turns out that in everyday life he was a real despot and jealous. Bunuel did not allow the second half to work, fearing her communication with other men, kept the family budget in his hands, strove for asceticism in everyday life, and was reluctant to part with money. Interestingly, the image of a tyrant husband controlling his wife is present in many of the maestro's paintings. The habit of saving money persisted with Louis even when the family stoppedneed after he attains star status.

Death of a director

The famous adherent of surrealism died in July 1983, by which time he had already managed to celebrate his 83rd birthday. It is known that the cause of death was heart failure. The attack happened when director Buñuel was in Mexico City. In his will, the great Spaniard expressed the wish that his body be cremated, the will of the deceased was carried out by his relatives. Surprisingly, the place of burial of the ashes is still kept a secret by the relatives of the director.
