Funny and intoxicating. Jokes about beer

Funny and intoxicating. Jokes about beer
Funny and intoxicating. Jokes about beer

Have you heard about such a funny, and at the same time sad story? The village of Jauhati, somewhere in India, has experienced a real invasion of drunken elephants. 20 angry giants fell into the village and drank all the beer in the local brewery. The intoxicating drink had an exciting effect on the elephants, and the drunken animals went for a walk around the village, demonstrating who is the master of India. And everything would be fine, but as a result, people who got in the way of animals were seriously injured. We guarantee that those who read our beer jokes will not be harmed.


  • Beer jokes.
  • jokes about beer
    jokes about beer
  • Interesting facts.
  • Jokes about beer.
  • Statuses and other funny things.

Beer jokes

Today there are plenty of jokes about this popular low-alcohol drink. These are funny poems about beer, and statuses, and expressions. But we'll probably start with the funniest jokes.

  1. There is always room for beer in life.
  2. Yesterday declared war on drunkenness. Beer won.
  3. There are people who think that you should drink more, there are those who think the opposite, but together they think that you need to drink beer.
  4. What can warm the soul better than a glass of cold beer?
  5. Beer is cool, and a lot of beer is even cooler.
  6. Drinking beer is not like playing a game of chess, you need to think carefully here.
  7. Life is good after a beer.
  8. Fat people are kinder, so beer makes the world a better place.
  9. Even dark beer has a light side.
  10. 10 liters of beer at night - an alternative to the anti-wrinkle mask.

Interesting facts

jokes about beer
jokes about beer

These are not fictional stories about beer. Only truth. Just what really happened. Read and wind on your mustache. How not to be the hero of such a story!

  1. Jack Manakau, a resident of New Zealand, gave his life trying to set a new record for drinking intoxicating drink. The man managed to drink 77 mugs of beer.
  2. In Japan, a tempting announcement appeared on the door of a brewery. The sign said: if there is an earthquake of 3 points, then everyone can come and get a free mug of beer.
  3. Each Austrian drinks 116 liters of beer annually, and only 70 liters of soft drinks
  4. By the way, George Washington himself liked to have a beer, he even had his own beer bar at home
  5. Once the inhabitants of the Polish city of Bydgoszcz woke up in the morningabsolutely happy people. And all because beer was pouring from the tap instead of water. It happened because of an accident at a local brewery. Many of us now sighed with annoyance and sadness!
  6. USA, Iowa, city of Ames. The local authorities of the city introduced a law stating that a man who has drunk more than 3 sips of an alcoholic drink at night has no right to go to the matrimonial bed. I wonder how Russian men would react to such a law!
  7. In 1998, many Chinese people were hurt by exploding bottles of foaming drink.
  8. jokes about beer
    jokes about beer

Beer jokes

We present to your attention a short selection of jokes.

From a conversation between two friends:

– Wan, can we have some tea?

– It seems to me, or did you make 5 mistakes in the word "beer"?

– Tell me, is a liter of beer like a lot or a little?

– Well, honey, it depends on what he is.

funny poems about beer
funny poems about beer

From a conversation between two friends:

– Marina, where does your husband work?

– At the brewery.

– And how?

– I don't know, haven't returned home from work yet.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. Gena wakes up with a big hangover.

– Cheburashka, dear friend, run to the store for a beer.

- Yeah, how to run away, so dear friend, but how to drink together, so fuck off, big-eared!

Germany hosts an annual beer festival. Most of all, a resident of Russia managed to drink, who watched the livebroadcast in front of the TV.

Every big booze begins with the words: "Well, how about a beer?".

Doctor tells patient's wife:

– Well, you will have to tell your husband the sad news.

– Is my husband terminally ill?

– No, what are you, much worse, he won't be able to drink beer anymore.

You've read the funniest jokes about beer!

Beer statuses

Recently, beer statuses have become popular in various social networks. We present to your attention the most interesting.

  • Friday is when beer appears in status instead of coffee.
  • jokes about beer
    jokes about beer
  • Take as much beer as you can carry.
  • When I drink beer, people don't like me. When I stop drinking, I don't like people.
  • Everything works with beer, but not the legs.
  • Without light beer, the earth will plunge into darkness.

And finally, a little tip

Of course, a cold intoxicating drink is fun and perky. And some are even sure that it is useful, but you need to know the measure in everything. Therefore, when you take a glass in your hand, remember jokes about beer, because in the morning you are unlikely to remember anything!
