Ballet dancer Altynai Asylmuratova: biography, personal life, work in theater and cinema
Ballet dancer Altynai Asylmuratova: biography, personal life, work in theater and cinema

Video: Ballet dancer Altynai Asylmuratova: biography, personal life, work in theater and cinema

Video: Ballet dancer Altynai Asylmuratova: biography, personal life, work in theater and cinema
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Thanks to art, a person learns to think and form his own picture of the world. Moreover, culture develops fantasy, enthusiasm, creativity, joy of being in a person.

Art as a lifestyle

Art occupies an important place in the life of every person. For some, this is the meaning of life, and for others - entertainment for several hours. In any case, it is art that makes a person cultural, educated, and also allows you to know the world through the prism of different worldviews. Music, poetry, paintings - all this is a small part of the vast world that surrounds us.

Altynai Asylmuratova
Altynai Asylmuratova

Altynay Asylmuratova: childhood

This talented ballet dancer was born on January 1, 1961 in Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR). The girl was born into a family of ballet dancers. This explains the fact that Altynai from an early age began to study art, in particular, ballet. Interest in this occupation was instilled by parents who loved their work more than anything else. The girl spent her entire childhood behind the scenes.

Mother, Galina Sidorova, did not want to send Altynai to a ballet school, understanding the upcoming trials. However, at the insistence of her grandmother and grandfather, the girl was sentfor the first exams at the Leningrad Choreographic School.

Altynay Asylmuratova, whose nationality was not clear for a long time, believes that she belongs to Russia and Kazakhstan equally, because in the latter her childhood passed, and Russia tempered the character of the artist and made her a true professional. Officially, she is considered Kazakh by nationality.


The artist never said that she was under any pressure. She entered the harsh world of contemporary art with joy and awareness. In addition to the fact that her parents were connected with ballet, even grandparents were engaged in this complex skill that required talent and perseverance. Both parents of the girl graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School. Father Abduakhim was a soloist of the Kazakh State Opera and Ballet Theatre, then he mastered the path of artistic director in one school.

black Snow
black Snow

It is interesting that the grandfather of the future artist was the chief choreographer of the capital's state observatory. Also, history says that great-grandfather Altynai was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire. The girl's mother was Russian, originally from St. Petersburg. She also grew up in a family of artists: her parents danced on the stage.

It all started with the fact that Galina Sidorova married a military man. It so happened that the marriage was completely unsuccessful. The first years of marriage, the girl followed on the heels of her husband and performed wherever she had to. Such a career development could bring neither benefit, nor fame, nor sufficientincome. Despite all the hardships, Galina continued to be a faithful wife and a good friend to her husband. However, the marriage fell apart gradually. Colleagues of the husband began to talk about how he allows others to hug his wife on stage. These circumstances led to the fact that the marriage broke up.

Galina Sidorova was evacuated during the war and moved to Alma-Ata with her whole family. There she continued her studies and work in the theater, where she soon met an attractive young man Abdulahim. All that remained to be done was to divorce her husband and remarry. Galina did just that, and a beautiful talented girl Altynai Asylmuratova was born.

The young years of the artist

Altynay Asylmuratova graduated from college in 1978. Immediately after that, she was accepted into the corps de ballet of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov. She devoted 9 years of her life to being a theater soloist. In 1987 Altynai became a prima ballerina. The artist is considered a ballerina of a lyric-dramatic image. Colleagues and professionals note that her dance is distinguished by the beauty of lines and bright acting.

egyptian nights
egyptian nights

Foreign projects

The girl actively participated in various foreign projects. From 1989 to 1993, Altynai was a soloist with the English Royal Ballet Company. Altynai gave 2 years of her life to work in the Marseille National Ballet in the repertoire of Roland Petit. 1994 was marked by the fact that the girl was invited to the Paris Opera. There she was offered to perform the main roles in ballets."Swan Lake" and "La Bayadere". The artist became one of the first ballerinas from Russia who performed together with this troupe.

Winning awards and becoming a teacher

In 1999, the artist received the Golden Soffit theatrical award. The award took place in St. Petersburg, the award was presented for the role of Carmen in the ballet of the inimitable Roland Petit. This year was the peak of a career for a girl. It is at the peak that she leaves the stage in order to devote herself to teaching. Such a sharp change in course was a complete shock to everyone who knew the artist. However, she did not go into lengthy explanations. In one of the interviews, Altynai only noted that she had always wanted to be a teacher at the A. Ya. Vaganova.

In 2000, Altynai Asylmuratova graduated from the Faculty of Education, after which she began to try herself in a new profession. The artist quickly became vice-rector of her native academy, and a little later received the honorary title of professor.

In 2002 and 2012 she was also a member of the jury for the Benois Dance award. In addition, the artist was a member of the jury in Switzerland at the Prix Lausanne competition. Many times she participated in the St. Petersburg festival Dance Open.

raymond ballet
raymond ballet

Asylmuratova Altynai Abduakhimovna left her post after a high-profile scandal, as a result of which Nikolai Tsiskaridze was appointed acting rector of the soloist academy of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. The decision was made in 2013 by the Ministry of Culture, so it was not subject to challenge. This wasa big blow not only for the artist herself, but also for the theater workers.

It should be noted that they sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a modest request to once again reconsider the decision on the official appointment of Nikolai Tsiskaridze and leave the leadership of the school to Altynai Asylmuratova. Thanks to this appeal from the theater staff, the Ministry of Culture decided to extend the contract with the artist. However, Altynay decided to leave her position and wrote a statement of her own free will. She did not disclose the reasons for such an act, and in an interview she avoided this topic in every possible way.

Return to Astana

After such an end to his career in his native school, Altynai was invited to the Mikhailovsky Theater. There she worked for a year as a ballet adviser to the general director. Already in 2015, she received an invitation from the State Opera and Ballet Theater in Astana. Kazakhstan called the artist to her homeland. First, she was offered the position of a teacher-tutor, as well as a choreographic director. Soon Altynai Asylmuratova became the artistic director of the troupe.

Where is the ballet dancer now? It is useless to search for information about the life and creative activity of the artist on the Internet, as it is full of various false information. At the moment, the artist lives in Astana and works as the rector of the Kazakh Academy of Choreography. She entered this position quite recently - only in March 2016.

Private life

Altynay Asylmuratova, whose personal life has never been on public display, is marriedfor Konstantin Zaklinsky. Interestingly, the artist's husband was her stage partner throughout her career. The couple have a daughter, Anastasia, who also followed in the footsteps of her parents, continuing the ballet dynasty. In 2013, the girl graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova. After that, she began to work in the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where she works to this day. She is also a soloist of the ballet troupe in the capital's theater "Astana Opera".

Konstantin Zaklinsky - teacher and dancer of the USSR and Russia. Together with his future wife, he graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School. At the moment, the man is teaching duet-classical dance at the Vaganov estate school. He is also a choreographer-repetiteur at the Mariinsky Theatre. Konstantin Zaklinsky is a laureate of International Ballet Competitions of different years.

Mariinsky Theater

The artist's relationship with this theater began in 1978. In the theater, Altynai often performed leading roles from the classical repertoire. The ballet "Raymonda" was first staged at the Mariinsky Theatre. Raymonda is a ballet by Alexander Glazunov based on the legend of chivalrous love. A plot full of romance and a good libretto provided the performance with staginess, brightness and love of the viewer. The ballet "Raymonda" became part of Altynai's biography in 1999. It was then that the production of K. M. Sergeyeva.

altynai asylmuratova where now
altynai asylmuratova where now

Altynay Asylmuratova: filmography

It is worth noting that, despite her active work in the theater, Altynai managed to star in severalfilms. In 1982, she took part in the filming of the documentary film Behind the Scenes of the Kirov Theatre. In the same year, she distinguished herself with her role in the film Black Snow. Only after 6 long years did the artist continue her path to the cinema. 1998 was marked by the fact that she played the main role (Cleopatra) in the film "Egyptian Nights". In the same year, she again takes part in the filming of the White Night Grand Pas, where she plays the role of Eve. "Black Snow", according to the artist, is one of her favorite works.

asylmuratova altynai abduakhimovna
asylmuratova altynai abduakhimovna

As Cleopatra

The film-ballet "Egyptian Nights" was filmed based on the ballet by Mikhail Fokine, to the music of A. Arensky. The novella "One Night of Cleopatra" by T. Gauthier was the basis. The film tells about the fatal passion of the young queen for the young Egyptian Amun. The favor of Cleopatra simply drives a young man crazy, who is ready to forget all moral principles and his duties to society. Amun decides to leave his fiancee Berenice. Such an act cannot go unnoticed, therefore society sharply condemns and despises the stupid youth who was seduced by the charms of the young queen. The young man has to pay for this passion with his life. Interestingly, while Berenice mourns for her lover, Cleopatra is already rushing towards the handsome Roman commander Mark Antony.

Awards and recognition

Russian ballet dancer has many awards. It is worth noting that in 1983 she received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 2001, Altynai becamePeople's Artist of the Russian Federation. Among her awards can be noted such as the award "B altika", "Golden Soffit", the Order of Friendship. She is also a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of art and literature. In addition, Altynai is an artist, teacher, soloist and experienced artistic director.

Interesting facts from the artist's life

Altynay Asylmuratova is a ballerina who became famous for her talent. Despite this, one should not think that her whole life was devoted exclusively to work. There were many interesting situations in the life of a beautiful artist.

Let's start with the fact that the girl spent her childhood in front of the mirror, putting on her mother's shoes and dresses. She imagined herself a ballerina, singer and dancer. The girl's talent was noticeable to the naked eye. Galina Sidorova was against sending the girl to a ballet school. There were many reasons for this, but the most important of all was that the mother simply did not want her little daughter to plunge into an atmosphere of fierce competition, betrayal and rivalry. Naturally, no mother would want this for her daughter. Nevertheless, the girl showed more and more interest in art with age, so she was soon sent to a ballet school. This happened at the strict insistence of the girl's grandparents, who saw her only as a continuer of family traditions.

Russian ballet dancer
Russian ballet dancer

Friends call their beloved friend very affectionately - Altusya.

The artist met her future husband Konstantin Zaklinsky inchoreographic school. However, he began to look after a young and beautiful girl only when they met in the corps de ballet of the Kirov Theater.

There was also one funny situation that could have ended Altynai's career as a ballet star. Once, after class, Altynai and Kostya were playing like children, and the guy accidentally pushed his beloved. The girl screamed in pain, she was taken to the hospital. The doctor carefully examined Altynai's leg, which was seriously injured. After examining him, he asked if she knew how to do anything other than ballet, because she would have to learn a new profession. The doctors concluded that the girl would have to forget about the career of a ballerina. Despite all the prohibitions of official medicine, Altynai decided not to give up ballet. She continued to work on stage, and after three years she decided to connect her life with Konstantin Zaklinsky.

It is worth saying that Vinogradov noticed Altynai's talent, who was the first to pay due attention to the girl. It was he who began to give her solo and ballerina parts, which helped the artist to reveal herself. We can say that it was thanks to Vinogradov that Altynai became famous. It was this person who noticed talent in her and gave her the opportunity to develop in her favorite business.

The shooting of the documentary "Behind the Scenes of the Kirov Theatre" was carried out by American dancer Derek Hart together with Arnold Hammer. In the picture, young Altynai often flashed. However, she was filmed in an extremely strange way: either she was shown in close-up, or clippings were made from ordinary conversations in the dressing room, where through English speechRussian words broke through. The reason for this filming was rather strange, and it is still unknown if it is true.

Some sources say that it was impossible to openly advertise a young talented ballet star. The Soviet authorities forbade this so that Altynai would not flee to the West, which would accept her with open arms. Despite such a strange fear, the artist did not plan to leave her native country. At that time, she traveled a lot with her troupe. Foreign tours were very well paid thanks to the efforts of Vinogradov. Nevertheless, the artist managed to work in France and London.

The Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater is a very important place for Altynai. She herself says that the theater brought up a strong spirit in her, and also made it possible to breathe with full lungs, because it was this theater that gave the artist great prospects and expensive contracts.

Summing up, it should be noted that the theater is a sacred place where everything happens according to its own laws. In order to join the circle of people of art, one must have great talent, the will to win, and also never stop there. The wonderful artist Altynai Asylmuratova is an example of love of life, femininity and great work on herself. Young talents should take a cue from this amazing woman who never gave up.
