Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water ": description and composition

Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water ": description and composition
Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water ": description and composition

After winter comes the long-awaited spring. She inspires many artists to create masterpieces. Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.”

About the artist

Isaac Ilyich Levitan was born in Lithuania, in the town of Kybarty, in 1861, on August 18th. When the boy was 14 years old, he lost his mother. At this time, the father became seriously ill, so it was difficult for him to support his four children. The family began to experience poverty. The financial situation worsened even more after the death of his father, who passed away in 1877.

painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water"
painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water"

Then Isaac Levitan studied in the 4th grade with the painter Vasily Perov. In March 1877, two works by the young artist were presented at the exhibition, for which he received a prize of 220 rubles and a small silver medal.

Although the young man was talented, he worked hard. It gave results. Having sold the painting "Evening after the rain", Isaac rented a room where he lived and worked with the proceeds.

In 1885, the artist graduated from a specialized school, but he was not given a diploma for national reasons. Again reminded of itself heavy materialposition, so for some time Levitan was forced to live in a remote village.

Difficult childhood led to heart disease. Treatment in the Crimea helped improve his he alth, but the artist passed away early - at the age of 39.

Traveling around Russia and abroad, he noticed the uniqueness of the nature of this or that corner, on the basis of this he created his famous canvases. This is how Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.”

What is shown on the canvas?

One glance at the canvas is enough to see that the artist captured a spring day. The snow has melted, the ice on the river has already melted, now there is a lot of water in it. She overflowed the banks, flooded some of the trees growing in the neighborhood. But not only them: in the background we see two houses, their lower part is covered with water. The buildings that rise on the hillock remained unscathed. Of course, in such places it is necessary to build houses there, since every spring there is a chance that water will flood small buildings. Such thoughts are evoked by Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.”

painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water
painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water

Slender birch trees are trying to resist the natural elements, but they succeed with difficulty. You can see how their trunks are bent. After all, it is not easy to grow when, after winter, the roots and lower part of the trees are in the water. So they could bend down in the struggle for light, competing with a large tree that grows in the neighborhood.

painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water
painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water

Birch trees located on the shore have more comfortable conditions, so their campalmost straight. All this is conveyed by Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.”


Creative work done in very good colors. The blue of the sky is set off by the river, it is almost the same color, because the sky is reflected in its waters.

The golden crown of the trees goes well with the blue coloring. It is quite rare, because it is the lonely leaves left from last year lurking on the trees. But they are enough to fill the canvas with sunlight. And he is everywhere, not only on the birch trees located in front, but also on distant trees. The magnificence of this idea is given out not only by yellow, but also by orange paints. They are also filled with Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water.”

Tree crowns are reflected in the water. The sun itself is not on the canvas, but the canvas does not suffer from its absence. After all, the near shore also consists of orange-yellow tones. This is Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water. The description can be completed with details. Looking closer at the left background, you notice that a riot of sunny colors reigns there, which spring nature sometimes lacks. Even the bottom of the boat is made in such colors.

Levitan's painting “Spring. Big water ": essay

If a student is asked to write an essay on this picture, he can make his own plan or use the one suggested. You can start work with the fact that the canvas of the great artist I. I. Levitan was created in 1897. Next, tell what season and what exactly Levitan’s painting “Spring. Big water. The description above will help you with this. After that you can givehis vision of the plot.

painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water» photo
painting by Levitan “Spring. Big water» photo

Since there is a boat near the shore, it would be correct to assume that a person from the village moved to the other side on it. With such a high water, the road could be flooded, so the only remaining way is by water.

You can complete the essay by writing that Levitan's painting “Spring. Big Water” (whose photo is attached) is attractive, harmonious and evokes a positive mood in the viewer.
