How to draw gods: detailed instructions

How to draw gods: detailed instructions
How to draw gods: detailed instructions

Gods are called supernatural beings, without which no world religion can do. People on all continents since ancient times believed in higher powers and created a kind of cult around them. The gods were revered, respected, brought gifts to them, asked for advice and help. The question of how to draw the gods may be of interest to both a young artist and an experienced master, regardless of religion. The answer to this is presented in detail in this material.

What are the gods

Ancient culture left a legacy of contemporaries many yuzhestvennyh names and guises. Different cultures have different traditions and beliefs. Most modern religions, although endowing the Almighty with different names, represent him most often in human form.

God Buddha: step by step instructions

The founder of the religion "Buddhism" is the Buddha (translated from Sanskrit "awakened"). It can also be considered uniqueenlightened deity. Traditionally, the Buddha is depicted sitting in the lotus position, which is ideal for meditation and is very common in this religion. This pose is often used in yoga. Let's take a closer look at how to draw a god in stages:

Outline the head with an oval with center lines and the body in the form of a trapezoid.

how to draw gods
how to draw gods

Complement the drawing with a sketch of joined hands and crossed legs. Give the head a more natural shape. The top of the skull should be wider than the bottom.

how to draw gods
how to draw gods

Draw symmetrical ears and facial features (Buddha's eyes are closed and the face is relaxed). We complement the body with clothes. Traditionally, the Buddha is depicted wearing a loose robe with piping and wide sleeves, which allows for freedom of movement and does not interfere with meditation.

how to draw gods
how to draw gods

Draw palms folded on the knees. The upper palm during meditation is always open and looks up. Add spacious pants, outlines of the legs and foot.

how to draw god step by step
how to draw god step by step

Completing the work on creating the image of the Buddha: we outline the folds on the clothes. They should emphasize the curves of the body and complement the look.

how to draw god step by step
how to draw god step by step

Now, having figured out how to draw a god with a pencil, it makes sense to color your work. For this, colored pencils, watercolor or gouache are used. The complexity of the work for a young artist may be that the image is symmetrical. Therefore, the sketch must be done with a simple pencil,which is easy to fix if necessary.

How to complement your drawing

When the question of how to draw the gods is successfully resolved, it becomes necessary to add a few details to the drawing. There are no canons and rules for this - the artist is limited only by his own imagination. Clouds, flowers, architectural elements, etc. can act as a background. If there is a question about how to draw gods with some pronounced features, you should focus on them when creating detail and background. For example, depicting Poseidon (the main Greek god of water), you need to draw water, waves with foam, etc. Also, such a drawing can be supplemented with a trident, which, according to mythology, is its integral attribute. Other deities are depicted by this analogy.

how to draw god with pencil
how to draw god with pencil

The task of how to draw the gods should not seem too difficult now! Successful creativity means constantly looking for solutions and practicing artistic skill.
