How to draw an anchor easily and quickly

How to draw an anchor easily and quickly
How to draw an anchor easily and quickly

Now the nautical theme and everything that is somehow connected with the sea is very popular. For example, one of the simplest images is an anchor. Drawing an anchor is not difficult, and we can encounter its image daily, both on the Internet and in real life.

Where does the anchor image appear?

The anchor is a symbol of hope and a favorite image of all sailors. It is found on some coins, and is also often used by tattoo artists, because anchors are one of the most common tattoo designs. Drawing an anchor is not difficult, the finished drawing can be supplemented with many interesting details that will make it special. Drawings of anchors will perfectly complement almost any interior, fit into the design of a holiday card, for example, on February 23. Let's try to draw him together.

How to draw an anchor step by step with a pencil?

Step 1. Let's start with the "skeleton", namely, with two lines forming a cross. Here we outline the dimensions of our drawing. The height of the anchor should be about 2 times the width.

Step 2. Draw a small circle at the top end of the vertical line. This is the future loop for the rope or chain (eye).

Step 3 Now let's move on to the bottom of our anchor. Here it is necessary to depict an even arcslightly wider than the horizontal line of the cross. At the ends of the arc there are arrows looking up.

Step 4. The sketch is ready. Now you need to draw an anchor along the contour. To begin with, inside the circle we will make another one - of a smaller diameter, so our loop will have a thickness.

draw an anchor step by step
draw an anchor step by step

Step 5. Draw the stocks (the horizontal bar of the cross). They also need to be given a little thickness. At the ends of the crossbar there should be thickenings of a rounded or pointed shape.

Step 6. Finishing the vertical part. It tends to thicken a little downwards.

Step 7. Now the hardest part is the anchor arcs. It is important to make them as symmetrical as possible. Start drawing with tips. It is better to pull them up a little and round them from the outside.

Step 8. Draw smooth lines from the tips to the lowest point. There will also be a pointed end here.

Step 9. It remains only to connect the arcs to the main vertical part of the anchor.

So we drew an anchor! This is one of the simplest images of him. Now you can refine it, diversify and decorate.

How can I complete the image?

draw an anchor
draw an anchor

There are many original and unusual variations of the drawing we have already made. You can draw an anchor entwined with a rope, ribbon and chain, add other marine-themed elements to the image, such as a lifebuoy or steering wheel, complement the drawing with birds, roses or other flowers, create an unusual background. All for youdiscretion!
