Who wrote the best adventure books in the world?

Who wrote the best adventure books in the world?
Who wrote the best adventure books in the world?

Books play an incredibly important role in our lives. It was with the "recorded thoughts" that the transformation of a primitive man into a rational man began.

A thousand years ago, each manuscript was a unique gem, hand-written and treasured alongside gold and silver. Today, most of the books in the world are entertaining. But that doesn't make them useless or harmful. Remember the books you read about the adventures of travelers and heroes that you read as a child - how much they inspired and inspired you! Millions of children and teenagers have found their way in life under the influence of such works.

Who is adventure fiction written for?

Of course, it is written for everyone - man and woman, builder and housewife will be happy to read a story about a trip around the world or African pioneers. But the main "targetgroup" for which the best adventure books are written are children and teenagers.

best adventure books
best adventure books

Why? Children are full of unbridled energy, they are maximalists and idealists. Their imagination is boundless, and the thirst for heroic deeds calls for feats. Have you ever seen a boy walking to or from school with blurry eyes? He does not see passing cars, signs and shops. At this very moment, he is piloting a space fighter, floating on a huge raft through the Amazon, making his way through a snowstorm in Alaska. The best adventure books change before his mind's eye, sending him to the land of Fantasy.

It is vitally important for young boys and girls to empathize with the heroes going through the most difficult trials, because through them, albeit in an entertaining way, they learn ethics and rules of conduct, prepare to make important decisions. And if you see such a dreamy tomboy brandishing a twig like a Spanish sword, know that he has the best adventure books on his shelf, read to holes.

best adventure books of all time
best adventure books of all time

Books by which authors of this should be read by both adults and children

  1. Jules Verne. An amazing master who wrote such masterpieces as "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Children of Captain Grant", "Fifteen-Year-Old Captain", and many others. This native of Nantes wrote such powerful, "visionary" novels that they are still, after almost two hundred years, read all over the world.
  2. Mark Twain. His amazing and unique novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a hymn to the "boyish spirit", restless and mischievous. This is a fun, funny and very deep thing that will find a cheerful kid even in the most serious and important man. If you want to collect the best adventure books in your home, then this novel should be among them.
  3. Jack London. His novels "White Fang", as well as "Hearts of Three" and "Sea Wolf", a collection of short stories "Smoke Bellew" are full of incredible willpower, a fearless song of courage and courage, the piercing beauty of the North, ocean waves and tropical jungle.
  4. The Strugatsky brothers. "Inhabited Island" is a cult fantasy novel of the Soviet youth. This novel deserves to top the list of "Best books about hitmen". Adventure plot moves in this book are subtly intertwined with issues of morality and morality, difficult choices and internal struggles.

Muggles, wizards and a magic wand - express to Hogwarts

best adventure books about hitmen
best adventure books about hitmen

Separately, I would like to say about the epoch-making event in the world of literature - the release of the series of books "Harry Potter". This saga about a boy who studies at a magical school has become not just a bestseller - in just a decade, it has reached the third place in the world in terms of the number of copies released! The best adventure books of all time were topped by the Boy-Who-Lived for years to come.
