Actor Sergei Koltakov: biography and creativity

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Actor Sergei Koltakov: biography and creativity
Actor Sergei Koltakov: biography and creativity

Video: Actor Sergei Koltakov: biography and creativity

Video: Actor Sergei Koltakov: biography and creativity
Video: Karl Orff. Cantata "Carmina Burana" (1937) 2024, June

Sergey Koltakov is a talented actor, poet and countryman of V. Shukshin. He has over 35 roles in films and TV series. Do you want to know about his biography and creative activity? Now we will tell about everything.

Sergey koltakov
Sergey koltakov

Koltakov Sergey: biography, childhood and youth

He was born in 1955 (December 10) in Barnaul. His parents had nothing to do with cinema. Sergei's father wanted his son to become a military man in the future. And his mother was ready to accept any of his choices.

From an early age, Serezha showed a love for acting. He arranged home performances with disguises and parodies. Watching him from the side was quite funny.

After graduating from high school (in 1974), the guy went to Saratov. There, the first time he entered the theater school. I. Slonova. However, after the second year, the guy took the documents.

Conquest of Moscow

Sergey returned home to have a serious talk with his parents. He told his father and mother about his desire to enter a Moscow university. As a result, the guy received a blessing. His father gave him a letter of recommendation to his fellow countryman Vasily Shukshin. Our hero did not even suspect that it was a famousactor.

Upon arrival in the capital, Seryozha discovered the loss of a letter of recommendation and photographs that were supposed to remind Shukshin of his acquaintance with his father. But the native of Barnaul did not despair. He managed to find Vasily Makarovich. The actor, popular in those years, met his fellow countryman as expected: he fed him delicious food, listened to him and put him to bed.

Shukshin sent Sergei to VGIK, handing him a note for one of the members of the selection committee - Boris Babochkin. But our hero failed to get into the university under the patronage of Vasily Makarovich. On that day, Babochkin was not on the commission. Yes, and Sergey himself realized that it was wrong to enter VGIK on the basis of blasphemy.

Soon Koltakov became a student of another university - GITIS. He was enrolled in the course of A. Popov. In 1979, Sergei Mikhailovich was awarded the long-awaited diploma. Almost immediately, he entered the theater. Mayakovsky. But Koltakov did not work there for long. In 1982, the actor moved to the Drama Theater. Stanislavsky. And that is not all. In 1989, he was included in the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater.

Sergey Koltakov: films of the Soviet period

For the first time, our hero appeared on the screens in 1981. He was approved for the role of Paul in the film "Valentina". Director Gleb Panfilov was pleased with the collaboration with the young actor.

After 3 years, the second film was released with the participation of Sergei Koltakov - "Partners". This time he successfully got used to the image of Anatoly Tredubenko.

Sergey koltakov movies
Sergey koltakov movies

From 1986 to 1990, the actor starred in several films belonging to different genres. Whatever images he tried on himself. Our hero was a Red Army soldier, a psychologist, and a former prisoner.

Continuation of film career

Despite the fact that the actor Sergei Koltakov played many bright and interesting roles, his talent was not appreciated. In the 1990s, our country was going through hard times. Practically in all spheres (culture, economy, politics) there was a crisis. Sergei Mikhailovich acted in films extremely rarely. In a year, one picture with his participation came out. Some actors could not even boast of such a result.

actor sergey koltakov
actor sergey koltakov

In 2000 everything changed for the better. Koltakov Sergei began to actively act in films. The directors literally flooded the artist with offers of cooperation. Listed below are his most striking and memorable film credits from 2000 to 2014:

  • "Children of the Arbat" (2004) - Solts;
  • "Flip" (2005) - Major Zhenin;
  • "Deadly Force - 6" (2005) - Krutikov;
  • "The Brothers Karamazov" (2009) - the main role;
  • "Summer of the Wolves" (2011) - Denis Semerenkov;
  • "The Other Side of the Moon" (2012) - Vsevolod Ukolov;
  • "Dr. Death" (2013) - Anton Metz;
  • "Departing nature" (2014) - Andrey Zvonarev.

Sergey Koltakov: personal life

Our hero has repeatedly stated that in his youth he was not particularly popular with girls. In high school, Sergei had unrequited love. It was she who pushed him to write poetry.

After Koltakov began acting in films, he had a lot offans. However, he was not going to build relationships with any of them. And there is an explanation for this. The actor understood that they were interested not as a man, but as a media personality.

Sergey koltakov personal life
Sergey koltakov personal life

Currently, Sergei Koltakov carefully protects his personal life from outside interference. Such confidentiality gives rise to many rumors. Some are sure that he is an enviable bachelor, while others consider him an exemplary family man.

In conclusion

Now you know who Sergey Koltakov is. Thanks to such qualities as hard work and dedication, he was able to achieve all-Russian fame and recognition of the audience. We wish him more bright roles and happiness in his personal life!
