Shchegoleva Radmila Valentinovna: biography, personal life, filmography

Shchegoleva Radmila Valentinovna: biography, personal life, filmography
Shchegoleva Radmila Valentinovna: biography, personal life, filmography

Radmila Shchegoleva is an actress who made herself known thanks to the “SV-show” series of programs. In this rating TV project, she embodied the image of the silent Geli, the companion of Verka Serduchka. What is the story of the star, what can you tell about her creative achievements and personal life?

Radmila Schegoleva: the beginning of the journey

The performer of the role of Geli was born in Kyiv, it happened in March 1974. Radmila Shchegoleva has to thank her father for her rare name. The man decided to name his newborn daughter in honor of the famous Yugoslav artist Radmila Karaklaich. He had no doubt that the name would bring the girls happiness.

radmila shchecheva
radmila shchecheva

As a child, Radmila did not stand out from the crowd of her peers. She did not attend a theater group, did not participate in amateur performances, did not act in films. Hardly anyone could have imagined that Shchegoleva would become a famous actress.

Choice of profession

Radmila Shchegoleva showed interest in the art of drama in her teens. It is not surprising, because the girl was lucky to be born in a creative family. Her father worked as a director in a musical theater, and her grandfather was once the deputy director of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theatre.

roksolana series
roksolana series

However, Radmila was not sure that she wanted to connect her life with the acting profession. Her other serious passion in her teenage years was alternative medicine. This “hobby” girl was infected by her grandmother, who did not recognize pills and believed in the healing power of herbs. However, interest in dramatic art eventually prevailed. After graduating from school, Shchegoleva entered the Institute named after I. Karpenko-Kary.

From obscurity to glory

Radmila Shchegoleva successfully graduated from the Institute named after I. Karpenko-Kary, and then started looking for a job. For some time, the girl worked at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater, but she did not achieve much success. The dream of fame and fans came true when Radmila joined the creative team of the Andrey Danilko Theater.

radmila shchegleva filmography
radmila shchegleva filmography

Shchegoleva successfully passed the casting and was selected to participate in the television cycle "SV-show". For several years, her heroine was the stupid dumb Gelya, a friend of Verka Serduchka. The duet of the talkative Verka and the silent Geli made an indelible impression on the audience. Radmila tasted glory for the first time.

Women's Club

For some time Shchegoleva Radmila Valentinovna enjoyed working in the "SV-show". However, the schedule was too tough for her. Sometimes the actress was forced to take part in more than 20 performances a month. Of course, she was unable to even consider other offers, she was forced to turn down new roles.

radmila shchechevabiography
radmila shchechevabiography

As a result, the tandem of Danilko and Shchegoleva, beloved by many viewers, broke up. Few people believed that the actress would be able to get away from the image of the dumb and close-minded Geli, to declare herself in a different role. However, Radmila believed in her strength and was not mistaken. The girl has a new partner, the role of which was taken over by the charming Ruslana Pysanka. The star of the "SV-show" became a member of the new project "Women's Club". The show extended a helping hand to people who are overweight, dream of regaining harmony and getting rid of complexes.

First roles

In 1995 Radmila Shchegoleva starred in her first series. The girl's filmography began with the melodrama Love Island. She got an episodic role, but the actress gained valuable experience. Interestingly, before that, she had a negative attitude towards soap operas, but she changed her mind.

radmila shchecheva personal life
radmila shchecheva personal life

The star of the "SV-show" received a bright role in the series "Roksolana: Nastunya", presented to the audience in 1997. Her character in this TV project was the beautiful and temperamental Clara. Radmila embodied the same image in the continuation of the story "Roksolana: Beloved Wife of the Caliph", which was released in the same year.


The series "Roksolana: Nastunya" attracted the attention of directors to Shchegoleva. The girl's filmography began to gradually replenish with film and television projects:

  • White suit.
  • Black Rada.
  • "New Year's Killer".
  • "Surprise me".
  • "Hand for happiness".
  • "How to find the ideal?".
  • "Attraction".
  • “Gogol. Closest.”
  • "Female Doctor-2".
  • "Brother for brother-3".
  • Dow.

Radmila is an actress who does not have a clearly defined role. She is able to convincingly play a "night butterfly", a saleswoman, a teacher. Separately, it should be noted the melodrama "Surprise Me", in which Shchegoleva brilliantly coped with the role of the cheerful Evgenia.

Last role

"Dow" is the last film to date, in which Radmila Shchegoleva took part. The biography of the star claims that this happened in 2014. The biographical drama introduces viewers to the difficult history of the famous Soviet physicist Lev Landau. This talented person managed to become a Nobel Prize winner.

Shchegleva Radmila Valentinovna
Shchegleva Radmila Valentinovna

In the drama "Dau" Radmila got the main female role. Her character was Concordia, the devoted wife of the brilliant physicist Lev Landau. Information about the further creative plans of the performer of the role of Geli in the "SV-show" is not yet available. However, fans do not lose hope for the release of a new film or TV series featuring their favorite actress.

Private life

Fans are interested not only in the roles that the brilliant Radmila Shchegoleva managed to perform by the age of 44. Personal life, unfortunately, is not one of the topics that the SV-show star is happy to discuss with reporters.

It is known that Radmila was once married. Shchegoleva decided to part with her freedom when she was 23 years old. The identity of the chosen one of the actress is still a mystery. Marriagesoon broke up, as the actress constantly disappeared on tour. She was focused on her career, could not pay enough attention to her family.

Radmila claims that now she treats her family more responsibly. However, it cannot be said whether Shchegoleva's personal life has settled down. It is only known that the actress has not yet acquired children.

Interesting facts

Radmila's serious illness is one of the reasons why the creative union between Danilko and Shchegoleva broke up. The mental and physical stress resulting from hard work put the star out of action for several months. There were days when the actress already doubted that she would be able to recover and return to her beloved profession. She seriously prepared for death, made a will and even prepared farewell letters for relatives and friends. Fortunately, Radmila's he alth has recovered.

For about three years, the actress tried to find herself in business. Together with friends, Shchegoleva opened a recruitment agency. The company specialized in employment of representatives of various professions, from builders to programmers. However, in the end, Radmila realized that she would not be able to completely part with the world of dramatic art.

Radmila has many hobbies, among which music plays a special role. The actress likes different musical directions, she also enjoys singing.
