Celtic patterns: meaning and symbolism

Celtic patterns: meaning and symbolism
Celtic patterns: meaning and symbolism

Everyone knows about the culture of Greece, Rome, Egypt. These civilizations are examples of art and culture. But on the territory of Europe there was once a people whose skill and heritage are simply amazing. They were called Celts.

Celtic patterns meaning
Celtic patterns meaning

Time has not spared them: from the once powerful people, only the memory remained in the form of complex ornaments, names on the map and crosses covered with ornaments in the fields of Ireland.

Celtic patterns, the meaning of which is not fully understood, attract the eye, bewitch, hypnotize. Looking at them, one will involuntarily believe that these strange weaves of lines have mystical power. As in the drawings of other peoples, their beliefs and worldview are reflected in the ornaments and weaves of the Celts.

If you look at Celtic patterns, their meaning will no longer seem such a huge mystery. All lines have neither end nor beginning, as in the views of the Celts, human life had neither end nor beginning. Everything in the world is interconnected and passes into each other, the smaller is always a part of something larger. The Celts believed that a person is a part of the World Tree, with which he will have to merge, having gone through many deaths, births andrebirths. When an individual chose a pattern for a talisman, he also chose his own destiny, because there were ornaments that brought good luck, he alth, happiness and love to the owner. You can try to unravel the meaning of Celtic patterns by looking at medallions and a few preserved pendants.

meaning of celtic patterns
meaning of celtic patterns

Lines twist, twist, intersect in space like a giant maze. This is exactly what Celtic patterns hide in themselves. Their meaning is transparent here - this is a labyrinth in which a person wanders before he comes to the realization of the truth, that is, before he gets into the center of the labyrinth.

Another unusual Celtic symbol is a cross, but not a simple one, but with circle. He personified the harmony of the four elements. It is noteworthy that at the end it expands (as a symbol of a person's ability to self-development, to go beyond).

The Celts believed that a person simultaneously lives both in the real and in the unreal world. Moreover, the symbols of the latter help to live in this world, are able to influence it and change the course of events. Another well-known symbol is the trixel, or shamrock. Initially, it denoted three legs emanating from one center, which personified the harmony of Fire, Air and Water.

Celtic patterns and their meaning
Celtic patterns and their meaning

Significantly later, the ornament changed, becoming like three spirals that form a triangle in the center.

Celts also depicted animals. Moreover, the rabbit had a dual meaning. It is a symbol of prosperity, love, prosperity, but also cunning, resourcefulness and lust. As withMany peoples, snakes among the Celts were considered sacred keepers of magical secrets and healing. The deer is a symbol of rebirth, the Tree of Life, since every spring it changes its horns.

It is interesting that the Celts have dragons in mythology. This is rather unusual, since this "beast" lives mainly in China and Japan. Dragons are symbolically depicted by Celtic patterns. The meaning of this symbol is protection, wisdom and the ability to grant immortality. Summing up all of the above, it is worth noting that the numerous surviving ornaments amaze with their beauty and complexity of execution. Celtic patterns and their meaning will always attract people's attention.
