Duet is the music of two performers

Duet is the music of two performers
Duet is the music of two performers

A duet is an ensemble of two members, or a vocal piece for two voices with accompaniment. Translated from Italian duetto or Latin duo, the concept means "two". Duets are an integral part of opera, cantata, oratorio, operetta. In operetta, this ensemble is the most popular type of vocal performance.

Duet in opera

Like an opera number, the duet has been found since the 17th century, mostly at the end of acts. But at that time this kind of vocal ensemble was quite rare. Since the 18th century, the duet has been an obligatory number in opera buffa (comic character) and opera seria (large serious performance).

Together with the development of the opera genre, the evolution of the concept took place. Sometimes, from a complete work, the duet turned into a dramatic scene.

duet it
duet it

The specificity of the opera ensemble is that it makes it possible to create a conflict situation, to show not only the development of the action, but also the clash of different characters. That is why it is sometimes used in the climactic and final moments of the opera.

Unlike solo singing, the duet form of performance is the most effective. It allows you to achieve a more vivid impression. After alla feature of human hearing is not only the ability to simultaneously perceive several melodies, but also the understanding of their relationship.

Duet in chamber vocal music

Duet can also be considered as an independent genre of chamber vocal music. In this capacity, he established himself in the middle of the 17th century.

The heyday of the chamber vocal duet occurs in the work of J. Brahms and R. Schumann. It takes place in the 19th century. By this time, this form of performance becomes a continuation of solo chamber vocal music.

sing a duet
sing a duet

Duo development process

Initially singing together was used as an amplification of the melodic line. Duets were often built on the parallel movement of voices, and composers did not strive for the independence of each of them. As a rule, in this case one image and one emotional state were presented.

Over time, they began to sing a duet differently. He is undergoing changes. Composers begin to duplicate the melody not in unison, but in an octave. Thus, this technique creates a sense of space in the music. However, this does not contribute to the freedom and emancipation of voices.

The next step in the development of the duet is the polyphonization of the texture. It is in this case that the voices become independent and contribute to the combination of different characters and moods.


Another meaning of a duet is a piece of music for two instrumentalists or for a pair of leading instrumental voices with accompaniment. Previously, this name denoted a two-part composition for oneartist.

In the 18th century, works for two performers were called dialogue and sonata. The instrumental duet genre gained immense popularity in Europe, especially in France. The arrangement of existing works to music for duet performance has become very widespread: for two flutes, clarinets, violins, etc.

duet how many people
duet how many people

The most popular and developed compositions for two pianists, which are also called “playing in four hands.”

One of the most common and relevant ensembles in our time is a duet. How many people who compose music turned to this form of performance, so many changes did it undergo.
