Choreographer Alla Sigalova: height and weight, biography, personal life
Choreographer Alla Sigalova: height and weight, biography, personal life

Video: Choreographer Alla Sigalova: height and weight, biography, personal life

Video: Choreographer Alla Sigalova: height and weight, biography, personal life
Video: Library for Kids: Rules, History & Manners | Social Studies for Children | Kids Academy 2025, January

Being an Honored Artist of Russia, she received the Golden Mask award. The activities of this woman are extensive and multifaceted. In 2007, she became a permanent member of the panel of judges that judged the participants in the Dancing with the Stars contest.

Life path

The biography of Alla Sigalova begins with the fact that she was born on the 28th of February 1959 in Volgograd. She spent her childhood in one of the houses of Leningrad. It is the cultural capital of Russia that Sigalova Alla Mikhailovna considers her homeland.

alla sigalova height and weight
alla sigalova height and weight

Sprouts of love for art grew in her heart and manifested from early childhood. Being a pupil of an intelligent family and a descendant of a family tree, at the origins of which stood the artist Somov, she received an excellent upbringing, which became the foundation for the development of a beautiful and sublime soul. The biography of Alla Sigalova indicates that her mother, a professional ballet dancer, was a good example in dancing for her. It's nice to have such a close and experienced mentor. It was from her that Alla Sigalova took an example.

Nationality (she has Jewish roots) did the same to her as to most of her fellow tribesmen- endowed with a strong intellect and great talents. The girl followed her mother into the world of beauty.

Starting from the age of six, the future choreographer lived with only one mother. Father, a pianist by profession, left the family. Up to this point, being nearby, the man still managed to convey to the girl a love of music.

As a result, in years Alla Mikhailovna Sigalova will become an outstanding choreographer. The environment shapes consciousness. But where did the mere influence of the environment end and the conscious process of choosing one's destiny by a person begins? Very early, the girl began to dream about how she would get into the Vaganov School, she saw how she would study within its walls. The first time she did not enter the school, but she did not give up, and in the end she was accepted.

The Path of Creativity

Since her parents were quite famous people in the creative environment, one could hope for their help and connections. Protection was provided, as a result of which Alla entered an educational institution. In the future, she will prove that she really deserves this chance.

1978 - the year of graduation of a dancer from the Academy of Ballet. Vaganova Agrippina. Life continued to test and temper Alla: she was seriously injured during training. Professional ballet had to be abandoned for the time being. For seven months, she had to take care of herself and let her body recover from the shock. Paralysis partially fettered her limbs. The struggle, both mental and physical, took her a year.

This woman is not the type to give up and give up. She courageously overcame the problems that arose before her. leavingPetersburg, she discovered Moscow - a city of great opportunities.

biography of alla sigalova
biography of alla sigalova

Second education

She stood on the threshold of a new life. Wanting to expand her knowledge and improve herself, she became a student of the directing department, having got into GITIS. Her studies continued until 1983.

Since the first education was not easy and taught to deal with difficulties, Alla solves all the tasks that arise before her at this time with brilliance. She already understands something in life and can pass her knowledge on to others.

Alla remains to work as a teacher at GITIS. In her soul, the desire to return to ballet flares up more and more, for which she optionally takes dancing classes. Through her labors, new performances appear, to which she applies her talented mind as a director and choreographer. 1987-1989 devoted to the art of dance at the theater "Satyricon".

Alla Sigalova's personal life
Alla Sigalova's personal life

Private matter

1989-1999 she devotes to the management of her personal studio. Now she is the boss of herself and her business. Here you could swing in a fantasy sense and be innovative.

With her light hand, "modern dances" appear in Russia, a phenomenon previously unknown. It is she who brings Contemporary dance to her homeland. In this course, the dance is presented theatrically, an idea of performance appears.

The existence of the dance group assembled by her was not long. At that time, the country's economy was not going through the best of times, so there were practically no development prospects. It was. 1995 was marred by a crisis for the group. They stoically hold on until 1999, finding the strength and time for periodic theatrical performances. The troupe dedicated the year 1998 to performances in Japan, after which it disappeared altogether.

alla sigalova children
alla sigalova children

Road to TV

A woman gained valuable experience in managing her team, but she realized that this was not her element, and it was better to look for another place in life. Then popular singers turned to her services in organizing numbers on the stage of the stage. The following pages of life bring her a post in which she heads the department of education of plasticity, which was part of the Moscow Art Theater.

The year 2007 transfers her to the staff working on television. The first TV show was Dancing with the Stars. The camera loves Alla, because she is charming and professional. TV viewers recognize her, producers invite her to the judges' bench in the Dancing on the Floor project.

There is a sophisticated atmosphere associated with the art of ballrooms. Now this delightful woman can be recognized in the most remote corner of Russia. Her voice is heard on the station dedicated to culture. There she hosts a radio show about dance art. Another nice bonus that 2008 brought was the Golden Mask award, which she receives as the author of a bright choreographic work performed as part of a concert program, the plot of which was dedicated to the beautiful Carmen.

Private life

Alla Sigalova's personal life was shaken when she lost her husband in May 2010. He was 53 years old. Alla Sigalova's husband wasseriously ill, from which he later died.

He was the head of the drama theater named after Pushkin. The personal life of Alla Sigalova, which Roman Kozak shared with a woman, was happy for 16 long years. Those were good years. They are still kept in the heart of Alla Sigalova. Children - Anna (from her husband's first marriage) and Mikhail (a joint child) - were brought up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Parents got along well, were close spiritually. Roman and Alla Sigalova had common interests.

Sigalova Alla Mikhailovna
Sigalova Alla Mikhailovna

The children were loved, but not only they occupied the couple's thoughts. The husband called his beloved to play a role in his play, recreated based on the story "Jan", written by Andrey Platonov. Thanks to her man, Alla got acquainted with dramatic art. Hand in hand, lovers entered the Moscow Art Theater School for work and creativity.

When Roman passed away, his loving wife brought his course to the final point. Together with the graduates, they played the graduation performance “Giselle, or Deceived Brides.”

Alla's heiress also went on the path of creativity. Her element is interior design. The choreographer already has a grandson Fedor.

Forever young and beautiful

To say that this woman is beautiful is to say nothing. Alla Sigalova looks amazing. Her height and weight correspond to all international beauty standards. She is slim and graceful. Her height is 167 centimeters, body weight is 50-55 kg. It is immediately clear that Alla Sigalova led an active life. Her height and weight, despite the passage of time, remained in remarkable proportions. And it's all incoupe with refined features and beautiful hair.

Looking at her, you involuntarily wonder: “How old is Alla Sigalova, this unfading star that illuminates the world of beauty?”. By simple calculations, we will determine this. Alla Sigalova has been decorating this world for 57 years. The height and weight of few ladies of her age remain so impressive.

how old is alla sigalova
how old is alla sigalova

How does she do it?

The choreographer considers the love of life to be the most important quality. So how old is Alla Sigalova, as we see, it does not matter at all. What matters is what it is in the soul. This woman is just amazing. Alla Sigalova is ready to prescribe a simple secret of beauty and he alth to everyone. Her height and weight are in perfect condition, not so much thanks to a newfangled diet, but to a careful calculation of the calories in the meals eaten.

It can be said without a doubt that not every woman manages to look so good even at the age of thirty. There is something to strive for. The most important thing to learn is that problems come and go, they just need to be experienced, although sometimes this is not an easy task. But life must go on, and for the sake of a beautiful tomorrow, in order to see its blinding sun, you need to survive today's storm. This fragile and graceful woman, by some miracle, thanks to the inner core, which was not broken by any scrape, managed to do it.

The secret of the charm of a talented woman

What makes people beautiful is not the fact that they spend the day and night in a fitness club. Of course, all this in itself is not bad, but nothing is worth anything without a twinkle in the eyes, without light insoul and faith in the best in the heart. Such is the simple secret of happiness and longevity. It is worth forgetting about self-pity, not getting depressed, you just need to enjoy life. If you want to enjoy every day, no one will forbid you. All these are the life principles of our heroine.

Alla Sigalova's husband
Alla Sigalova's husband

As we understood from her biography, the choreographer went through a lot, and her path to success was not easy and difficult. But she can be a great example of courage and the will to win. She always lived every day like it was her last, giving her best and not being afraid of anything.
