New Russian film "Bitter!". Reviews speak for themselves

New Russian film "Bitter!". Reviews speak for themselves
New Russian film "Bitter!". Reviews speak for themselves

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It is not known what motivates people to go to the film "Bitter!": whether it is reviews at film forums, or just a well-made trailer … But the fact that many people did not regret a single minute spent watching this comedy, that's for sure.

How can you be sorry if the film shows exactly the whole pre-wedding fever with all its "symptoms"? Those who have not experienced this “disease” at least once will hardly be able to understand this. But who survived… Must watch, and only!

bitter reviews
bitter reviews

A bit of plot

Imagine: Gelendzhik, the sea, summer… If you are interested, it is recommended to go to Gorko! (film, 2013). Reviews with gratitude for a great film can be heard anywhere, even in public transport. There are many.

So, summer, Gelendzhik, the sea, and against this heavenly background we observe all the ups and downs that happen to a young couple, Roma and Natasha, who have decided to get married. Of course, they want the wedding to take place at the “level”, and better, of course, at the European level. Well, so that there are no these idiotic competitions, so that the toastmaster does not get drunk by the middle of the wedding (and this happens), so that the guests do not yell “Bitter!” every five minutes. In a word, everything should be, as they say, chiki-piki (although more often it turns out to be all chuki-poki).

But interestsyoung people suddenly come across a parental vision of the upcoming wedding, where the toastmaster is not averse to drinking, and the guests take a total part in wedding contests, not forgetting to shout: “Bitter!” The responses of the young to such a violation of their rights were not long in coming. However, it is not necessary to reveal the entire outline of the plot. It is only necessary to say that it resembles a "roller coaster". Not a second of downtime, the speed with which the plot develops is so captivating that you really feel the effect of presence in 3D format.

How the confrontation between the newlyweds and parents will end, you will find out if you watch the film "Bitter!"

bittersweet movie 2013 reviews
bittersweet movie 2013 reviews


Now I would like to mention the cast. Egor Koreshkov starred as the groom. This is his first major role in a feature film, before which his most memorable, in all likelihood, was the role in the series "Eighties", where he played a young nomenklatura worker.

For Yulia Alexandrova, who played the role of the bride, this is also the first major role in a feature film, although she has a lot of serial images on her account.

It should also be noted that the older generation of actors, not childishly succumbed to the heat. Jan Tsapnik, who played the father of the bride, was simply inimitable. The image of a local official and a former paratrooper in one bottle, who at one time “lit up” in the nineties, is cleaner than a “Molotov cocktail”. The mixture turned out to be very explosive.

As a motherthe bride starred Elena Valyushkina, we all remember her for the main role in the magnificent film "Formula of Love". It is noteworthy that the director who made the film "Bitter!", Zhora Kryzhovnikov (Andrey Pershin in the world), is a student of Mark Zakharov.

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movie bittersweet


It is impossible to ignore the cameo of Sergei Svetlakov. His whole role is a frank banter over himself. Only a strong and self-confident person could decide on such a thing. Following Sergey, the actress of the TV series Our Russia Yulia Stadnik, the on-screen wife of the Taganrog viewer performed by the same Svetlakov, also got into the film. In "Bitter!" she played the future mother-in-law, Roma's mother. I must say, her image turned out to be very convincing.

Let's sum up the film "Bitter!". Reviews about him are somewhat surprising. But not everyone managed to answer the question of what this film is about. And the answer is simple: the film "Bitter!" about love - about the love of children for their parents. Yes, yes, that's exactly what he's talking about, despite all his rollickingness.
