The Kree Empire in Marvel

The Kree Empire in Marvel
The Kree Empire in Marvel

"Marvel" is a huge universe created by brilliant filmmakers and animators. For decades, the whole world has been in love with The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men and many other superheroes and supervillains. Movies and animated series created by Marvel Studios are watched not only by children, but also by adults. The iconic Avengers: Infinity War franchise recently surpassed $2 billion at the box office, an all-time box office record for a superhero film.

Over the years of its existence, the Marvel universe has grown significantly. Not only new superheroes are constantly appearing in it, but also entire worlds, universes and life forms. Some of which receive unfairly little attention. One of these races are the Kree - "Marvel" mentions them only in rare episodes. Let's get to know him better?

captain marvel kree
captain marvel kree


The first Kree we meet in 1967 in comics dedicated to the adventures of the Fantastic Four. In addition, there are Kree in the comics "Agents of SHIELD", "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Captain Marvel". Marvel Studios owed Jack Kirby and Stan Lee the creation of the Kree race.

Who are the Kriyas?

This is a race of aliens with a low level of technological development. Flight in outer space Kree stole from the Skruls, who were previously considered deities. In general, Kree are quite hostile towards other worlds. They have existed for many millennia, presumably appeared simultaneously with humans. The Kriya's home planet is Hala, located in Earth's twin galaxy, the Magellanic Cloud. Almost all Kriya technologies are stolen, successfully implemented on their planet,. True, they are well advanced in genetic engineering in an attempt to create the perfect soldiers.

Appearance and physiology

kree marvel race
kree marvel race

Kriyas are very similar to humans. They are distinguished only by the blue color of the skin and the presence of only four fingers on the hands. They are more resilient and stronger than humans. This is due to the fact that on the planet Hala, life conditions are more severe than on Earth.

Kriya needs nitrogen for normal breathing. Kriya height can vary from one and a half to two meters. Rare individuals grow more than two meters. It is not uncommon to see pink-skinned Kree in the comics, the result of interracial marriages that began to take place in order to get around the ban on the development of the Kree.

Skrulls, Kotati and Kree

According to the legendIn the Marvel universe, the Kree peacefully coexisted with another humanoid race, the Kotati (humanoids that have signs of plants). They shared the planet Hala.

Everything changed when the Skrulls flew to the planet Hala to choose the representative of the planet Hala for the intergalactic community. Nobody wanted to make concessions. Then the Skryas, whom the Kree and the Cotati deified, were asked to send representatives of both civilizations to the moon in order for them to build a city. According to the Kriya, they began to diligently build the city, while the Cotati simply went to bed. When it came time to show the work, it turned out that the city of the Cree was good, but the Cotati were able to grow a whole forest in a dream. The victory went to Cotati. In anger, the Kree killed all the Cotati and Skree who flew to Hala, and the Skrul ship was stolen. So the Kree learned to fly into space. When they got to the Skruls, they started the First Skrull-Kree War.

Empire and political system

After the Kree mastered interstellar flight and got involved in the war with the Skrulls, they quickly began to expand their empire. The Kree in Marvel have conquered a thousand worlds in the northwestern part of the Magellanic Cloud galaxy. Despite the fact that the race originated on Hala, the Kree decided to move their capital to the Turunal star system on the planet Kri-Lar.

The Kriya political system is a rigid dictatorship. The race is controlled by the Higher Mind - a special program that generates decisions based on the experience and skills of all the great Kriyas.

Kree comics

kree marvel movie
kree marvel movie

Most famousthe character is Captain Marvel - the Kree, who went over to the side of the earthlings and opposes the constant hostility of the Kree and the Skruls. Captain Marvel was sent to Earth in order to study earthlings and their technology. Soon he realizes that he does not want to engage in theft and constant war. Captain Marvel is out of control of the Supreme Intelligence and challenges the Kree. Now he is one of the defenders of the Earth. As well as the Avengers, he fights with the central antagonist of the Marvel universe - Thanos. A film starring Jude Law as Captain Marvel is expected to be released soon.

The second famous Kree from the Marvel movies is Ronan the Accuser. He is familiar to viewers from the Guardians of the Galaxy films. He is the son of Thanos, an aristocrat and one of the commanders of the Kree army. In the first film, he is the main villain, while trying to conquer the planet, Xander was killed by the "guards".

kree marvel empire
kree marvel empire

Noh Varr is another famous Kree from Marvel. Known for his participation in the "Dark Avengers". Subsequently, he will become one of the earth's zealots, but not of his own free will, but after he falls into the custody of S. H. I. E. L. D. agents and is placed in the Cube. The head of the agency decides to take advantage of the extraordinary abilities of the young alien and puts him before a choice: either he helps, or he sits in the Cube prison for the rest of his life.

noh varr
noh varr

In the Marvel universe, the Kree firmly occupy the position of anti-heroes, however, there are good-natured guys among them who are ready to help earthlings in difficult times. Becoming newAs Captain Marvel, Noh Varr develops a love for humans and soon becomes one of the most interesting characters in Marvel Comics, with comic book fans comparing him to such well-known characters as Superman and Iron Man. Unfortunately, the series is limited and ends after just one year.
