Claudia Polovikova: roles, films, biography

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Claudia Polovikova: roles, films, biography
Claudia Polovikova: roles, films, biography

Video: Claudia Polovikova: roles, films, biography

Video: Claudia Polovikova: roles, films, biography
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Klavdia Polovikova - theater and film actress. A native of Little Russia (Russian Empire). She played roles in such famous cinematic projects as "War and Peace", "Idiot". She is best known for her role in the movie The Drummer's Destiny. The society is known as the mother of actress Valentina Serova, the chosen one of the writer Konstantin Simonov, who tragically passed away under unclear circumstances in the early winter of 1975. Klavdia Polovikova died in Moscow in February 1979 at the age of 82. The first role in the cinema was played by her in 1933, the last - in 1966. In 1954 she was awarded the title People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Claudia Polovikova
Claudia Polovikova


Klavdia Mikhailovna Polovikova was born on December 15, 1896 in Little Russia. She began her path to art by entering the Maly Theater School-Studio, from which she left in 1921. She devoted the next fourteen years of her life to work in the same theater. In the mid-1930s she served in the Moscow Theater of the Revolution. Later she worked at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater in Kiev and at the Pushkin Theater in Leningrad. During World War IIDuring the war, she served in the Leningrad City Council Theater (Moscow). The last place of her work was the Moscow Drama Theater. Claudia Polovikova played in the theater and in the cinema of strong-willed, temperamental, emotional and strong natures, who, according to people who knew the actress, were close to her in spirit. From Vasily Polovikov, a hydrological engineer, later repressed by the Soviet authorities, she gave birth to a daughter, Valentina, on February 10, 1919.

klavdiya polovikova actress
klavdiya polovikova actress

Roles in the theater

She first appeared on the stage in the play "Glass of Water". The actress shone in such performances of that time as “Pious Martha”, “Third Youth”, “Noble Nest”, and others.

First movie roles

In 1933, cinema entered the life of the actress when she played the role of a blind woman in the comedy drama Ragged Shoes about the fate of German workers before the Nazis came to power.

Then there was the role of a laundress in the film "Three from one street", released on the screens of the country in 1936.

At the same time, actress Claudia Polovikova played Aunt Polly in the family film "Tom Sawyer" - the film adaptation of Mark Twain's work about the adventures of two tomboys - the restless Tom and the young tramp Huck Finn, who brighten up their lives by searching for treasure.

Claudia Mikhailovna Polovikova
Claudia Mikhailovna Polovikova

Further roles

Later, she played a role in the historical drama "Fiery Waters" about 1919, when detachments of Belarusian peasants and workers are fighting the White Poles. The picture was released in the fall of 1939.

In 1942, the actress turned to creativity againMark Twain, playing in the adventure drama The Prince and the Pauper. This story, familiar to everyone today, tells how a young slum dweller and a royal decide to switch places. No one will notice the substitution, because these two are very, very similar to each other. The picture was released at a very difficult time for the country - in January 1943, when every inhabitant of the USSR worked to defeat fascism.

In 1946, the actress appeared in the film-biography "Glinka", which tells about the times of writing the opera "Ivan Susanin", when the composer of the famous romance "I remember a wonderful moment" to the verses of A. S. Pushkin became friends with Anna Kern. In this picture, the voice of the famous singer Sergei Lemeshev sounds. The film, nominated for competition at the 1947 Venice Film Festival, starred Boris Chirkov and Vasily Merkuriev.

In the spring of 1956, the viewer first saw the adventure drama "The Fate of the Drummer", in which the actress Polovikova played one of the secondary roles. This is a story about a young drummer and pioneer Seryozha Batashov. The protagonist is left alone after his father, who worked as an engineer at a secret factory, loses important documents and ends up in prison. After that, some people come to the empty house of the Batashovs, who introduce themselves to Serezha as distant relatives, but in fact they are spies and criminals. For some reason, this "relative" is eager to meet his father's colleagues. The Pioneer does not immediately understand why these "relatives" need these meetings. The painting is based on the work of Arkady Gaidar.

In 1958Claudia Polovikova played a prominent role in the drama The Idiot directed by Ivan Pyryev. The audience is introduced to Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, who returns to Russia after a long treatment abroad and meets, once in the Epanchins' house, with a very effective special Nastasya Filippovna. This meeting for the protagonist becomes fateful. The film based on the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky starred Yuri Yakovlev and Yulia Borisova.

the fate of the drummer
the fate of the drummer

Role in winning film

In 1965, the legendary epic film "War and Peace" by Sergei Bondarchuk began its triumphal procession through cinemas, in which the actress played the role of Princess Anna Drubetskaya. The $29 million film won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Watching films with the participation of Claudia Polovikova, one cannot help but be amazed at the skill, subtle understanding of the role of this extraordinary and talented actress.
