Rating action movies: from natural massacre to a new classic of the genre

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Rating action movies: from natural massacre to a new classic of the genre
Rating action movies: from natural massacre to a new classic of the genre

Video: Rating action movies: from natural massacre to a new classic of the genre

Video: Rating action movies: from natural massacre to a new classic of the genre
Video: Как живет Федор Добронравов и сколько зарабатывает Иван Будько Нам и не снилось 2024, June

Traditionally, everything is known in comparison, and in the film industry this common phrase takes on a special meaning, determining the rating of a film.

Action movie rating is a measure of popularity, evaluation, prioritization and even classification. It is established by polling an impressive target group of viewers or a more modest group of experts.

action rating
action rating


From the moment the films belonging to the “action movie” category appeared, and until the latest high-profile premieres, the most authoritative and well-known publications, prestigious film awards are trying to determine the best film. The fact is that not always high-profile premieres created by masters of cinematography and awarded with prestigious awards occupy a leading position in the tabloids of popularity and audience sympathy. Therefore, when a rating of action films is compiled, many parameters are taken into account: box office receipts, the number of film awards, bright events and high-profile scandals associated with the filming process and, of course, the rating and love of the viewer. Absolute winners, that is, the bestaction movies are those that are most often in the top 9 of the world's major publications, such as Time and Movies, Variety, Guardian, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, Associated Press, etc.

movie action movie
movie action movie

Overall winners (veterans)

Compiling the rating of militants, among the leaders they most often name:

  1. "Beginning" (2010). The inventive idea of Christopher Nolan will tell about travel through dreams. Just a brilliant picture of a wonderful world with such a dashing ending that turns the whole story upside down. And the dynamics of the picture is provided by a masterfully selected ensemble of actors, high-class special effects and pompous dramatic music.
  2. "Gladiator" (2000). Director Ridley Scott gave the viewer a stunning historical action movie of unprecedented proportions. This is a grandiose epic project, in which everything is not only picturesque, but also insanely brutal.
  3. "The Matrix" (1999). The peculiar new ageism of the directors of the Wachowski brothers was a huge success. The picture is filled with powerful and masterfully executed action scenes, and the episode with the coolest shootout in the office is still considered a reference.
  4. The Dark Knight (2008). Once again, Christopher Nolan makes a film that becomes the fourth film in the world to earn more than one billion. This is a spectacular and quite realistic movie, by no means a comic book movie.
  5. "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991). The rating of veteran fighters would not be complete without this successful and clever continuation of the fantastic action movie of the same James Cameron. Moviewas deservedly awarded four Oscars and enthusiastically received by the audience.

A New Action Classic

To some regret of the adherents of a well-aimed shot and a good hook, a natural scuffle is being replaced by new action pictures - ferocious, reactive, insane and unthinkably beautiful, like an injection of adrenaline in the heart. The pop tabloids have blown up films of recent years that promise to be the new classics of the action genre. Here is a list of a few:

series Russian thriller
series Russian thriller
  1. The 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road is in first place. This is a real cinematic lightning - the movie is brutal and wonderful at the same time. Director Miller turned out to be an absolute genius in the field of car chase choreography.
  2. Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow has been named one of the best projects of the season and the perfect product for a mainstream audience that goes beyond relentless action and mind-blowing special effects.
  3. Sometimes modern blockbusters use formulaic plots, tried-and-true and simple tricks, but their creators manage to make them elegant. Moreover, elegance is determined not by an innovative approach, but by the processing of even the template structure of the film, its variations and the ability to play with situations. Among such films: "Fury", "John Wick", "Kingsman: Secret Service", "The First Avenger: The Winter Soldier", "The Expendables 3", "RoboCop".

We have something to be proud of

Russian films of the genre "action movie" is a movie that is focused ondomestic audience and tailored exclusively to the Russian mentality. It has the same chases, fights and shootouts, but close to our sometimes sad reality. A distinctive feature of domestic film projects is that directors pay more attention to the plot, revealing the image of the main characters, and not to distracting special effects. For the most part, all films belong to the mixed genre "action-crime", only those action films, the plot of which is associated with the events of the Second World War or peacekeeping operations (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.), are separately isolated. Noteworthy films are:

action crime
action crime
  1. Brother (1997). One of the best works of Aleksey Balabanov, the value of which only grows with the passage of time. The picture may seem old-fashioned, but only to those moviegoers who are used to the pseudo-battles that are played out in pavilions against the backdrop of a green screen.
  2. No less significant are the brutal "Boomer" and "Shadowboxing", "Brigade" (TV series, Russian thriller), the sensational futuristic action movie "Inhabited Island" by Fyodor Bondarchuk, "Paragraph 78", "9th Company", "War".

What should be the best action movie?

Also, do not disregard the technological moment. The best action movie is a priori filmed in a high-tech way in terms of the quality of shooting, sound and costumes. The storytelling style should be classic, without any experimental innovations. The story should be simple and understandable to all viewers, regardless of their country of residence, for example, abouta person who strives to achieve his goal by all means and means.

action crime
action crime

Increasingly, even in the "action" genre, attention is drawn to high-quality and good cinema, in which the relationship between the main characters is brought to the fore. Acting is important in any picture, because all the emotions and feelings that the viewer must feel are transmitted through facial expressions, gestures and the timbre of the voice of the actors. A masterpiece is obtained when the director feels and knows how the character should behave in this or that situation and how he should be.
