Review and reviews: Eurogrand casino

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Review and reviews: Eurogrand casino
Review and reviews: Eurogrand casino

Video: Review and reviews: Eurogrand casino

Video: Review and reviews: Eurogrand casino

The online gambling market is developing at an extremely fast pace. Given that in real life any such activity is strictly regulated by the state, on the Web, both players and platform companies have relative freedom. That's why we see so many different entertainment projects.

In today's article, attention will be paid to one more of them. It is called the casino "Eurogrand". Reviews dedicated to this service do not call it a large or famous one, but rather a small project, which, despite this, has a fairly wide range of loyal players. Read more about what a virtual casino attracts visitors so much, what it can offer to each user, as well as about the policy of the resource - read this article.

General information

Eurogrand casino reviews
Eurogrand casino reviews

As we all know very well, one of the most important factors influencing the success of an online casino is its age. How many years the project has been on the market determines its popularity, authority among the players and the general attitude in general.

Compared to the big "sharks" of the gambling industry, the Eurogrand online casino (which we will review in the following parts of the article) does not have many years of experienceon the market. Yes, such projects as Bwin, 888, William Hill and the like date back to the 90s. These are real gaming empires, it is useless to compete with them. As for the service that is described in this article, it has a much shorter history of work - only 9 years. The online casino presented in the review has been operating since 2007. During this time, it has reached a confident position in the gambling market of Europe and the CIS countries.

The project runs on software developed by the well-known company Playtech. In particular, we are talking about classic games of chance (“roulette”, card games, etc.).


Each casino, as practice shows, has a certain concept, in accordance with which its further development takes place. As the reviews show, the Eurogrand casino is also different from other similar projects. It's about design. According to users who have played here, the service positions itself as a "luxury, solid institution." This is indicated by colorful graphics, various transitions between windows, splash screens that appear before the player. All this is obviously done at the highest professional level, which creates such an atmosphere as if you really are in some kind of casino at the gaming table.

This, obviously, is the platform that attracts the attention of gamblers. It gives more realistic impressions and experiences than many other similar projects, where the interaction between the system and the user is greatly simplified.

Eurogrand casino review casino reviews
Eurogrand casino review casino reviews


For those who have never used an online casino, there is a special section on the Eurogrand casino website (a review of Eurogrand casino conducted by us confirmed this) that is called: “How to start?”. It provides a step by step guide for beginners. With its help, everyone can figure out what actions he should take in order to immerse himself in the gaming atmosphere of this service.

There are actually three pointers on the said page. These are positions like:

  • "Create an account";
  • "Deposit";
  • "Start playing."

In this paragraph, I would like to consider each of the points in more detail.

If you have played online casinos before, you know how to deposit money, how to start playing and what you need to get your winnings. In case you have never encountered gambling resources before, read this quick guide.

Creating an account takes a few minutes of your time spent filling in all the fields. As the Eurogrand casino review showed, registration here is the same as in other similar projects. The user is required to provide his real contact information, name the place of residence and a number of additional information in order to create an account. Here we would like to make a remark: it is necessary to indicate only real data, since in the future you will have to confirm the information that you entered at the time of registration. If you create an account using someone else's data, there is a risk that youyou will lose your winnings and will not be able to withdraw them.

casino "Eurogrand" review Eurogrand casino
casino "Eurogrand" review Eurogrand casino

Deposit and withdrawal

The next step after registration is making a deposit. This is necessary so that you have the opportunity to manage real money. Remember that you can not only multiply them by winning in the next game, but also lose if you make a losing bet. So we recommend making a deposit only for the amount that you do not mind losing. As the reviews show, the Eurogrand casino is a platform for both successful winnings and a significant increase in the player's initial capital, as well as complete failures and the loss of a deposit. It all depends on your luck.

When you deposit funds into your account, you need to remember one rule. According to user reviews, Eurogrand-casino allows you to deposit and withdraw money in one payment system. This rule is a classic, it applies to all such projects.


What kind of entertainment can please the Eurogrand casino player? The review and reviews found on the Internet indicate 8 categories of games that are presented on the project website. You can see them by clicking on the "Casino Games" section in the top menu. Here, in particular, you will see the subcategories "Card Games", "Progressive Games", "Scratch Cards", as well as the classic set inherent in all casinos: "blackjack", video poker, slot machines, roulette and so on. As you can see, any fan of online gambling will like the game heredue to the wide selection.

casino "Eurogrand" reviews
casino "Eurogrand" reviews

The second important point is the games themselves, which are available in one category or another. Each of them has its own characteristics: rules, display mode (real or virtual - modern casinos even have this), design. For example, there are 8 types of roulette wheel alone.

Accordingly, if you know that you have a well-configured game with one or another type of slot machine or video poker, you can visit this game room regularly and thus constantly try your luck.


And in order to make it easier for you to start building up your bank, the casino has provided a system of special rewards, presented in the form of a customer loy alty program. They are also called "bonuses". These are small but nice things that the casino presents to its customers. Traditionally, online services provide their customers with a lot of bonuses that you should pay attention to, especially if you are here for the first time).

Eurogrand casino review
Eurogrand casino review

For example, the most common among all online casinos is the first deposit bonus. So, if you replenish your account for the first time, you will be credited up to 1000 euros additionally and given 25 free spins in any machine. The amount of the accrued bonus may vary, depending on the amount of the deposit (recall, the minimum deposit is $10).

In addition, the casino gives 50 bonus dollars for the fact that you bring your friend and hewill also start playing, as well as for how the money was deposited into the account (within 10-15% of the amount). Thus, the service has several offers in store that will allow you to play with more profit at the Eurogrand casino. Bonuses (player reviews can confirm this) are not the same means of payment here as the dollars deposited by the player.

In order to withdraw this money, you need to wager it a certain number of times in the betting mode. Experience from other casinos shows that this number can be set at 20-30 times. Accordingly, as we understand, the chances of the player that he still successfully withdraw this money from the account are negligible.

Affiliate program

We have already mentioned that for a referred friend here they pay 50 dollars (bonuses). The same program works for webmasters who have websites and are able to attract new players. So, for example, the casino will pay you (as a partner) 10% of the amount deposited by the person who came through your link. This is a great chance of earning money for those who have some kind of base of people who are able to be interested in this.

online casino Eurogrand reviews
online casino Eurogrand reviews

There are people who specifically develop dozens of sites to attract users to their territory, after which they manage to create a real business to earn money with this project. There is information of this kind and reviews testify to this. Casino Eurogrand in this case becomes your real partner, pays money and at the same timegives freedom of action.


There are many ways to get in touch with experts who answer questions about the casino. The official website has a phone number: 810-800-288-41-012. Judging by the code, this is the number of the country in which the casino operates. Therefore, calling there, for example, from Russia is quite expensive. But you can write to them for free, at [email protected]. On their website, casino representatives ask you to enter your personal account number and describe the problem in more detail so that they can resolve it as quickly as possible.


Finally, if you do not want to contact a live PC user, you can read on the official website information about what rules apply in the casino, study the procedures established here. The "Questions and Answers" section contains very detailed information on all the most important topics for depositing and withdrawing funds and the operation of the service. Before calling the hotline, it is best to study this section on your own and find out what you should do. Most likely, the answer is already there.


On the positive side, I would like to note another important point in the work of Eurogrand casino (“Eurogrand”). Registration and reviews are classic points to pay attention to. However, there are also such details as, for example, the level of adaptation of the casino to interact with different platforms.

For example, if you would like to play not through a browser, but directly with the help of an application perfectly fitted to your screen, you can download the casino client. It is offered on the official website and distributed absolutely free.


We have described the Eurogrand Casino in sufficient detail to finally move on to the opinions of users about it. What do players write about this resource in their comments?

First, we learned that most of the recommendations are still positive. Users are generally satisfied with the service at the casino, they like the way the site functions and what games they offer. Secondly, many really liked the design. As the review of Eurogrand casino showed, casino reviews really emphasize the realism of the atmosphere, the transfer of excitement, which the authors of the project were able to recreate. This is a new experience for every user, which is why the site is gaining popularity.

Of the negative characteristics, users note either delays in the support service, or the fact that sometimes the site does not work. Eurogrand casino (reviews also put forward such versions) is probably on the “black lists” of some providers, which is why access to it is blocked. You need to use a VPN client or some kind of anonymizer in order to log in and play. Well, or, of course, you can download the client and work with it.


The casino that we have described today is a relatively young, but promising service. If the developers continue to develop the project and improve it, then in the near future it promises to grow to an even larger scale and, thus, expand its market. For now the system stays with thoseby users who know about it and play here regularly. Let's hope that gradually their number will grow.
