Actor Vladimir Sokolov: filmography

Actor Vladimir Sokolov: filmography
Actor Vladimir Sokolov: filmography

Actor Vladimir Sokolov, whose biography is the topic of today's story, is hardly remembered by many in his homeland. He was born in Russia, and became famous in Germany, France and the USA. This article provides information not only about the creative path of Vladimir Sokolov, but briefly about the films in which he starred.

Vladimir Sokolov actor photo
Vladimir Sokolov actor photo

In Russia

Actor Vladimir Sokolov, whose photo can be seen in this article, was born in 1889. He graduated from Moscow University, then the Academy of Dramatic Arts. Since 1913, Vladimir Sokolov played on the stage of the art theater. But here he played a few roles. And in the early twenties, the actor moved to the Chamber Theater.

In Germany

In 1923 the actor Vladimir Sokolov left for Germany. It was no coincidence that he was there. While on tour with the troupe of the Chamber Theater, he was invited by Reinhard, a well-known Austrian director in those years, who headed one of the most famous Berlin theaters. In subsequent years, Vladimir Sokolov played on the stages of Austrian and German theaters,acted in films a bit.

Vladimir Sokolov actor
Vladimir Sokolov actor


Sokolov's film debut took place in 1926, in the film "The Adventures of a Ten Mark Banknote". Then the actor was invited by Georg Pabst to the film "The Love of Jeanne Ney". Three years later, the Russian actor played in the film "Western Front 1918", created by the same director. Since 1932, the hero of this article has lived in France, where he played mainly in the films of Jean Renoir. One of them is "At the bottom". Vladimir Sokolov played Kostylev in the film adaptation of Gorky's work.


In 1937, the actor moved to the United States. In Hollywood, he was quite in demand. Here the actor had a chance to play many characters, among which were mostly foreigners: Russians, Italians, Mexicans. In one of the films, Sokolov even played the role of a Chinese.

Vladimir Sokolov
Vladimir Sokolov

The Threepenny Opera

The film was released in 1931. Film directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst. It was created, as you know, according to the play of the same name by B. Brecht. Vladimir Sokolov played the role of Smith in the film.

In the late twenties, director Erich Engels staged a play based on Brecht's play. This production was a sensational success. For several years the play was performed in large German cities. The success of the play led to the creation of the film.

Vladimir Sokolov actor photo
Vladimir Sokolov actor photo

No man's land

In the credits for this film, Vladimir Sokolov is referred to as "a Jew from Russia." The picture was taken in 1931 by Victor Trivas. This is his seconddirector's work. The film is based on one of the works of Leonhard Frank, included in the collection "A Good Man". The role in the film Trivas is one of the most famous in Sokolov's filmography.

At the Bottom

The premiere of the film by Jean Renoir took place in 1936. In general, the plot of the play by the Soviet writer is preserved in the film. However, filmmakers have introduced additional lines. So, the story of the Baron is told, preceding his appearance in the rooming house. According to the plot of the film, he met Ash when he tried to rob him, but he ended up in a rooming house, losing government money in cards and losing his property for debts. The finale of the picture, in which Vladimir Sokolov played one of the roles, is rather optimistic. The director deliberately softened the gloomy ending of Gorky's play.


In this film, Vladimir Sokolov played the role of the chief of police. The black-and-white historical film premiered in 1936. It was created based on the work of Claude Anet. Vladimir Sokolov's partners on the set were Daniel Darier, Charles Boyer, Asya Noris.

The Life of Emile Zola

In the film, which tells about the life of the great French writer, Vladimir Sokolov played the role of the painter Paul Cezanne. The picture was created in 1937. Directed by William Dieterle. Sokolov's partners on the set were Gloria Holden, Gale Sondergaard, Josef Schildkraut. The role of Zola was played by Paul Muni.

Vladimir Sokolov actor biography
Vladimir Sokolov actor biography

Other projects

In 1943, the painting "Mission to Moscow" came out. Directed by Michael Curtis. VladimirSokolov in this film played the role of Soviet politician Mikhail Kalinin. In the same year, the film adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls was released. Vladimir Sokolov played the role of Anselmo's guide in this film. The Russian actor's partners on the set were Gary Cooper, Katina Paxino, Ingrid Bergman.

Vladimir Sokolov passed away in February 1962, as a result of a heart attack. He has played more than a hundred roles in films. This article presents only the most famous films with his participation.
