What is dancing? Briefly about directions

What is dancing? Briefly about directions
What is dancing? Briefly about directions

What is dancing? Just words can't describe it. You have to feel it, watch it, or participate in it yourself. Movements to music have a beneficial effect on the entire body and relieve psychological stress, you begin to feel a surge of strength and energy, problems no longer seem serious, harmony settles in your soul.

Just try it yourself. Turn on the music of one direction or another. When a wave of feelings overwhelms you, you will understand what dancing is!


About the direction: a theatrical performance, which is embodied in dance, mimicry is actively used. Ballet is practiced from an early age, when the muscles are especially plastic and extensible. It requires discipline, a serious approach, focus, perseverance and adherence to clear rules. It is the highest level in the art of choreography. Music - classical.

Street dancing

Street dance
Street dance

About the direction: the varieties include house, breakdance, hip-hop, techno, disco. Hip-hop is a cheerful style that is danced everywhere. Its elements are small movements of the arms, head and legs, jumps and hops. You can dance solo and in company. House - clear movementsto the rhythm, improvised for the legs and arms. Techno combines elements of hip-hop and house in one dance. Now street dances are usually called modern. Music: Jennifer Lopez, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland and more

Oriental dances

what is dancing
what is dancing

About the direction: what is the dances of the East? These are the rhythms of restrained sensuality. Varieties: beledi, saidi, eskandarani, raks sharki (classic). The oriental also includes the Lebanese style, Khaliji and Iraqi. Beladi are smooth movements of hands, hips and shaking. Saidis dance with a cane, Lebanese dabka is a group dance with jumps. In Khaliji and Iraqi, hair movements are considered to be the main ones, which in the dance resemble flowing waves. These dances are suitable for all ages. Professional performance can be learned in a year or two. Music: Hakim, Amr Diab, music of ethnic instruments (darbuka).

Ballroom dancing

ballroom dancing
ballroom dancing

About the direction: this includes European - w altz, foxtrot, as well as Latin American - sensual rumba, cha-cha-cha, tango, bachata, mambo, capoeira, incendiary samba, paso doble, cheerful jive. The principle of such dances is pair performance. When performing these dances, a good stretch is important. For training, you will need special shoes with heels. Music: Paulina Rubio, Natalia Oreiro, Aventura, Shakira.

Jazz Modern

About the direction: what is jazz-modern dance? They welcome freedom and rejection of generally accepted choreographic norms and traditions. In this dance, several styles are combined andsomething is added. The direction includes contemporary, R'n'B, trance, tectonics, DnB step, jumpstyle, strip-dance, Go-Go. In this direction, everyone can find something for themselves. You will learn to freely express emotions and control your body to perfection in any case! Music: Madonna, Beyonce, Shakira and more.

Choose any direction, but see that it suits you. If you want to gain flexibility and charming plasticity - give preference to the "east", you are emotional and relaxed - latina will do. For sociable and sociable, street dances and jazz modern will be ideal. Beloved will like oriental or strip dance. The choice is yours!
