What is an outro and how to create it?

What is an outro and how to create it?
What is an outro and how to create it?

Outro (from English Outro) is the final part of any conceptual artwork. Usually the term is used in combination with the word intro (from the English Intro), which denotes the introductory part of a work of art. If the intro is responsible for the prelude in the work and aims to prepare the listener for the perception of the melody, then the outro has a final character, preparing the listener for the end of the work and taking him out of the state of attentive perception.

After reading this article, you will understand what outro is, where and how it is used.

Origin of the word

The system of terms itself, which includes the words intro and outro, is built on linguistic opposition. The English word in means inside, and out means exit "for" or "out". The second part of the word - tro - arose from the abbreviation of the original terms introduction and outroduction.


To understand what an outro is, one should turn to the music library of past years. It is often used in conceptual works such as plays, ballets, symphonies, suites, and operas.

For example, in Pink Floyd's album Outside The Wall, the outro is created on the basis of the leitmotif that characterizes the main character's image. It has always been used by Queen as the final pompous fanfare at the end of an album. But the famous musician Brian Eno saw the role of the outro in completing the album and calming the listener.

Queen group
Queen group

Usually the outro is used in music that is academic or academic-inclined genres. In the albums of pop artists and rock artists, outro is rare, and even more so as a system.

The most famous example of a musician using intros and outros in his compositions is Johann Sebastian Bach.

Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach

He began and ended each of his concerts, symphonies, suites with short melodies, which became the prototypes of modern intros and outros, both in terms of semantic content and location in the context of the work.

How to do an outro?

Recording studio
Recording studio

As noted above, it is the final piece of music. Therefore, it is a collection of the best ideas of the entire work. Therefore, in order to make the highest quality, complete and summing up outro work, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the entire work of art,choose the best or memorable fragments and write a composition based on them. It will serve as a guide in the memory of a person, and he will be able to relive all the most beautiful fragments of the work.
