"Pandorum". Actors and roles of space horror

"Pandorum". Actors and roles of space horror
"Pandorum". Actors and roles of space horror

Pandorum is a high-energy space horror from Antibodies director Christian Alvert and Event Horizon producer Paul W. S. Anderson.


In 2008, Antibodies director Christian Alvert, having entered into a creative alliance with Event Horizon producer Paul Andersen, presented the world with a new fantastic thriller, Pandorum. The film is a sprightly space horror film, a mosaic of classic sci-fi and psychological horror. Christian Alvert, who appeared in Pandorum as a director and co-author of the script, has his own recognizable creative style and does not change his favorite genre in any of his projects. Some film critics accuse the director of borrowing ideas from films that have become classics of the horror genre. However, the main idea and atmosphere of the picture "Pandorum" (the actors who participated in the production confirm this fact in media interviews) are quite unique, the tape is an outstanding canvas, saturated with the author's metaphorical director.

pandorum actors
pandorum actors

About the plot without spoilers

Giant spaceship called "Elysium" carries from the overpopulated Earth through outer space more than fifty thousand migrants to the planet, which hasconditions suitable for the life support of representatives of human civilization. Two astronaut officers wake up from suspended animation, discovering that something is clearly wrong with the spaceship entrusted to them. The spacecraft is empty, and the equipment is behaving rather strangely. They suspect that their suspended animation has lasted much longer than necessary, and something terrible has happened. Then the real madness begins to happen. "Pandorum" - the film is a cosmic nightmare that causes bouts of claustrophobia and paranoia, so while watching it is highly recommended to keep your finger on the pulse.

pandorum movie
pandorum movie

Story frenzy

Creating the picture, the authors managed to correctly rhyme the feelings of the characters: the psychological disintegration of the personality and the physical primal fear of attacking carnivorous creatures. The two main characters of the picture "Pandorum" (actors Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster) literally plunge into the abyss of madness. Sergeant Bauer, making his way through the gloomy corridors of the starship to the main processor, barely copes with trembling limbs and cannibal mutants. Lieutenant Payton, remaining in the control room, struggling with panic attacks and nightmares of nausea, is trying pointlessly to remember what happened before entering suspended animation. Such an atmosphere reigns in the Pandorum film. The actors-performers of the main roles did an excellent job with the task set by the director.

pandorum ben foster
pandorum ben foster

Actors and roles. Lieutenant Payton (Dennis Quaid)

Played an important role in the success of the film "Pandorum" actors involved inproducing a painting.

American actor Dennis Quaid, having made his debut in the 1980s in big cinema, after participating in several significant projects, secured his star status. Viewers of the era of the USSR, he is known for the film "My Enemy". Among other famous paintings with the participation of Quaid stand out: "Going into the gap", "Boys right", "Escape from sleep", "Inner space". But the actor received recognition from a wide audience and rave reviews from film critics after transforming into a businessman of non-traditional sexual orientation in the dramatic film Far from Heaven, directed by Todd Haynes. For the performance of this role, Dennis was nominated for a Golden Globe film award and was awarded many other awards. While filming in the horror Pandorum, Dennis Quaid simultaneously managed to play General Clayton Abernaity in Cobra Rush and Aidan Breslin in Horsemen. All three films were released in 2009.

pandorum dennis quaid
pandorum dennis quaid

Corporal Nolan Bauer (Ben Foster)

The debut in the film career of the American actor was the film "Fake" in 1996. After that, Foster starred exclusively in television projects for a long period. He returned to the big screen in 2001, playing in the youth comedy film Love Virus. In the same year, he was confirmed as the performer of the role of Jamie Smith in the Black Hawk Down film, but during the production of the picture, Ben was seriously injured and was replaced by Charlie Hofheimer. The real springboard to success in the career of an actor is considered to be the film "Hostage", where he played a vicious, but sensual maniac -psychopath. Among the last works of the performer, the roles in such films as Warcraft, The Storm Came, On the Run and Pandorum are more significant. Ben Foster starred in the movie Land of the Comanche in 2016. This film completes the actor's filmography for the moment.

pandorum cam gigandet
pandorum cam gigandet

Corporal Gallow (Cam Gigandet)

Among the performers of minor roles stands out the American film actor Cam Gigandet, who played the role of Corporal Gallow, a member of the team who received a message about the death of the planet Earth before suspended animation. The creative start of Gigandet's career is considered to be participation in the TV movie C. S. I.: Crime Scene Investigation. The initial stage of the artist's creative path includes three more well-known series: Jack and Bobby, The Lonely Hearts, The Young and the Restless. After that, the actor disappeared from the cinematic horizon. He returned to the film industry only in 2007 in the comedy film Who's Your Caddy? This is followed by roles in Never Back Down, Twilight, Burlesque, Shepherd and the Pandorum film. Cam Gigandet is currently one of Dream Factory's most in-demand young talents, having starred in four films simultaneously in 2014 alone, such as Red Sky, You'll Answer for the End, The Reckless and Blood Vengeance.
