Mikhalkov's best fables for children

Mikhalkov's best fables for children
Mikhalkov's best fables for children

More than one generation grew up on the fables of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. Boys and girls throughout the Soviet Union knew about this wonderful writer and poet even at preschool age. The verses are so simple and easy to remember that the kids, not yet learning to read, memorized them. Mikhalkov's fables for children are small instructive stories that tell how to live.

Amazing understanding of children's desires

Mikhalkov's fables for children
Mikhalkov's fables for children

Sergei Vladimirovich appears to many children as Uncle Styopa, and this is how it is, in fact, because this man, despite his feigned indulgence and rudeness, was very kind at heart and was always the first to rush to help his friends. Mikhalkov's short fables are easy to remember and leave their mark on the formation of the moral qualities of children. The poet especially loved his little readers, knew how to guess their desires and interests.

Notable is the fact that Sergei Vladimirovich did not like to attend schoolsor pioneer camps and generally shunned the circle of children. The poet was not interested in how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren he had. Nevertheless, he received great pleasure from the realization that someone likes his work, it is important to someone. It may seem that Mikhalkov's fables for children were written jokingly, easily, while playing. In fact, the poet pored over every word, getting up in the middle of the night, only to write down a successful line.

Mikhalkov's most popular fables for children

sergey mikhalkov fables for children
sergey mikhalkov fables for children

Sergei Vladimirovich has a lot of beautiful, wise and instructive fables, but some of them are especially popular, because their morality is etched in the memory for life. For example, the fable "Mushrooms". This work is short, but capacious, its essence boils down to the fact that only selfish and often mediocre people shout about themselves and praise themselves, while truly kind and talented people stand on the sidelines, they do not need to declare themselves, everyone already knows about them virtues.

The fable "The Elephant-painter" teaches young readers not to listen to the advice of friends, but to have their own opinion. It is impossible to please everyone around, and the one who rushes from side to side, trying to be good to everyone, in the end achieves nothing. Mikhalkov's fables for children teach to be kind, understanding, sympathetic people. The work "Chamomile and Rose" advises to get rid of such a bad quality as pride. The good-natured Chamomile just wanted to help with friendly advice, but the proud Rosa did not take advantage of it, for which she paid with her own life.

The most beloved fablesMikhalkov

Mikhalkov's short fables
Mikhalkov's short fables

During his long creative life many interesting works for children and adults were written by Sergey Mikhalkov. Fables for children have become the most popular category, as both kids and their parents read them. The most beloved works include "White Gloves", in which the author teaches that things do not make a person special, everyone needs to work to live. The work "The Hare and the Turtle" expresses the hope that when we need help, someone faster than a turtle will be nearby. Interesting fables should also include “Funny Surname”, “Fly and Bee”, “Mistake”, etc.
