Summary: Gogol's "Inspector General" N.V

Summary: Gogol's "Inspector General" N.V
Summary: Gogol's "Inspector General" N.V

Gogol's Inspector General is a play in which there is no dramatic conflict as such. Comedy for the author is a genre, first of all, satirical, moralizing.

summary of gogol's auditor
summary of gogol's auditor

Love intrigue relegated to the background. Therefore, the play is considered to be a socio-political comedy.

N. V. Gogol "The Inspector General": a summary of the 1st act

Officials gathered in the mayor's room. He announces the imminent arrival of the auditor. Everyone is horrified. The mayor advises officials to create at least the appearance of order in those institutions that are in their department. He asks the postmaster to open and read any letter that arrives. He easily agrees, because he has done this before. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky spread a rumor that I. A. Khlestakov, who has been living in a hotel for a whole week, but still has not paid for his stay, is the auditor. The mayor decides to visit the visitor. But before that, he gives the order to sweep all the streets, remove the rotten fence, place quarter andtell the auditor that the church burned down, and was not plundered. The mayor's wife and daughter can't wait to find out everything about the visitor among the first.

Summary: Gogol's "Inspector General" N. V., 2nd act

On Khlestakov's bed lies his servant Osip and thinks that the master lives beyond his means, plays cards, that life was better in St. Petersburg. He refuses to ask for dinner, as they are already in debt. The tavern servant brings Khlestakov some food on credit. The mayor and Dobchinsky are in the hotel. Khlestakov apologizes for non-payment, says that he is going to the village to his father, asking for a loan.

gogol auditor summary
gogol auditor summary

The mayor considers all these words a cover, gives Khlestakov a big bribe, promises to restore order in his city and invites him to live with him. Bobchinsky was eavesdropping all this time outside the door. The mayor and Khlestakov set off to inspect various establishments.

Summary: N. V. Gogol's "Inspector General", Act 3

The mayor's wife receives a note from Dobchinsky and gives orders to receive the guest. Ladies are busy choosing toilets. Osip brings the master's things into the house. Khlestakov visits the hospital at this time. On a visit, he poses in front of the mayor's wife and lies to the point that he manages the department and visits the palace every day. Officials who heard this "speech" conclude that their affairs are very bad. The mayor's wife and daughter discuss the merits of the "auditor". Even Osip receives a bribe. And with the words that his master loves order, he only adds fuel tothe fire. Quarterly officers were placed on the porch, who were ordered not to let any petitioners in to Khlestakov.

Summary: N. V. Gogol's "Inspector General", act 4

summary n gogol auditor
summary n gogol auditor

Officials gathered in the mayor's room. They lined up and take turns going to Khlestakov to introduce themselves and give a bribe. He directly demands money from Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. Khlestakov guesses that he was taken for the wrong thing, and in a letter to his friend he describes this comical incident. Osip advises the master to flee this city as soon as possible. Petitioners come to Khlestakov (non-commissioned officer's widow and merchants). They give him bribes and cry for help. Khlestakov explains with the mayor's daughter. At this time, her mother enters the room. Then he says that he is in fact in love with her, but since she is already married, he is forced to ask for the hand of her daughter. Parents give blessing for marriage. Khlestakov still takes some money from the mayor “on loan” and leaves to discuss the future wedding with his father.

Summary: N. V. Gogol's "Inspector General", act 5

The mayor's wife and daughter dream of life in St. Petersburg. He himself announces his engagement to everyone. Officials and merchants come to him with congratulations, asking him not to forget about them when he rises. And suddenly the postmaster comes and reads aloud the same letter that Khlestakov sent to a friend. The mayor was killed by such news on the spot. Everyone begins to think about why they got the idea that Khlestakov is an auditor, and they remember that such a rumor was spread by Bobchinsky andDobchinsky.

Summary: N. Gogol "Inspector General", last act

A gendarme comes to the mayor's house and announces the imminent arrival of a real auditor. The play ends with a silent scene.
