Baikal Theater: history, repertoire, artists, reviews

Baikal Theater: history, repertoire, artists, reviews
Baikal Theater: history, repertoire, artists, reviews

The Baikal Song and Dance Theater began its career in the first half of the twentieth century. His repertoire includes performances and concerts. The theater is also the organizer of various festivals.

About the theater

Baikal theater
Baikal theater

The Baikal Theater is a professional team with many years of experience. It was created in 1939. The theater is the guardian of the multifaceted culture of the Mongols and Buryats. His performances and concerts are bright spectacles. The troupe is one of the leading creative teams in our country. The theater employs ten vocalists, thirty ballet dancers, an orchestra of folk Buryat instruments.

The repertoire of "Baikal" includes ethnoballets, operas, musical and choreographic performances, the plots of which are taken from the legends and myths of the peoples of Buryatia and Mongolia, concerts.

Theater artists are regular participants in various festivals and competitions. They often win awards. The performances of the band are very fond of the audience.

The theater won awards at the festivals "Fashion of the Mongols of the World", "Altargana -2006", "Golden Heart" and so on.

Also "Baikal" took part inAll-Russian project "Songs of Russia". This festival is held under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation VV Putin. The team received a certificate of honor from the hands of the project manager - Nadezhda Babkina. For the performance "The Spirit of the Ancestors" "Baikal" was awarded the government prize in the field of art and culture.

The ballet troupe participated in the TV project, which was held by the channel "Culture", where the best choreographic groups of our country performed.

The "Baikal" theater travels all over Russia and other countries of the world with its performances. Tours are planned in the near future in such cities and towns of Russia as Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar, Moscow, Listvyanka, Chita, Gusinoozersk, Ust-Ordynsky, Aginskoye, St. Petersburg, Slyudyanka, Ulukchikan, Kyakhta, Barguzin, Sochi, Kursk, Zakamensk, Ivolginsk, Arshan, Khorinsk, Kizhinga, Shelekhovo, Nikola and so on. And also in other countries: France (Paris), Italy (Compobasso), People's Republic of China (Beijing, Huhoto and Manchuria), Holland (Amsterdam), Taiwan (Taipei) and others.

The director of the theater today is Dandar Badluev. He was born in the small village of Dalakhai. He graduated from the East-Siberian Institute of Culture with a degree in directing mass spectacles. He organized the ensemble "Lotos", which specialized in oriental dances. Soon the team was transformed into a theater and was named "Badma Seseg". Soon it became popular both in our country and far beyond its borders. Theater "Baikal" Dandar Badluev headed in 2005. His name can be found in the encyclopedia under titled "The Best People of Russia". He is a member of the Association of Choreographers of Buryatia and Folk Art. Dandar is a dance director, teacher and director. He became the laureate of the competition of all-Russian significance among choreographers.

Dandar Badluev is a specialist in Mongolian, ballroom, classical Indian and other dances. During his creative life, he managed to create a large number of choreographic performances and bright numbers. D. Badluev - winner of the design competition. He creates costumes for his productions himself. Repeatedly the choreographer gave master classes and staged performances in other countries, including the USA, India, China, Thailand, and France. Dandar is the creator and leader of the dance school for children. He was engaged in vocals and, among other things, is a performer of folk Buryat songs.


Baikal dance theater
Baikal dance theater

The Baikal Theater includes concerts and performances in its repertoire.

Here you can see the following programs:

  • "Echo of the country of Bargudzhin Tukum".
  • "Myths and legends of Lake Baikal".
  • "Glitter of Asia".
  • From mongols to mogols.
  • "The music of the flying arrow".
  • "Steppe melodies".
  • "Amar altyn Udeshe".
  • "Ancestral spirit" and so on.

Ballet dancers

theater Baikal concerts
theater Baikal concerts

The dance theater "Baikal" is wonderful artists.


  • DoraBaldantseren.
  • Valentina Yundunova.
  • Ayur Dogdanov.
  • Tumun Radnaev.
  • Philip Oinarov.
  • Gyrylma Dondokova.
  • Chagdar Budaev.
  • Galina Tabkharova.
  • Ekaterina Osodoeva.
  • Sergey Zatvornitsky.
  • Inna Sagaleeva.
  • Tumen Tsybikov.
  • Galina Badmaeva.
  • Fyodor Kondakov.
  • Gyrylma Dondokova.
  • Yulia Zamoeva.
  • Arjuna Tsydypova.
  • Anastasia Dashinorboeva.
  • Alexey Radnaev.
  • Alexander Petrov and many others.

Theater Vocalists

Baikal song and dance theater
Baikal song and dance theater

The Baikal Theater gathered professional talented vocalists on its stage.


  • Gerelma Zhalsanova.
  • Aldar Dashiev.
  • Oyuna Bairova.
  • Sedab Banchikova.
  • Tsypilma Ayusheeva.
  • Baldantseren Battuvshin.
  • Sesegma Sandipova and many others.


theater Baikal tour
theater Baikal tour

The Baikal Theater is the organizer of several projects and festivals.

Among them:

  • "Buryat costume: tradition and modernity".
  • "The warmth of the native Hearth".
  • "Golden Voice of Baikal".
  • International Ancient Classical Dance Festival.
  • "A hearth lit by a mother."
  • "Flower of Baikal".
  • "Theater for the village".
  • International Contemporary Song Performers Festival.
  • Yohor Night and others.


The Baikal Theater is very loved by the audience. Everyone who has visited his performances and concerts recommend visiting this place. The audience is very flattering about the theater. They write that his performances are bright, interesting and breathtaking. The rooms are sophisticated, the artists are professional. The vocalists have great voices. Each of their performances is spectacular.

The show "Shine of Asia" and the performance "Three Elements" are especially loved by the audience. The audience notes that these programs delight, give a sea of emotions and leave unforgettable impressions from them.

The theater is very popular with the public, so you need to buy tickets in advance, otherwise there will be no chance to get to a concert or performance: they sell out very quickly.
