Short biography of Rachmaninoff S. V

Short biography of Rachmaninoff S. V
Short biography of Rachmaninoff S. V

Sergey Vasilievich Rachmaninov was born in the Novgorod province in April 1873. The future composer received his first piano lessons from his mother. When Seryozha was 4 years old, she began to conduct music lessons with him. And they did not go unnoticed.

biography of rachmaninov
biography of rachmaninov

Biography of Rachmaninov S. V.: studying at the conservatory

When Serezha was 9 years old, his family moved to the northern capital. The boy was immediately sent to study at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He got into the class of Professor Demyansky. Three years later, Sergei had to transfer to the Moscow Conservatory, as his parents moved to this city. In 1892 he graduated from an educational institution with a gold medal. As a work for the exam, he wrote the opera "Aleko", consisting of one act. In the same year, it was successfully staged at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre.

Biography of Rachmaninoff S. V.: first performances

As a talented pianist, Sergei Vasilyevich appeared before the public in the winter of 1892. Everyone was quickly convinced of his outstanding abilities. Even then the game of Rachmaninovwas bright, strong, sounded rich and saturated, and was distinguished by the sharpness of the rhythm. The volitional tension of the composer captured, conquered and riveted the attention of listeners and spectators.

Biography of Rachmaninov S. V.: recognition and first failure

The real glory to the talented symphonist was brought by his fantasy "Cliff". It was written almost immediately after completing his studies at the conservatory. The press noted the subtlety and richness, harmony and brightness of the work, the poetic nature of its mood. Of course, the individual charming handwriting of Rachmaninov as a composer was already felt in the first experiments. In 1897, his First Symphony failed. Rachmaninov put so much spiritual energy and labor into it and at the same time remained misunderstood by most musicians and critics.

rachmaninoff biography short
rachmaninoff biography short

It became a deep mental trauma for him. For some time, Rachmaninoff was silent: he critically rethought everything that he had created earlier. But the result of intense inner work was a colossal creative surge.

Biography of Rachmaninoff S. V.: the first years of the 20th century

At this time, the composer composed a number of excellent works in different genres. In 1901, Rachmaninoff appears before the public in a completely new light. The second piano concerto showed him as a creator who possesses all the means of the new technique. Another undoubted creative success of Rachmaninoff was the Second Suite. By the nature of the music, in some moments it even echoed the concert. The operas "Francesca da Rimini" and "The Miserly Knight" wereshown over the course of one evening on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. They caused a lot of controversy and controversy, although they were met with interest. A separate place in the composer's work is given to romances. The piano accompaniment of these works is distinguished by a variety of forms and colorfulness.

sergei rachmaninov biography
sergei rachmaninov biography

S. V. Rachmaninov. Brief biography: emigration

For the first time the composer successfully toured America in 1909. But then he had no idea to stay abroad. But when the October Revolution took place in his homeland, Rachmaninov, unlike many, was sure that the old Russia had come to an end, and he would not live here as an artist. Unexpectedly, he received an invitation from Sweden. He was offered to take part in a concert in Stockholm. Sergei Vasilyevich took advantage of this opportunity and, together with his wife and children, left Russia in 1917. First he goes to Switzerland, from there to Paris. And since 1935, his family has been living in the United States. Only 10 years later, after a long break in his work, he completed the Fourth Piano Concerto, which he began before the First World War, and arranged several folk songs for choir and orchestra. Rachmaninov was very homesick. He collected Soviet records, read all the press and books coming from the USSR.

Sergei Rachmaninov. Biography: last years of life

The final concert season of the composer opened in 1942. It began with a solo performance in the fall in Detroit. A month later, a large collection from a concert held in New York, Rachmaninoff is no longer inthe first time he gave it to the military needs. Part of the money went to the American Red Cross, and part was transferred to Russia through the Consul General. After a debilitating illness in March 1943, Sergei Vasilievich died in Beverly Hills, surrounded by his closest people.
