It is worth figuring out what an essay is

It is worth figuring out what an essay is
It is worth figuring out what an essay is

Essay is perhaps one of the most difficult to identify genres of journalism. In fact, this is a genre that has absorbed both journalism and fiction. It very subtly combines elements of journalism and fiction.

famous essays
famous essays

What is an essay, you can find out by opening any art and journalistic magazine. It contains such a way of conveying socially important factors and phenomena that accurately describes the life of certain social groups in society. The material is presented in the form of an author's study of certain aspects of the life of society.

What are the main elements of an essay? There are three main ones - journalism, sociology and artistic description. The first two are closer to journalistic research.

The sociological description in the essay lies in the study of relations in society, the analysis of the relationship between the individual and society.

In journalism, the author expresses his opinion on various aspects of life, while relying on specific facts.

essay as a literary work
essay as a literary work

In artistic description, the task is to create such an image, which consists of those phenomena andfacts presented by reality. In this case, typification is used - collective and selective. In the collective character, you can see all the properties and traits of character, as well as actions that are characteristic of different people with different characters. In selective typing, in a fictional character, signs of the behavior and character of a certain type of people are collected. Thus, you can perceive the essay as a literary work.

What is an essay, you can understand by reading the works of researchers of this genre of literature. Today there are about 50 varieties of the essay. There is no single genre classification. However, there are still types of essays:

  • Documentary based on real facts with real characters.
  • Fictional describes a "life" situation with fictional characters.
  • Portrait creates an image of a representative of a certain environment and analyzes reality.
  • About mores in society - describes the foundations of life characteristic of certain sections of society.

The definition of what an essay is is largely based on the types of the author's narrative. The story can be told in third person. The author explores the problem, being outside of it. Many well-known essays are written in this vein.

what is essay
what is essay

In the first person, the author tells the story as a direct participant in the events. The story continues in the present tense. That is, the author “does not know” how events will develop further. Another version of the story about an event that has alreadyhappened.

Another type of essay is the research story. The author, in the course of events, develops his own assessment of phenomena and facts.

There is a type of essay in which the story is in the first person plural. The author describes events that concern all participants in the described action.

The most accurate answers to the question of what an essay is, are found in the essays themselves.
