Nameless participants of "Ural dumplings"

Nameless participants of "Ural dumplings"
Nameless participants of "Ural dumplings"

The Cheerful and Resourceful Club opened the way to show business for many of its former stars. Here are representatives of "Comedy Club", "Comedy Woman", TV presenters on various TV channels, as well as actors in movies and TV shows. The whole country knows about Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva, Mikhail Galustyan, Sergey Slepakov and others. By the way, Sergey is one of the former participants of the Ural dumplings, which will be discussed in this article. All of them moved away from the team humorous sport and went into show business one by one. But the participants of the "Ural dumplings" continue their joint activities, and their names are less popular than the name of the team itself.

participants of the Ural dumplings
participants of the Ural dumplings

KVN "Ural dumplings" came 18 years ago. Their first performance took place at the KVN festival in Sochi in 1995, where they, without expecting it, made a splash. This was followed by an invitation to the Major League of KVN. At the beginning of the third millennium, having met in the final with "Burnt by the Sun", the Ekaterinburg team won the title of champion of the Major League."Ural dumplings" participated in games of cheerful and resourceful with short breaks until 2008, when they won another Summer Cup, as well as three KiViNa.

In addition to comedic talent, the participants of the "Ural dumplings" have many others. So, for example, Sergey Isaev has many categories in various sports: football, hockey, speed skating. There are ten such categories in total. Despite his 42 years, Sergey is in excellent physical shape, which undoubtedly attracts the attention of a female audience.

kvn ural dumplings
kvn ural dumplings

The most charismatic member of the entire comedy troupe is Dmitry Sokolov. Sometimes it’s enough for Dmitry to just go on stage - and incessant laughter is heard throughout the hall. In the team, Dmitry plays the role of a real Russian "badboy": a 40-year-old man of a close mind with a bottle of vodka, a rude character and characteristic jargon. It may seem strange to many, but it is Dmitry Sokolov who is the founder of the Ural dumplings.

Men are not the only participants. "Ural dumplings" is also presented by the beautiful and charming Yulia Mikhalkova. In January 2013, Julia posed for the men's magazine MAXIM. In her interviews, she notes that the participants of the "Ural dumplings" are one big and strong family. Quarrels are extremely rare, especially over money. At the general meeting, everyone evaluates his colleague, from which his monetary reward is calculated. Julia jokes that if the Beatles had suchsame system, they would never fall apart.

Ural dumplings
Ural dumplings

The permanent members of the creative team are also Andrei Rozhkov, Sergei Netievsky, Dmitry Brekotkin and Vyacheslav Myasnikov. The participants of the "Ural dumplings" treat themselves with humor, while everyone takes their work and organization of concerts really seriously and responsibly.

In addition to performing in a team, the actors also act in commercials, participate in humorous television programs. So, for example, Dmitry Sokolov starred in an advertisement for one of the supermarkets, and Dmitry Brekotkin participated in the show "South Butovo" on Channel One.
