Films with Vitaly Solomin: the creative path of a real artist

Films with Vitaly Solomin: the creative path of a real artist
Films with Vitaly Solomin: the creative path of a real artist

Very often, actors are accused of being too addicted: they try to play all the roles in a row, they try to stage plays and films themselves, they start a huge number of novels, they strive for fame at any cost. Perhaps all these claims can be made to the actor Vitaly Solomin, films with which, for sure, more than one generation of Russians will watch.

In response to these accusations, on behalf of all the actors, Alexander Vertinsky wrote the song "Farewell Dinner", ending with the words: "After all, all ships in the world need a pier, but not like us, not us - tramps and artists".

Vitaly Solomin photo
Vitaly Solomin photo

Short biography of actor Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin was born on December 12, 1941. Hometown - Chita. Parents are music teachers. Music entered the life of the future actor from childhood. Finished school and went to Moscow. He entered the Shchepkin Theater School and studied with the famous B. M. Kazansky. After finishing "Sliver", he played in the Smalltheater.

Monument to Watson and Holmes
Monument to Watson and Holmes

Films with Vitaly Solomin (first in episodes) appear since 1963. The popularity of the actor brought the role of Zhenya in the film "Women". The most famous film work is Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series. These heroes even erected a monument in Moscow. Another popular film work is Vadim Dashkov, torn between duty to his family and love in Winter Cherry. Small roles are also remembered, for example, Lenchik Pimenov in the film “Tell me about yourself.”

The actor died of a stroke in 2002 and was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Creativity of Vitaly Solomin - the stars of the Soviet and Russian screen

During his 62 years of life, the actor was able to do the following:

  • act in 87 films and film performances (from the main and title roles performed in 33 projects to episodic ones, when his name was not even in the credits);
  • scoring 6 films (songs and/or voice-overs). These are films with the participation of Vitaly Solomin and without;
  • direct 4 movies;
  • create the script for the film project "The Hunt";
  • play 26 roles on the theater stage;
  • become a People's Artist of the RSFSR and receive many awards and titles for work in cinema and theater;
  • to become a favorite of the public and create the image of a good, honest person, a real man.

Perhaps the latter played a role in choosing an actor to audition for the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears". But the film did not happen with Vitaly Solomin, he was the second after Alexei Batalov.

Two brothers, two differenthuman, two creative paths

Vitaly with his brother
Vitaly with his brother

Vitaly Solomin has always been second. The second son in the family, the second actor Solomin after the famous Yuri Solomin - "His Excellency's Adjutant", the second main character after Vasily Livanov in the Russian film adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. These combinations of circumstances are called fate.

Yuri Solomin said about his brother and films with Vitaly Solomin that they look like "like a fork on a bottle." He refused to participate with his brother in some projects, "because he does everything wrong." And although they sometimes quarreled strongly, it is natural that Yuri Solomin did a lot for the career of his younger brother. But by default, he also helped to appear an actor who is loved by more than one generation of spectators, an artist, until the last, until the curtain closed, playing a role on the stage of his Maly Theater.

The charm of the images created by the actor in the movie

What do you remember about the films with Vitaly Solomin? From the first frames of appearance on the screen, the Russian audience began to like the images of the actor. Slavic appearance, like that of Yuri Gagarin, immediately attached him to "his" in Russia. And the most charming shy smile, again, like that of the first cosmonaut, made me smile in response. That is why most of the actor's works in cinema are images of positive, honest, often naive, but kind men. You will not take away from Vitaly Solomin his acting masculinity. He is not macho, and not brutal, but courageous. Such people always protect the truth, family, fatherland.

And what about the light, cheerful, cheerful Boni from"Silva" or Falk from "The Bat"? And a good actor is “different every time.”

Departure from life for a film actor is not the end. The list of films with Vitaly Solomin would, of course, be extended and extended (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, for example, has 381 films), but life decreed otherwise.

It's a pity that for viewers of all countries there are only roles in the cinema, only a shadow from the people's artist by vocation, and not by title, Vitaly Solomin.
