Painting "Golden Autumn" by Levitan - poetry transferred to the canvas

Painting "Golden Autumn" by Levitan - poetry transferred to the canvas
Painting "Golden Autumn" by Levitan - poetry transferred to the canvas

The famous Russian painter Isaac Levitan is an unsurpassed master of landscape. His amazing small-sized paintings, depicting familiar to everyone, such native and noticeable faces of Central Russian nature, amaze not only with a masterful brush, but with a special mood that only this artist could convey, transfer to canvas. Levitan especially loved autumn, because this time of the year is filled with inspiration, slight sadness and lyricism. As in many other poets and artists, the transparent and cold autumn air awakened in him a thirst for creativity. Levitan created about a hundred canvases depicting views of autumn nature, but perhaps the most famous is the painting "Golden Autumn". Written in 1895, it is distinguished by a special brightness of colors, which is somewhat out of the general range of his autumn landscapes.


Description of Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn"

In the year of writing the canvas, the painter lived in a noble estate and fell in love with his neighbor. A stormy romance and vivid emotional experiences were reflected in the canvases created by the artist in thisperiod. The painting "Golden Autumn" is very far from the sad sad pastel images of autumn nature, characteristic of the artist. In the blazing golden landscape, one feels excitement, a feeling of boundless happiness, joy, a surge of vitality. In this bright emotionality lies the special value and charm of the work.

Golden bursts that adorned the grass and trees before the onset of withering are a special unique sign of this time of year. She was noticed and portrayed by many artists, but the painting "Golden Autumn" is special. In it, Levitan harmoniously wove both sunny joy and a very bright, lyrical sadness of the coming withering into the palette, using only his characteristic techniques.

On each of his paintings the artist worked for a long time and carefully, trying to convey the most subtle and subtle shades of mood in tune with nature. That is why his paintings make such a strong impression. It would seem that birches, a river, and grass, familiar to everyone, are depicted so subtly and with inspiration that they inevitably awaken a spiritual response in the viewer. It was with this artist that such a concept as “mood landscape” entered Russian painting.

Description of the painting Golden autumn
Description of the painting Golden autumn

Isaac Levitan masterfully knew how to depict not only the sky, trees, water, grass and fields. His paintings are an integral, unified artistic image, filled with quite tangible light and air. The painting "Golden Autumn" creates a deep emotional and visual impression, which is difficult to convey, as if it is not a painting, but a lyrical work that is difficult to analyze. In 1896 itthe work of painting was exhibited at the exhibition of the Wanderers. Here it was acquired by P. Tretyakov for his collection. Since then, the painting has been included in the permanent exhibition of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Description of the painting by Levitan
Description of the painting by Levitan

Compiling a description of the painting "Golden Autumn", each of us imagines a landscape familiar to almost everyone since childhood, and before our eyes there are birch trees burning with gold on the banks of a dark blue river, a cold sky, as if covered with a thin crust of ice, and an inexpressible feeling light autumn sadness.
